Saturday, February 15, 2025

MooseMaas 2000 CO1

MooseMaas, 2000

MooseMaas is the 9th Sabbat.  It can be held at any time during the year but we tended to like doing them early.  For many of us from October till February was a headlong rush so this was a great way to wrap that crazy season up.  Generally, they were scheduled on a Sunday from 10:am till 5:pm that way people were still able to get home in time to get ready for the work week.

MooseMaas is a day of total indulgence, relaxation & friendship.  It’s a day when we all wear our most comfortable clothes; many just show up in their jammies, sweats, snugglies, slippers, socks, whatever and spend the day together.  This is normally an adult only Sabbat. This is NOT a public Sabbat, although very close friends and partners are more than welcome to indulge with us.

Everyone brings their favorite comfort food to share.  Doesn’t matter what it is – casserole, meal, breakfast, dessert, snacks – we don’t have any mealtimes planned.  Everyone just sort of grazes all day on anything they want.  There are NO calories on MooseMaas.

Everyone offers at least one indulgence to the group … foot baths, facials, back massage, readings, reiki, manicures, pedicures, nail polish, skin care, hair shampoo … you name it, you can offer it.  Each person is responsible for bringing whatever supplies they will need.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

If you have a favorite game, music, movie, craft you’re welcome to bring that as well. This is a free form Sabbat so all suggestions, comments, changes were always welcome.

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dragon Esbat 1997 CO1

 Dragon Esbat 1997

Welcome to our Dragon Circle

Purify the Area
Drumming: Element of Spirit, by Dragon Power I call you purified

Group OM

Casting the Circle

On the mists, East, South, West, and North, Come ye Dragons, we call you forth
At our bidding, Magick bring, Stay with us in our Sacred Ring
Thrice circle round, this area bound, as above, so below, this circle is sealed.

Calling the Quarters

EAST    Dragons of the East, Ancient Ones of Air.  Come to us on wings swift and sure.  We call You to attend this circle.  Breathe into us your intelligence and optimism Old Ones! 
SOUTH    Dragons of the South, Ancient Ones of Fire.  We call You to attend this circle. Grant us the strength of your Courage and Willpower Old Ones!
WEST    Dragons of the West, Ancient Ones of Water.  You of such fluid grace.  We call You to attend this circle. Bestow upon us your laughter and intuition Old Ones! 

NORTH    Dragons of the North, Ancient Ones of Earth.  Join us with steps swift and sure.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge us with your endurance and respect Old Ones! 

Altar Devotions

Here before the Midnight Hour, we call upon all Dragon Power
After the time of Setting Sun, we ask all Dragons to join our fun.
Dragons of Chaos, Dragons of Light, Protect us in this evenings Rite.


In the cloak of the twilight hour, we call upon the Ancient Power. We seek the presence of the Lord and Lady of light. We thank Thee for the use of thy Powers.

Perform the Work

Dragon of Spirit, a simple task, This request of thee I ask. No evil may be bound to me, banish all negativity. As my will so mote it be. With Malice toward no-one
and Harm to none; If the Goddess so desires it, then let it be done!

Raise Power

Great Rite

HP:    As the Athame is to the male.
HPS:    The Chalice is to the female.
HP:    In affirmation of fulfillment to come.
HPS:    In celebration of the balance.
Together:    And the union of the life-force within!


HPS:    Lady of Light, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love.
     May you never thirst.

HP:    Lord of Light, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love.
May you never hunger

Release Quarters

NORTH    Farewell, Dragons of the North.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

WEST    Farewell, Dragons of the West.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

SOUTH    Farewell, Dragons of the South.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

EAST    Farewell, Dragons of the East.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

Closing the Circle

Open now this sacred space, Send all dragons back to place. Fare thee well and safe return


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Nine Angelic Choirs 2001 CO1

The Nine Angelic Choirs 2001 

            The first sphere of angels is collectively concerned with the universe and the manifestations of divinity within it, operating at the highest level of the astral.  The angels of the first sphere are the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones. 

Seraphim:  The Seraphim, those closest to divinity, concentrate on vibrational manifestations to keep divinity constant and intact, and are considered the angels of pure love, light, and fire. They make sure no negative energy gets through to divinity.  The Seraphim shine so brilliantly that a human would die of fright should he or she see a Seraphim in all his or her glory.  Humans encounter them by invitation only.  

Magickally:  Work with the Seraphim when you wish to raise energy for humanitarian or planetary causes. They listen to group ritual. To reach the Seraphim, burn a white candle for divinity, and a purple candle for the Seraphim.

Cherubim:  The Cherubim function as the guardians of light and stars.  Humans see them as a sort of Beauty and the Beast combined into one creature.

Magickally:  When you are seeking divine protection, wisdom, and knowledge, look to the Cherubim. To reach the Cherubim, burn a white candle for divinity and a blue candle for the Cherubim.

