
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Faery Circle 2023 CO1

Faery Circle 2023

Smudge & Welcome

May the Fae bless you tonight
Unite energies

Close your eyes.  Breathe deeply three times, in through the nose, out through the mouth (pause)
Visualize the Tree of Life, branches reaching far up into the heavens and roots extending to the core of the Earth (pause)
Sit down beneath the tree with your back against it.  Feel its strength. Connect with its life force (pause)
Relax in this setting, letting all your tensions and worries pour into the tree, down through its roots and into the soil (pause)
You feel renewed and completely alive. When you’re ready, open your eyes and rejoin our circle (pause)

Calling the Fey

Faeries high and Gnomes below, Leprechauns come and Dwarves do show,
What e'er you do, where e'er you be, I beseech thee now, please come to me.
I mean you no harm nor any ill will. Please, Faeries come from out your hill.
I wish to see you with mine eyes. Speak only the truth and I'll tell you no lies.
Faeries, Sprites, what e'er you be, Pixie, Elf, or Spirit of tree,
Please come out and bestow me with your presence. 
I assure you, I hold you in very high reverence.
I would much like to meet thee and know you by name.
I have love, health and peace, and I wish you the same.
So, if you can hear me, please do as I ask
To sit and talk with me can't be too much of a task.
So, if you be friendly, please answer my call, and we may be friends in no time at all.


HPS: Maiden, bring your Flowers.  Mother, bring your Child.  Crone, Old One, bring your Wisdom.  Bright Lady, we welcome you to this Circle.

HP: Hunter, bring your Prowess.  Warrior, bring your Skill.  Sage, Ancient One, bring your Guidance.  Horned Crown, We welcome you to this Circle

Together: Sacred space within myself, Earth and sky, light and health.  Blessings of the Spirit shine.  As above, it is below now peace and love around me grow.  Circles for healing, and working the weather, Circles for knowing the Moon and the Sun, Circles for thanking the Lord and the Lady, Circles for dancing the dance never done.  So mote it be

Circle Casting

Three times round this Circle’s bound. From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to the North again. 

The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask our Father Sky to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.

The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.

The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Mother Earth shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof.

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  North, South, East and West from edge to edge this Circle is cast. So Mote It Be.

Quarter Calls

East:    All you whispers of the wind.  The sylphs, the sprites, the faeries.  Hear my call.  Enter our circle and be blessed

South:    All you little ones of the sunbeams, the salamanders and sunbathers.  Hear my call.  Enter our circle and be blessed

West:    All you from the watery world, the nymphs, undines, and water sprites.  Hear my call.  Enter our circle and be blessed

North:    All you little ones of the moonbeams, The elves, the gnomes and the trolls.  Hear my call.  Enter our circle and be blessed

Wish Box

Cakes & Ale

HP:    Ancient Lord, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love. 

HPS:    Bright Lady, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love.

Together:    All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So Mote It Be!

Quarter Release

North:    All you little ones of the moonbeams, The elves, the gnomes and the trolls; We thank you for aiding us.  Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be.

West:    All you from the watery world, the nymphs, undines, and water sprites.  We thank you for aiding us.  Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be.

South:    All you little ones of the sunbeams, the salamanders and sunbathers.  We thank you for aiding us.  Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be.

East:    All you whispers of the wind.  The sylphs, the sprites, the faeries.  We thank you for aiding us. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be.

Open Circle

Farewell, O positive Devas of this land. May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Ostara Sabbat 1998 CO1

Spring Equinox March 20, 2023
On Children, Ostara, 1998 

Purify Before Circle
Welcome and Bright Blessings.


Those who walk in Love and Truth, shall grow in Honor and Strength.  Blessed Be.

Statement of Intent

Greetings and welcome to the CUUPs Spring Ritual.  Today  we celebrate  Ostara, or the Spring Equinox.  The first day of true spring.  The hours of day and night are equal; light is overtaking darkness.  This is a time of beginnings, of action, a time for the planting of seeds in the physical, mental and spiritual realms.  The Goddess has given birth to the Baby Sun and now bursts forth from Her sleep to bathe in Her magic fountain and become a girl again.  Now She and the God grow up together.  Where They step, the wild flowers appear, as They dance, despair turns to hope, sorrow to joy, and want to abundance.  Tonight, we’re going to remember once more what it was like to be a child.   We will remember  the child you were, the child you always wished to be.

Grounding the Participants
(Group 'OM')

Tonight we’re going to ground with a group `OM`.  Everyone please hold hands.  Take several deep breaths and on the count of three begin first 'OM'...hold as long as possible... inhale...and begin the second 'OM'.  Don't stop or wait for others.  Continue for third 'OM' and stop when done.  Wait until sounds die out.
Long have we been Adults. We have spent a lifetime becoming Adults. We grow boundaries, of responsibility, and need. We assume the aura of power, ordained by our Parents and their Parents before them. Long have we felt lost. Long have we felt need. Long have we dreamed.

