
Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year’s Eve 2023 2024 CO1

New Year’s Eve Ritual 2023/2024
Herbs in 4 bowls placed in the quarters
(North/Frankincense for Protection and self-control. East/Thyme for good luck. South/Sunflower for bringing in wishes. West/Skullcap for harmony)
-Fire pit, Fire wood
-Fire starters and lighters
-Pens and notebook with printouts
Thank you everyone for joining as we set free 2023, and welcome the New Year with loving intentions. I invite you to either gaze into the aura of the fire OR close your eyes as we ground ourselves.
Breathing through our noses, take a 4 second deep breathe in. 1...2...3...4...
Breathe out with a sigh. Another deep breath in for 4 seconds, and out for 6. 1...2...3...4...5...6... Keep breathing as you envision and listen. Feel the warmth of the fires glow on your skin. Let it guide your attention down your body as we breathe. Feel the warmth on your face, letting the fire’s energy cleanse the stress away from your eyes and head. Soften your gaze as you watch the dancing flames and focus on the glow, just outside of the flames. Relax your neck and shoulders, letting the warmth ease any tension in your body. Imagine the warmth sweeps down your arms to your fingertips. You may reach out to warm your hands if you’d like. The heat cleanses and restores power to our hands of creation. The warmth cascades down your spine, easing down your body with gentle relaxation. Let it pass through or let it linger anywhere that needs extra attention and love. As it passes through the base of our spines, let it connect us to the Earth, traveling down through our feet and into the ground. Let it take any lingering negative energy that you may have picked up during the day, and anything that does not serve you anymore. You are protected. You are safe. You are powerful. You are loved. You are connected. Take a moment to feel these affirmations. Open your eyes whenever you’re ready. I would like everyone to reflect on the year. Write down 1-3 memories or blessings that brought you joy or happiness for in 2023.
We will move around the group sharing whatever we feel comfortable sharing, starting in the North. After you share, take a moment to feel deep gratitude and thanks for these blessings.
In order to create new energy in the coming year, we must release what has held us back from our goals and growth in the past. Take this time to reflect on what you would like the Universe to take the lead in removing from your life or help to break through to move forward. The fears that hold you back, the struggles and cycles you are repeating, the limiting beliefs you have, anything that burdens you. Let it go into the fire. Write these down on the small slip of paper and fold it away from you. We will all throw it in the flame together once everyone is finished.
Now everyone may gently place their paper into the flames. Please read along with me, the slip of paper that is labeled “All together” with the intention of fully letting go of these blockages into the flame.
(All together)
I release these worries to the Universe to be lovingly changed into solutions and
blessings in the New Year. Thank you, Universe for releasing me of any burdens that I carry, so that I may step into the New Year with a clear mind, body and spirit; and to make space for all my new blessings to be welcomed into my life. So, Mote it be.

As we watch the burdens we no longer carry, be transformed, we invite the balance of energies needed to create a loving and powerful year.
In the North, we add frankincense for its protective qualities and self-control to keep us focused on our paths for 2024.
In the East, Thyme is added for good luck to be infused into whatever we choose this coming year.
The Sunflower in the South, brings in our wishes and power to keep us going strong.
The Skullcap in the West brings harmony and peace among us and our families.
We honor the elements that kept us grounded, breathing, warm, and hydrated throughout the year with these offerings to the Universe for the highest good.
Blessed be.
Begin to welcome the new blessings that 2024 holds for us all, by writing down any wishes, goals, intentions, or drawings of what you may need. Create a little vision board of doodles if you would like. Add positive energy through your pencil, knowing you can have whatever you desire as long as you believe you deserve it.
Keep this paper around where you can see it throughout 2024. You may choose to share your goals or decide to keep building on this list for our planning session coming up in January. You may use your pencil as a wand and envision sending the energy created tonight, out to the Universe. Imagine a beam of light coming from both ends of the pencil and entering the Earth below, and the atmosphere above. The Universe collects your intentions and the powerful beam swiftly sends it to the life Source where it shall grow like a flower, blooming throughout 2024. Thank you, Universal energy and elements that surround each of us every day, for your blessings through love always. Our work is done. So, Mote it be.

Yule Sabbat 2004 CO1

CircleOfOne, Yule, 12/31/04

CircleOfOne has come to the conclusion that if we’re to thrive where we’ve been planted then we should begin paying closer attention to our own environment.  So we’ve begun looking at how the seasons and holidays actually affect our lives here in Florida.  Rather than consulting books and articles that have been written by strangers in strange lands, we’ve decided to look closer to home to develop traditions and customs for our area.  