Thrones:  The Thrones are assigned to planets. they create, channel, and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. The Thrones carry the name "many-eyed ones," sort of private investigators for divinity, as well as instructors of humility. 

Magickally:  Call on the Thrones for assistance in smoothing relations with groups of people or between any two individuals. If you seek stability, look to the Thrones. To reach the Thrones, burn a white candle for divinity and a green candle for the Thrones. 

            The second sphere angels concern themselves with the governing of a specific planet, as well as those angels assigned tasks below them.  Second sphere angels deal with the cosmos and its interconnectedness. The second sphere angels are the Dominions, the Powers, and the Virtues.

Dominions:  The Dominions fill the role of divine leaders whose efforts involve integrating the material and spiritual, without losing control. They carry emblems of authority, such as scepters and orbs. 

Magickally:  If you wish to access divine wisdom, ask the Dominions.  They are perfect mediators and arbitrators. If you are beginning an important project or have come across a glitch in an existing one, call the Dominions.  To reach the Dominions, burn a white candle for divinity and a pink candle for the Dominions.

Powers:  The Powers keep track of human history. The angels of birth and death belong to this lineage.  They work through the human sixth sense, accessing it to get us to listen to them.

Magickally:  They are warrior angels, and you should call them when you are in trouble. These angels will defend your home, property, children, or any group who call on them for protection and defense. To reach the Powers, burn a white candle for divinity and a yellow candle for the Powers.

Virtues:  The Virtues' primary job is to move mass quantities of spiritual energy to the earth plane and the collective human consciousness. Known as the "miracle angels," they bestow grace and valor.  The Virtues are the spirits of movement. These are the angels of nature, working and guiding the elemental energies that affect our planet. Earth, air, fire, water, spirit.

Magickally:  When you are in trouble or working a healing, turn to the Virtues. When you are sick or scared, call on the Virtues. To reach the Virtues, burn a white candle for divinity and an orange candle for the Virtues. 

            The angels of the third sphere find themselves intricately involved in human affairs and are considered the angels of the Earth. They constantly weave in and out of our lives, listening closely to human affairs. The third sphere angels are the Principalities, the Archangels, and those simply called the Angels.

Principalities:  The Principalities are the guardians of large groups, such as continents, countries, cities, and other human creations on a grand scale.  They work toward global reform. You'll find them in boardrooms and swimming holes, wherever groups of people gather for learning, decision making, or just plain fun.

Magickally:  You can call on these angels in times of discrimination, extinction of animals or people, inadequate rulership, or strength to make wise decisions.  To reach the Principalities, burn a white candle for divinity and a red one for the Principalities 

Archangels:  The Archangels are an odd bunch. They often belong to one of the other spheres, or choirs, yet enjoy dealing with humans when they can. They are the special forces of the angelic realms, used to dealing with the top brass down to the newborn babe.  The four Archangels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriele, and Ariel.

Angels:  The Angels are those beings assigned to a particular person. They are often known as guardian angels.  Our guardian angels are assigned to us through all incarnations on Earth. They are our best friends and our closest companions. They are with us at our birth and help us through the transition of death. They defend us when we are in trouble, help us to assimilate into the world, assist us in carrying out our divine plan, and call in the other forces of the Nine Choirs when we need them. However, you need to ask them of their help. Human free will is not only a gift, but sometimes our downfall. 

Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of light, beauty and sight
Brilliant Seraphim, Mighty Cherubim, 
the Stable Thrones of the first sphere.

Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of authority, life and spirit
Dominions of Leadership, Powers of Protection,
the Miraculous Virtues of the second sphere

Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of justice, delight and friendship
Righteous Principalities, Glorious Archangels,
the Guardian Angels of the third sphere

Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
Created on the wings of the Angels.
As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within
This Circle is now sealed.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Planning Session 2025 Dragonfly