All: Tonight we relinquish the mantle
Tonight we are one
Tonight we are free.

Too soon, we leave the child behind us. Long have we felt the child within us. The child we were, the child we wanted to be. The scared and happy being. The adventure. The openness. The wonder.

All: Tonight we relinquish the mantle
Tonight we are one
Tonight we are free.

For too long we have carried our burdens. Too long we have lived alone, the child within suppressed and silenced. For too long we have carried the weight of the world upon our shoulders. Too long we have been what others expected us to be. Now we awaken!

All: For tonight we relinquish the mantle
For tonight we are one
For tonight we are free.

In this circle we are safe. In this circle we are children. In this circle we are free.

Casting the Circle
I cast this circle in the name of the Maiden. Holy Maiden, huntress, Maiden come to us!
I cast this circle in the name of the Mother. Silver shining wheel of  Radiance, Mother come to us!
I cast this circle in the name of the Crone. Ancient Queen of Wisdom, Old Ones come to us!

All:     We are a Circle within a Circle
    With no beginning, and no ending.
    We are the fire that keeps returning
            The eternal flame, forever burning.
            The Circle has been cast 3 times.
    In the name of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
    So mote it be!

Calling the Quarters

East, Air Calm and soothing winds, surround and embrace us with your Spring breath of life, so that we may enjoy your Spirit of Freedom and Happiness as we perform this rite.  Come East Come, be here this night!  So Mote It Be!
Note:  HPS; take flower pot to East.  The seeds, a representation of East are now planted.
As this seed is planted at the Dawn of Spring,  Air let your blessings be bestowed upon it so, that as the flower grows, we grow with spirit and vitality of life. 

South, Fire Fire that protects and warms with the Spark of Life, surround and embrace us with your soothing energies, so that  we may enjoy your will and courage as we perform this rite.  Come, South, Come, be here this night!!  So Mote It Be!  
Note:  HPS; take flower pot to South.  The seeds, a representation of Fire are now planted. 
As this seed is planted at the dawn of Spring,  Fire let your blessings be bestowed upon it so, that as the flower grows, we grow with vigor, strength, and courage.

East, Water Water that feeds us with feelings of Contentment and Happiness of life, surround and fill us with  your Emotions of Joy,  so that we may enjoy the blessings of Spring's Dawn as we perform this  rite.  Come, West, Come, be here this night!!  So Mote It Be!
Note: HPS; take flower pot to West. The seeds, a representation of Water are now planted. 
As this seed is planted at the Dawn of Spring,  Water let your blessings be bestowed upon it, so that as the flower grows we grow with emotions of Happiness, Contentment, and Joy.

North, Earth  Earth that  teaches us Knowledge and Understanding of Life, surround and fill us with your Wisdom, so that we may enjoy the blessings of Spring 's dawn as we perform this rite.  Come, Earth Come, be here this night!!  So Mote It Be!
Note:  HPS; take flower pot to North.  The seed, a representation of North are now planted.
As this seed is planted at the Dawn of Spring,  North let your blessings be bestowed upon it, so that as the flower grows we grow with  Understanding, Knowledge, and Wisdom.

(The flower pot is placed on altar between God & Goddess)

Invoking the God\Goddess 

Silver Lady, Goddess of Immortality, Youth, Beauty, we invite you to join us tonight.  Join us tonight as we celebrate the Dawn of Spring and New Beginnings in your Honor.  Be with us our Lady.
Note:   plant a seed  in the potted soil as the representation of new beginnings 

Golden Lord, Bright One, Shining God and a light for all to see, we invite You to join us tonight as we celebrate the Dawn of Spring and new beginnings in Your honor.  Be with us our Lord.
Note:   plant a seed  in the potted soil as the representation of new beginnings

Before Time Was
(Slow heartbeat as background music)

Before time was, there was The One;   The One was all, and all was The One.  And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all-wise, all-pervading, all-powerful, eternally changing.  And space moved.  The One molded energy into twin forms, equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and  the God from The One and of The One.  The Goddess and the God stretched and gave thanks to The One, but darkness surrounded them.  They were alone, solitary save for The One.  So They formed energy into gasses and gasses into suns and planets and moons;  they sprinkled the universe with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and the God.  Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns.  And the Goddess and the God, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one.  From their union sprang the seeds of all life, and of the human race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth.  The Goddess chose the Moon as Her symbol, and the God the Sun as His symbol, to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners.  All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Sun and Moon;  all things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence before time was.  