Yule and Winter are generally a time of great hardship and severe weather for many people.  But for us here in Florida this is a time of abundance.  The weather is cool and crisp and allows us to play out doors without the bugs.  Florida crops grow best during these winter months.  Flowers still bloom around us.  This is the best season for many of us to become active and get things done that we don’t do during the hot months.

So I searched through many Yule Time and Christmas traditions to find something that signified the abundance of our season.  It was a little tough, but I finally managed to find something.  So tonight we’re going to pay tribute to the much misunderstood and often maligned Fruit Cake.  What better symbol of abundance than a Fruit Cake just filled with everything under the sun?  

Dating back to the Romans, fruitcake was once a relatively modest affair of pomegranate seeds and barley.  Over the years, they’ve been created with every form of fruit, spice and alcohol known to man.  Fruit Cakes have a reputation of lasting for quite a long time.  They have perseverance.  

Now it’s been a popular belief that there exists only one original Fruit Cake that is simply passed on person to person each year.  This is not true; in fact over 800 million Fruit Cakes are created each and every year to be enjoyed around the world.  Sadly, the very first original Fruit Cake was lost many, many years ago.  It is said that there was actually a fourth Wise Man who journeyed to Jesus’ birth.  Unfortunately, it was discovered that he carried the Fruit Cake and he was accosted by angry townsfolk who threw him into a cave and rolled a huge boulder into the entrance.  It’s been said that it was that original Fruit Cake that sustained him for the remaining years of his life.
(Begin by introducing yourself and encourage others to do the same)
Altar Devotions
(Light all the candles on the Altar)

By the powers of the Ancient Ones, 
In the names of all who have gone before; 
We remember thee, we honor thee.
Purify the Area
(Use the incense on the altar. Walk counter-clockwise around the outside.)
Cast Circle

Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With a zest for life and just enough spice to keep things interesting
Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With the fruits of our labors and the spirit of our friendships
Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With the common wholesomeness of our everyday hopes and dreams
Fashioned by the ingredients of our existence, we create this Sacred Space.  Where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow, all meet as one.  So Mote it Be
Call Quarters

North - I call forth the Elements of the North.  
In the dark of night you bring with you winter's chill to invigorate our bodies and encourage us to move and enjoy all that life has to offer.  We call to you to join us as we celebrate your season.  Hail & Welcome!!

East - I call forth the Elements of the East.  
In the soft glow of dawn you bring with you the breezes of springtime to refresh our spirits as you persuade us to follow our dreams.  We call to you to join us as we celebrate this YuleTide season.  Hail & Welcome!!
Call Quarters
South - I call forth the Elements of the South.
In the brilliant light of day you bring with you summers heat to cause us to take pause, regenerate our energies, and ignite our passions.  We call to you to join us as we celebrate this YuleTide season.  Hail & Welcome!!
Call Quarters
West - I call forth the Elements of the West.
In the shadows of dusk you bring with you the rains of fall to nurture the lands that sustain us and wash clean the environment around us.  We call you to join us as we celebrate this YuleTide season.  Hail & Welcome!!
(Use oil to anoint the group - walk the inside of the circle to anoint and welcome each person in whatever fashion feels comfortable)
Unite energies
(Bring everyone into focus and unite the energies for the evening)

Name the Working
(Create the Fruit Cake)

Great God, we invite You to join our Solstice Celebration.  Leave Your wintry tasks and come to play with us this festive night.  As Sage, Father, and Newborn Sun we call to You.  We rejoice as we feel the touch of Your grace, and the breath of Your dancing fire, as the days once more grow longer.  Be with us tonight, Blessed Be.
Great Goddess, we invite You to join our Solstice Celebration.  Venture out from beneath Your wintry cloak and come to play with us this festive night.  As Maiden, Mother and Crone we call to You.  Lady, renew our hope as we feel the touch of Your grace; warm our souls with Your embrace.  Be with us tonight, Blessed Be.
Sacred Space
(While in sacred space – ask if anyone needs/wants anything special.  Ask if anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments. Take care of the wish box) 
Raise Power
(Raise Power any way you wish, use something that will include the whole group.  Try something new or different if you like.)
Great Rite

Male:          Let it be known that no man is greater than a woman
Female: Nor is a woman greater than a man.
Together: For what one lacks, the other can provide and what one needs, the other can supply.

Male: As the Athame is to the male
Female: The Chalice is to the female
Together: And as they are joined they become one in truth.  For there is no greater Magick in the entire world than that of Love

Cakes and Ale

Female:    Great Goddess, Thank you, for the Blessings this drink provides. May we never thirst.
Male:    Great God, Thank you, for the Blessings this food provides.  May we never hunger.
Together:    You are the Vine,    We are your branches,    For without You,     We can do nothing. 
Release Quarters
North, South, East and West.  Together we’ve mixed the ingredients for the coming year.  We thank you all for joining in our celebration.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Know that you are always welcome here.  Blessed Be!

Open Circle

The timer has rung. The Fruit Cake is done.  Time to turn off the oven and bid goodnight to our Coven.  May this circle be open, but unbroken.  Merry we meet, Merry we part and merry may we meet again.

New Year Fruit Cake

1 Cp Golden Raisins (Prosperity)
1 Cp Currants (Growth)
½ Cp Dried Cranberries (Hope)
½ Cp Dried Blueberries (Protection)
½ Cp Dried Cherries (Independence)
½ Cp Dried Apricots (Love)
1 Tsp Orange Zest (Good Fortune)
¼ Cp Crystallized Ginger (Power)
1 Cp Quality Brandy (Friendship)
1 Cp Sugar (Love)
1¼ Sticks Butter (Nurturing)
1 Cp Apple Juice (Healing)
1 Tsp Cloves (Peace)
¼ Tsp Allspice (Courage)
1 Tsp Cinnamon (Luck)
1 Tsp Ground Ginger (Strength)
1 ¾ Cups Flour (Life)
1 ½ Tsp Salt (Preservation)
1 Tsp Baking Soda (Cleansing)
1 Tsp Baking Powder (Development)
2 Eggs (Rebirth)
½ Cup Toasted Pecan Pieces (Abundance)

Heat oven to 325 degrees
Grease a large glass baking pan

In a medium pot, zest the lemon & lime, then squeeze the juice into a one-cup measure. Add just enough apple juice to complete the one cup needed for the cake. In the same pot combine dried fruits, candied ginger and rum, sugar, butter, juice and spices. Bring mixture to a soft boil stirring often, reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Turn off heat and leave to cool for about an hour.

In a mixing bowl combine dry ingredients and then add half of the fruit mixture. Bring batter together with a large wooden spoon and then stir in eggs one at a time until completely integrated. Add remaining fruit mixture and combine well, then fold in nuts. Spoon batter into the baking pan and allow batter to sit for 15 minutes before baking.

Bake for 1 hour, check for doneness by inserting toothpick into the middle of the cake. If it comes out clean, it's done. If not, bake another 10 minutes, and check again.

Remove cake from oven and place on cooling rack or trivet. Baste or spritz top with brandy or rum and allow cooling completely. When cake is completely cooled, seal tightly and set aside. Every 2 to 3 days, feel the cake and if dry, spritz with brandy or rum. The cake's flavor will enhance considerably over the next two weeks.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Winter Solstice 2001 CO1

Yule 12/29/01

Altar Devotions
(light all the candles on the Altar except the God and Goddess Candles)

By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of all who have gone before.  We remember thee, we honor thee.
Purify the Area
(Your choice-use what you need from the altar.  Walk counter-clockwise around the outside of the circle)
Cast Circle

Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With wings of light, beauty and sight Brilliant Seraphim, Mighty Cherubim, the Stable Thrones of the first sphere.
Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With wings of authority, life and spirit Dominions of Leadership, Powers of Protection, the Miraculous Virtues of the second sphere
Three times round, this Circle’s bound, With wings of justice, delight and friendship
Righteous Principalities, Glorious Archangels, the Guardian Angels of the third sphere
Created on the wings of the Angels.  This Circle is now cast. We are between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time. Where night and day, birth and death ,Joy and sorrow, all meet as one.
Call Quarters

NORTH:    We look forward to the winter season. The season of rest and rejuvenation. We call upon your presence here tonight to remind us to take a moment and find the inner sanctuary where the seeds of life and inspiration await the spring.

EAST:    We know that spring will come. The season of new life and the unfolding of mysteries. We call upon your presence here tonight to remind us that everyday brings a new thought or idea into our lives.

SOUTH:    Summer shall arrive. The season of warmth and prosperity. We call upon your presence here tonight to remind us that prosperity lies within all our lives through our friends, family and foes.

WEST:    Autumn has now passed. The season of harvest and family. We call upon your presence here tonight to remind us of our family and friends. To bask in the love and companionship of those around us.
(Use oil to anoint the group - walk the inside of the circle to anoint and welcome each person in whatever fashion feels comfortable)
Unite energies
(Start the Round Robin, introduce yourself, give a little information and encourage the others to do the same - starting with the person to your left.)

Male:  Father Sky, Lord of the beasts, and Protector of the Light, be with us now 
HP:   I am already here…in your shadow on the ground, and the whisper on the wind. I am here in the sunlight on your hair, and the soft sounds of a gentle rain.
I have always been here for you.