Drumming and Chanting

We all come from the Goddess, We all come from the SunGod,
And to Her we shall return. And to Him we shall return.
Like a drop of rain, Like a spark of flame,
Flowing to the Ocean. Rising to the Summerlands.
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana
Pan, Poseidon, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Mithras, Loki, Apollo
Mediation: Inner Child
(drum, slow 1 beat as mood music)

Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, relax.  Begin by taking three deep breaths.... slowly... inhale... exhale.... Let your mind become blank (pause)  Envision the Golden light of Healing, floating above your head, about the size of a round grapefruit.  Slowly, pull the golden light down (pause) With each breath you inhale draw the light down (pause) Feel it’s warm glow fill your body until it reaches the base of your spine (pause) Relax, if a few stray thoughts seem to enter your mind, gently push them aside for now.  Listen only to the sound of my voice.  Feel the tensions of the day slowly fade away.  Relax, breath naturally (pause) with each breath you exhale allow tension to leave your body.  Feel yourself become more relaxed and comfortable.  Gradually you begin to see trees, many trees, as if in a large forest.  You walk into the forest for a few minutes, following a random path (pause) Up ahead of you a large gate begins to materialize, a golden light glows softly behind it.  Slowly walk over to open the gate.  Reach out to pull on the large handles.  As it opens, you gradually become aware of noises, people talking, swing chains clanging, and the smell of fresh cut grass and wildflowers.  You notice that you are now a child, the child you were, the child you always wished to be.  Take a moment to enjoy the freedom and innocence of childhood once more (pause) With light, carefree steps you walk over to a sandbox.  Inside you see a few toys, sifters, funnels, plates, shovels and such. You then notice a small pile of toys over to the side.  You reach for a toy. Know that you have just picked up your favorite toy of this childhood.  You play with it, handle it carefully, rock it, love it, and tell it all the things you remember, all the things you would have liked to hear as a child (pause) You look up, above you can hear someone telling you something.  A short message, perhaps from a family member, or a friend or someone you've never seen before (pause) Take this message and remember it.  Now you put your toy down and slowly walk back to the large open gates.  You turn and wave good-by to everything and everyone.  They return a wave back to you.  As you walk through the gates, they close softly behind you.  Slowly walk back through the trees, filled with a sense of contentment (pause) Once again you become aware of your current surroundings.  Inhale feel yourself returning to the now. When you are ready (pause) open your eyes and rejoin our circle.

On Children

Our children are not our children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.  They come through us but not from us, And though they are with us yet they belong not to us.  We may give them our love but not our thoughts, For they have their own thoughts.  We may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which we can not visit, not even in our dreams, We may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like us.  For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.  We are the bows from which our children as living arrows are sent forth.  The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends with us His might that His arrows may go swift and far.  Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves the bow that is stable.

The Dance
(Leading to the Music of The Hokey Pokey)
(Drum, chant & have fun!!)

(Passing out bottles of bubbles)

When you are ready, create an image of your Child Self, the Child you were, the Child you wished to be.  As you blow the bubbles, project that image into the bubbles and set the Child Within free.  Send your Child Self up into the Loving arms of our Lord and Lady.

Blessing of the Cakes & Wine
(Offer bread to the Lord and Lady by placing it in the flower pot)

As the seeds are planted to grow the grain for the bread, let it fill us with wisdom and understanding.
(Offer wine to the Lord and Lady by placing it in the flower pot)

As the seeds are planted to grow the fruit to make the wine, let it fill us with joy and happiness.

Drumming and Chanting

She changes everything She touches   She changes everything She touches
and             and
Everything She touches changes           Everything She touches changes

We are the Flow, and we are the Ebb, We are the Weaver, and we are the Web.

 Can you imagine

Can you imagine a world without witches, A world with all people the same?
Where the only known dragons are hiding in books, And children are terribly tame? 
A world without magic would be sad indeed. I cannot imagine the pain
Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus, Where wizards are searched for in vain. 
And think of the sadness a unicorn feels, When he no longer plays in the sun. 

Can you imagine a world without witches, No elves, and no magical pools?
And can you imagine how dull it would be, If all that we had were the schools? 
I cannot imagine a world without witches, A world with no magical wand.
A world without beauty, or even a dream, Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond. 
They say I should grow up and be more mature, Like a normal adult ought to do.
But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch, And I'll bet that you feel that way, too.   

Releasing the Quarters

North, Earth North, Powers of Earth, we thank you for being here this night and witnessing our rite.  We wish you Bright Blessings and pleasant journeys.  Hail and Farewell.

West, Water West, Powers of Water, we thank you for being here this night and witnessing our rite.  We wish you Bright Blessings  and pleasant journeys.  Hail and Farewell.

South, Fire South, Powers of Fire, we thank you for being here this night and witnessing our rite.   We wish you Bright Blessings  and pleasant journeys.  Hail and Farewell.

East, Air East, Powers of Air, we thank you for being here this night and witnessing our rite.  We wish you Bright Blessings  and pleasant journeys.  Hail and Farewell.


Day of work and night of pleasure, Happiness circles now full measure
Earth and Fire, Air and Water, Heaven’s Queen and Moonlight’s Daughter
Bless this company as we leave, Carry His protective seed.
Blessing of the Lord and Lady upon you. This circle is open, but unbroken,
Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.  

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)