Female:  Mother Earth, Lady of the Grain, and Source of the Light, be with us now
HPS: I am already here…in the beating of your heart, and the innocence of a child’s smile, I am here in the light of your Lover’s eyes, and the understanding of a true friend.
I have always been here for you
Perform the Work
Raise Power
(Raise Power any way you wish, use something that will include the whole group.  Try something new or different if you like.)
Rite Of Thanks

Golden Lord, Silver Lady
What no human ear could hear, you heard.
What no human eye could see, you saw.
What no human heart could bear, you transformed.
What no human hand could do, you did.
What no human power could change, you’ve changed.
Goddess of love, God of protection. You through whom all power flows;
Source of all; Accept these humble tokens of thanks
From a these Solitary Witches, Who have spoken, And who have been heard

Cakes and Ale

Nuts and Berries, Roots and Leaves, Bounty born of all that lives,
Fruit in trees and grain in sheaves, Praise for all the good Earth gives.

Release Quarters

WEST:    Autumn has passed.  The season of harvest and family.  We thank you for your presence here tonight, reminding us of family and friends.  We shall continue to bask in their love and companionship though-out the upcoming year. Fare thee well and safe return, know that you are always welcome here.

SOUTH:    Summer shall arrive.  The season of warmth and prosperity.  We thank you for your presence here tonight, reminding us of the prosperity within our friends, family and foes.  Fare thee well and safe return, know that you are always welcome here.

EAST:    We know that spring will come.  the season of new life and the unfolding of mysteries.  We thank you for your presence here tonight, reminding us that everyday provides a new thought or idea with our lives.  Fare thee well and safe return, know that you are always welcome here.

NORTH:    We look forward to the winter season.  The season of rest and rejuvenation.  We thank you for your presence here tonight, reminding us to take a moment to find the inner sanctuary where the seeds of life and inspiration await spring.  Fare thee well and safe return, know that you are always welcome here.
Open Circle

We open now this Sacred Space, and send all energies back to place
This Circle is open, but never broken.
Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry shall we Meet again!!

The Yule Fairies - A Winter Solstice Story

A group of little Fairies huddled in their home deep under the roots of a giant oak tree.  They were safe and snug in their tiny underground cave lined with dandelion fluff, bird feathers, and dried moss.  Outside, the wind blew cold and the snow fell softly down to cover the ground.  "I saw the Sun King today," the fairy named Rose said as she pulled her mossy cloak tighter about her.  "He looked so old and tired as he walked off through the forest.  What is wrong with him?”  “The great oak said he's dying" answered Daffodil.  “Dying? Oh, what will we do now?" Little Meadow Grass started to cry.  "If the sun King dies, our little plant friends will not grow.  The Birds will not come and sing again.  Everything will be winter for ever!"  Lilac, Dandelion and Elder Blossom tried to comfort their friend, but they were all very sad.  As they huddled together, there was a knock on the tiny door.  "Open up, Fairies," called out a loud voice.  "Why are you hiding instead of joining us in our Solstice celebration?" Rose opened the door and the little gnome Brown Knobby pushed inside, shaking the glistening snowflakes off his brown coat and hat.  "We are too sad to celebrate," Daffodil said wiping her eyes.  "The Sun King is dying, haven't you heard?" "He is dead you silly Fairies." Brown Knobby's round dark eyes sparkled with laughter.  "Now hurry, or we'll be late for the celebration!"  "How can you be happy and laughing?!" Elder Blossom stamped her little foot and frowned at the gnome.  "If the Sun King IS dead, it will be winter always.  We will never see the Sun again!" "Silly little child-Fairies." Brown Knobby grabbed Dandelion by the hand and pulled her to her feet.  "There is a secret to the Winter Solstice.  Don't you want to know what it is?" The Fairies looked at him in surprise.  "Secret?" they all said.  "What secret? We are only new little Fairies, you silly gnome.  We've never been to a Solstice celebration before." "Come and see.  Come and see.  Get your capes and come with me." Brown Knobby danced and jigged around the room.  "Hurry, Hurry, don't be slow! To the sacred oak grove through the snow!"  He danced out of the door and disappeared.  "What did that gnome mean?" Rose asked as she gathered up her cloak of dried rose petals held together with cobwebs and lined with goose down.  "I don't know, but the Lady lives in the Sacred Grove." Meadow Grass pulled on her hat.  "Perhaps if we go to see the Goddess, She can explain what Brown Knobby was talking about.”  The Fairies left their snug little home and trudged off through the snow toward the sacred oak grove.  The forest was dark with only the light of the Moon shining down through the thick fir branches and bare limbs of maple and hawthorn.  It was very difficult for them to get through the snow because they were very, very small.  As they waded through the wet snow and shivered in the cold wind, they met a fox.  "Where are you going, Fairies?" the fox asked.  "To the Sacred Grove," they answered, they were cold and shivering.  "Climb on my back and I will take you there swiftly." The fox knelt down so the Fairies could climb up.  Then he raced off through the dark.  "Listen!" Lilac said as they neared the grove of sacred trees.  "Someone is singing happy songs.  A LOT of someone’s." The beautiful music carried over the cold, still, moonlit air.  It was the most beautiful music the Fairies had ever heard.  The fox carried the Fairies right to the edge of the stone altar in the center of the grove, then knelt down.  "Look!" said Elder Blossom as they slid to the snow covered ground.  "There is the Maiden and the Mother and the OLD Wise One, And many other Little People." "They are all smiling and happy," said Lilac as she looked around at all the creatures.  "All the animals are here too," whispered Dandelion.  "Why are they all looking at the Mother?" The Fairies moved closer to the three Ladies seated on the altar stone.  The Mother held a bundle close in Her arms, smiling down at it.  The Maiden reached down and took the Fairies gently in her hands.  She held them close to the Mother so they could see what She held.  "A Baby!" the Fairies cried.  " A new little Baby! Look how he glows!" "He is the newborn Sun King," said the Maiden smiling.  “But Brown Knobby and the old oak tree said the Sun King was dead," the Fairies answered her.  "How can this little baby be the Sun King?" "That is the secret of the Winter Solstice." The Old Wise One touched the baby's cheek with her wrinkled hand.  "Every year the Sun King must come to the Sacred Grove during the darkest days of winter where he dies.  I take his spirit to the Mother who gives him new life again.  This is the way for all creatures, not just the Sun King." " You mean everything lives and dies and lives again?”  The Fairies looked down in wonder at the baby Sun King, nestled in the arms of the Mother.  "Yes Little Ones," answered the Old Wise One.  "There is never an end to life.  This is the great mystical secret of the Winter Solstice." The Fairies laughed because they were so happy.  "I think the little Sun King should have gifts," said Rose.  "I will show him where the wild roses bloom in the early summer." "And, I will teach him to call the birds and listen to the songs of the wind," exclaimed Dandelion.  "When he is older and stronger, " said the Mother, "then the flowers will bloom at his touch, the birds will return to sing their songs, and the air will be warm from his breath, and winter will be gone for a time.  Then the Sun King will run and play with you in the forest." The little Fairies sang to the Baby Sun King, songs of the coming spring, the sweet smelling flowers, the bumbling bees, and all the secrets of the forest.  And all the creatures within the Sacred Grove sang with them.  Then the fox took them back to their snug home under the roots of the giant oak tree where they dreamed wonderful dreams, waiting for the warmth of spring and the fun they would have with the little Sun King.

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I am! Esbat 2008 CO1

December 26, 2023 (Cold Moon)

I am! Full Moon 2008
CircleOfOne Coven & Rowan Tree Grove

(Cookies for Altar, 3 Bottles Wine, 2 Gallon Apple Juice, Bouquet White Flowers, 
4 Boxes Vanilla Wafers, 200 Itty Bitty White Cups) 

(All members; gauntlet inside the door with four elements to greet & welcome)

Air moves us, Fire transforms us
Water shapes us, Earth heals us
And the balance of the wheel goes round and round
And the balance of the wheel goes round

(Once everyone has settled cleanse the Circle with Besom)

Unite energies/Grounding
(Members gather around altar, arms outstretched, left hand down, right hand up)

I am one with the Universal Life Energy
It is flowing through my body now, I can feel it

Salt & Water
(HPS purify and prepare salt & water)

Cast Circle/Drawing
(HP walk circle once with sword, Members join and walk circle 2nd time with chant.  Everyone splits off and move to their quarters when done)
We are a Circle, within a Circle
With no beginning, and never ending (x3)

Call Elements
I call thee forth that our ritual be witnessed,
Our work be aided and our circle be protected.

Water & Incense Circle
(walks Circle to bless with Water & Incense)

Call Quarters
(Members move to the Center to surround Altar, arms raised)

Hear me, and heed me o ancient and mighty ones,
Look now upon us and guide us in our rite.

Invocation/Drawing Down
(HP & HPS stand together, surround by other members.  Place Goddess Circlet on HPS, place God Horns on HP)

We all come from the Goddess
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali- Inanna!
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali- Inanna!

We all come from the Sun God
And to him we shall return
Like a spark of flame
Rising to the Summerlands
Pan, Poseidon, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Mithras, Loki, Apollo
Pan, Poseidon, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Mithras, Loki, Apollo

HPS:    In the mists of time I was called Brigid, Demeter, Hera, Cerridwen, and by many other names.  I am the quickening of the seed in Springtime and the peace of the quiet wood in Winter.  By the powers of the steadfast Earth, the darkness of death and the white light of birth, I charge thee; strive always for the growth of your eternal soul.  Challenge your mind, act always for the betterment of your brothers and sisters.  For you are my children.  You are strong and wise and full of the powers of life.  It is yours to use them in my service.  Go forth in the light of my love, turning to me without fear when darkness threatens to overcome you.  Know in your heart of hearts that we are together in blood and spirit ‘til the last star darkens in the sky and winter comes to the universe.

HP:  In an earlier age I was called Herne, Osiris, Zeus, Cernunos and by many other names.  I am the strength of the rock at your back; I am the Hunter and the Sacred Prey.  By the powers of the running stag, by the darkest depth of night and the lingering tendrils of dreams, I charge thee; follow your heart and your instinct, wherever they take you.  Take joy in the powers of your bodies.  Learn to take your strength from the foolish things you have wrought as well as the good you have done. For you are dear to me my children and I am with you always.  I am the Lord of Death, and when you have come to the end of your life on this world I will be there to offer you peace and rest.  I am the Spirit of the wild things, and you too are wild in your souls and we are forever intertwined.

Name the Working
(Taking back power, re-affirming things that may have been lost, I am!!)

Perform the Work

Raise Power
(Actually this chant will be used to calm the energies)

I will be gentle with myself; I will love myself
I am a child of the universe; I am re-born every moment

Cakes & Ale

 Air I am! Fire I am!
Water, Earth and spirit I am!

Thank Spirit
(Thank Spirit and release the God & Goddess)

Release Elements & Quarters

Open/Close Circle


May the circle be open but unbroken
May the Love of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part,
And merry meet again

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the Love of the Spirit be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part,
And merry meet again

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the Love of the SunGod be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part,
And merry meet again


Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Winter Solstice 2000 CO1

Yule 12/23/00
Altar Devotions
Purifying the Area

Statement of Intent

HPS:    Thank you everyone for joining us for our Yule Celebration.  Tonight is a night for new beginnings, a fresh start.  It’s a time of releasing those things that hold us back so that we may look toward the New Year with light hearts and open minds.  But most of all, we’re here this evening to celebrate, to have a good time.  A great time.  A time to remember as the New Year draws around us. 
HP:    For those of you who are new tonight we’d like to take a few minutes to introduce ourselves.  My name is ... and I will be your High Priest for the night.  Beside me is ..., who will be your High Priestess.  Starting in the East, I’d like everyone to just say hello and give us your name and a little bit of information about yourself.
(Allow time for each person to introduce themselves)
HPS:    As most of you know, when we cast circle it includes the entire house and out to the boundaries of the property.  Feel free to visit the bathroom or get a drink if need be...although we do suggest you do that NOW and not LATER so that you don’t miss out on any of the good stuff.
Casting the Circle
(HP/HPS light the luminaries clockwise, chanting)

May this circle be cast in light and love

(Cast the circle a second time, everyone holding hands and chanting)

 I cast this circle hand to hand
Calling Quarters

EAST:    I call upon the Angels of the East.  We ask that you bring with you the powers of the East.  With your springtime breezes, clear the way for new beginnings and fresh starts.  Make room for the new with your winds of change.  Charge us tonight and center us in your glorious light. So Mote it Be.
SOUTH:    I call forth the Angels of the South.  We ask that you carry with you the powers of the South.  With your summer sunshine, burn away the endings that hold us back.  As we take back our power, shine your brilliant rays upon our goals.  Empower us tonight with the means to enrich our self worth.  So Mote it Be.
WEST:    I call upon the Angels of the West.  We ask that you bring with you the powers of the West.  With your fall rains, wash away the fears we have that prevent us from giving of ourselves.  Encourage us to hold out our hands to others.  Teach us tonight to have mercy on those who shed tears.  So Mote it Be.
NORTH:    I call forth the Angels of the North.  We ask that you carry with you the powers of the North, with your winter cold, bring a gentle death to unnecessary and harmful habits that inhibit our growth, open our lives to new paths.  Show us tonight how to keep our feet planted firmly in the earth as we continue to reach for the stars.  So Mote it Be.
Anointing & Smudging
(With the smelly of choice, with the incense of choice)
Unite energies
Group OM
All stand and join hands.  Start with three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Relax, release the tensions of the day.  (Group Om x3)

HPS:    Tonight, although she is not yet visible, the moon is still there.  Her silver light still fills the night sky.  Reach upward, into the sky and touch that gentle light.  Invite our Silver Lady to join us tonight.   Draw a slender ribbon of that positive energy down into yourselves, letting it settle in your heart chakra.  All around us the earth is moving into slumber.  If you listen quietly you can hear his gentle breathing.  Reach down into the earth and touch his beating heart.  Invite our Golden Lord to join us tonight.  Once more draw a slender ribbon of that positive energy up into yourselves, letting it join with the silver light now resting in your heart chakras.  Watch the two lights as they intertwine with each other.  Feel them expanding and filling your chest cavities.  Allow them to spill down into your left arms and into the right hand of the person next to you.  As they move watch your light move up that persons arm and join with their light before moving on around the circle.  Watch your light as it continues on twisting with the others until it become a strong cord moving freely around the circle.  Now push that circle of light out towards the edges of the property, to strengthen the circle already in place.  From edge to edge, above and below, this circle is now sealed.  Silver Lady, Golden Lord  join us this night.  Walk beside us, guide our hearts, celebrate your seasons with us.  With malice toward no-one, and harm to none, if our Lord and Lady so desire it, then let it be done. So Mote it Be.

HPS:    Silver Lady, we ask that you join us this night in everlasting love and friendship.  Bring with you the cool breezes and bright light of the season.  The warm thoughts of family and home.  Play with us on this festive night.  Be with us now.
HP:    Golden Lord, we ask that you join us this night in everlasting laughter and harmony.  Bring with you the heartwarming smells and pleasing sounds of the season.  Let the taste of Yuletide cheer linger on our tongues.  Play with us on this festive night.  Be with us now.
Name the Working

HPS:   For the workings tonight, we are going to take a journey through the Wheel of the year.  Just a small one.  As we each enter the quarters, we will be told what to do.  But for now, please just follow along...(HP/HPS lead the group to the East)
Perform the Work
(All participants are invited to stand and move to the East)

EAST:    On the Wheel of the Year, Springtime is in the East.  It is the time of the Maiden, of fresh birth and new beginnings.  What went before, will be forgotten, replaced  with new experiences, new challenges, uncharted paths.  Tonight, when you come into the East, stop a moment to light an incense, to clean away anything that you wish to leave behind and to clear the way for all that is yet to come. (Quarter follows the last of the group)
(As people enter the South)

SOUTH:    And the Wheel of the Year turns to Summer.  Now in the South it is the time of the Mother, the Warrior.  It is a time of strength and power, when all things are possible.  Tonight when you come into the South we will spend a moment in the warmth of the fire.  Using the herbs and spices, make an affirmation that you are willing to take back your power, that you are willing to stand strong in the days to come.  Say the words to yourself or out loud as you toss the herbs and spices into the fire.  (Quarter follows the last of the group)

 (As people enter the West)

WEST:    Once more the Wheel of the Year turns.  Fall, or Autumn, is in the West and it is the time of the Crone.  The thread of life has been measured and is now waiting to be cut.  Now is a time of confidence and understanding, there is still much life to be lived,  but time can now be spent on giving and teaching.   Tonight, when you come into the West, choose a flower and make a wish that will benefit someone else in your life.  Set the flower to float in the water. (Quarter follows the last of the group)

(As people enter the North)
The Wheel of the Year turns from Winter.  In the North, it is a time that has no time.  This is the place between Death and Life yet to come.  It is a time when all that went before is reviewed and remembered.  All is quiet, waiting, there is an air of expectation.  Tonight when you come into the North, take a moment to remember this past year, perhaps whisper a word of thanks.  Then take a stone from the basket as a reminder of things past and the promises of the future. (Quarter follows the last of the group)
Raise Power
(Singing, Drumming, and Dancing)
Cakes and Ale

HPS:    Silver Lady, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love.
              May you never thirst.

HP:    Golden Lord, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love.
            May you never hunger
Releasing the Quarters

NORTH:    We thank you, Angels of the North, for joining us this night.  We thank you for your winter cold, bringing a gentle death to all that is unnecessary and the harmful habits that inhibit our growth.  Thank you for  opening our lives to new paths for showing us tonight how to keep our feet planted firmly in the earth as we continue to reach for the stars.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Hail and Farewell.
WEST:    We thank you, Angels of the West, for joining us this night.  We thank you for your fall rains, washing away the fears we have that prevent us from giving of  ourselves.  Thank you for encouraging us to hold out our hands to others.  For teaching us tonight to have mercy on those who shed tears.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Hail and Farewell.
SOUTH:    We thank you, Angels of the South, for joining us this night.  We thank you for your summer sunshine, burning away the endings that hold us back.  Thank you for shining your brilliant rays upon our goals.  For empowering us tonight with the means to enrich our self worth.  Go if you must, stay if you will.  Hail and Farewell.
EAST:    We thank you, Angels of the East, for joining us this night.  We thank you for your springtime breezes, clearing the way for new beginnings and fresh starts.  Thank you for making room for the new with your winds of change.   For charging us tonight and centering us in your glorious light. Go if you must, stay if you will.  Hail and Farewell.

HPS:    Silver Lady, we thank you for joining us this night in everlasting love and friendship.  We thank you for the cool breezes and bright light of the season. The warm thoughts of family and home.  Thank you for playing with us on this festive night. 
HP:    Golden Lord, we thank you for joining us this night in everlasting laughter and harmony.  We thank you for bringing with you the heartwarming smells and pleasing sounds of the season.  For letting the taste of Yuletide cheer linger on our tongues.  Thank you for playing with us on this festive night.
Opening the  Circle

HPS:    Earth will crumble our circle. Water will cause it to fall.  Fire will burn what’s left in the urn and the Winds will scatter it all!!  
HP:    May this circle be open, but unbroken.  Merry we meet, Merry we part and Merry may we meet again.
Feast and Gift Trade

FREE GIFT SWAP: Bring a gift, to get a gift. Bring a Pre-wrapped gift to add to the Gift Table. Re-Cycled, Re-Used, Re-Gifted or Re-Purposed Gifts have to be pre-wrapped and cost nothing to buy everything has to be FREE.

Yuletide Carols

Lady Moon
(To Little Town of Bethlehem)
Lady Moon shines softly down
To light the earth below
As we her children gather here
Around the Yule fire’s glow
We wait for mornings dawning
First light of holy birth
Our Lady turns the wheel of life
Her sun returns to Earth
With joy we’ll greet his dawning
A new year has begun
With increased light is bright new hope
Reborn is everyone.

Wiccan Wonderland
(To Winter Wonderland)
Pagans sing, are you listenin’
Altar’s set, candles glisten
It’s a magickal night, we’re having tonight
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Blades held high, censer smoking
God and Goddess, we’re invoking
Through Elements Five, we celebrate life
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
In a circle we can light a Yule fire
And await the rising of the Sun
It’s the Great Wheel turning for the new year
Loaded with abundance and great fun
Queen of Heaven, is in her place
Triple goddess, now the Crone face
Above and below, She’s the Goddess we know
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Now the God, is the provider
Supplying game for our fire
Above and below, He’s the Horned One we know
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Later on, by the fire
Cone of power, gettin’ higher
It’s a magickal night, we’re having tonight
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

Joy To The World
(To...guess what?)
Joy to the world! the Lord has come
Let earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare him room
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n, and Heav’n and Nature sing.
Joy to the world!  The Sun returns
Our Lady gives Him birth
The living light will warm our hearts
And wake the sleeping Earth
And wake the sleeping Earth
And wake, and wake the sleeping Earth.
Light we the fires to greet our Lord
Our light, our life, our Lord
Let every voice sing praise
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n, and Heav’n and Nature sing.

Silent Night
( guessed it!)
Silent Night, Solstice Night
Quiet rest, dim the light
Turning ever the rolling wheel
Bring the winter to comfort and heal
Rest your spirit in peace,
Rest your spirit in peace.
Silent Night, Solstice Night
All is calm, all is right
Nature slumbers in forest and glen
Filling streams she wakens again
Sleeping spirits grow strong,
Sleeping spirits grow strong.
Silent Night, Solstice Night
Silver Moon, shining bright
Snowfall blankets the slumbering Earth
Yule fires welcome the Sun’s return
Hark the light is reborn,
Hark the light is reborn.
Gods Rest Ye, Merry Pagan Folk
(you know this one too!!)
Gods rest ye, merry Pagan folk, let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns upon this Solstice day!
The growing dark is ended now and Spring is on its way -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
The Winter's worst still lies ahead, fierce tempest, snow and rain.
Beneath the blanket on the ground, the spark of Life remains!
The Sun's warm rays caress the seeds to raise life's songs again -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
Within the blessed apple lies the Promise of the Queen,
For from the pentacle shall rise the orchards fresh and green!
The Earth shall blossom once again, the air is sweet and clean -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
Gods rest ye, merry Pagan folk, let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns upon this Solstice day!
The growing dark is ended now, and Spring is on its way -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.