Circle Dragonfly
2025 Planning Session,
1/5/25 @ 3:pm-7:pm
        Imbolc, February 3   -   Ostara, March 20   -   Beltane, May 5
        Litha/Midsummer, June 20   -   Lammas/Lughnassadh, August 7
        Mabon, Monday,   -   Samhain, November 6   -   Yule, December 21
Full Moon – Celebrations, Thanks, Dedications, Initiations, Earth
Wolf Moon in Cancer, January 13 - Snow Moon in Leo February 12
Worm Moon in Virgo, March 14 - Pink Moon in Libra, April 12
Flower Moon in Scorpio, May 12 - Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, June 11
Deer Moon in Capricorn, July 10 - Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius, August 9
Corn Moon in Pisces, September 7 - Hunter Moon in Aries, October 6
Beaver Moon in Taurus, November 5 - Cold Moon in Gemini, December 4
Who, What, When, Where, why
Who           will be assisting in presentation?
What         Community workings will be done
When        date/time that works best for Presenter & Host,
                    4-hour window. Ex 4:pm-8:pm, 6:pm-10:pm
Where      will Circle be held, get accurate address
Why          do you want to present? Research history
Waxing, Waning, New Moon
Esbats – Closed Spell Work
Circle Mates only
What Spell Work will be done
                    Choose date/time/location to suit Presenter & Host
                    2-4-hour window. Ex 4:pm-6:pm, 6:pm-10:pm
2025 Full Moon & Sabbat Dates
Full Moon, Wolf Moon in Cancer, Monday, January 13
          Circle Dedication, Sunday, January 12
Imbolc Sabbat, Monday, February 3
Full Moon, Snow Moon in Leo Wednesday, February 12
Ostara Sabbat, Thursday, March 20
Full Moon, Worm Moon in Virgo, Friday, March 14
Full Moon, Pink Moon in Libra, Saturday, April 12
Beltane Sabbat, Monday, May 5
Full Moon, Flower Moon in Scorpio, Monday, May 12
Litha/Midsummer Sabbat, Friday, June 20
Full Moon, Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Wednesday, June 11
Full Moon, Deer Moon in Capricorn, Thursday, July 10
Lammas/Lughnassadh Sabbat, Thursday, August 7
Full Moon, Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius, Saturday, August 9
Full Moon, Corn Moon, Tuesday, September 7
Mabon Sabbat, Monday, September 22
Full Moon, Hunter Moon in Aries, Monday, October 6
Samhain Sabbat, Thursday, November 6
Full Moon, Beaver Moon in Taurus, Wednesday, November 5
Full Moon, Cold Moon in Gemini, Thursday, December 4

Yule Sabbat, Sunday, December 21 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Altar Devotion 1995 CO1

Altar Devotions, 1995
by Jack Veasey

Let what I feel fill me, but not consume me;

Let me follow what I feel, but not be forced;

Let me become the kind of soul, 

who never clings too hard,
who lets go and yet loves;
Let me imagine better worlds, yet work in this one;
Let me touch, and treasure, even people I can never hold,
and let me learn from all my losses;
Let me out and let me in, Let me see and let me be;
a window - maybe broken - but through which
a bit of air and sunlight comes.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Basic Ritual Needs 2024 Dragonfly

Basic Ritual Needs

Guardians/Maidens x4 – Cleansing/Anointing/Smudging/Quarters
High Priest/High Priestess x1 – Presenting Ritual
Potluck - Food/Drink for Feasting after Ritual
Ritual Copy x2

Magick Box...

Altar Cloth
Anointing Oils
Candles, taper/pillar x2
Cauldron, small
Cocktail Napkins, for cakes/ale
Cookies/Cakes, bite sized
Cups/Plates/Napkins/ Utensils, for Feasting
Flowers, seasonal
Juice x1
Lighters x2
Note Cards, for Quarter Calls/Release
Sage/Incense/Brooms, small for Smudging
Tealights/Holders x4
Wine/Mead x1

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Full Moon Sabbat Dates 2025 Dragonfly

2025 Full Moon & Sabbat Dates

Full Moon, Wolf Moon in Cancer,     Monday, January 13
Imbolc Sabbat,     Monday, February 3

Full Moon, Snow Moon in Leo     Wednesday, February 12
Ostara Sabbat,     Thursday, March 20
Full Moon, Worm Moon in Virgo,     Friday, March 14
Full Moon, Pink Moon in Libra,     Saturday, April 12
Beltane Sabbat,     Monday, May 5
Full Moon, Flower Moon in Scorpio,     Monday, May 12
Litha/Midsummer Sabbat,     Thursday, June 19
Full Moon, Strawberry, Sagittarius,     Wednesday, June 11
Full Moon, Deer Moon in Capricorn,     Thursday, July 10
Lammas/Lughnassadh Sabbat,     Thursday, August 7
Full Moon, Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius,     Saturday, August 9
Full Moon, Corn Moon in Pisces,     Tuesday, September 7
Mabon Sabbat,     Monday, September 22
Full Moon, Hunter Moon in Aries,     Monday, October 6
Samhain Sabbat,     Thursday, November 6
Full Moon, Beaver Moon, Taurus,     Wednesday, November 5
Full Moon, Cold Moon in Gemini,     Thursday, December 4
Yule Sabbat,     Sunday, December 21

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Gods & Goddesses of the World 2007 CO1

Over 700 Gods & Goddesses of the world

Jeebo, Jengu, Mami, Wata, Waaq
Eostre, Goddess of spring
Fríge, Friday comes from her name
Ingui Fréa, Seaxnéat, the founder of the Saxon race
Thor, Thursday comes from his name
Tiw, Tuesday comes from the name of this God
Wóden, Wednesday comes from the name of this God
Brekyirihunuade, "he who knows and sees everything"
Kwaku Ananse, a trickster God
Anansi, trickster
Asase Ya, Bia, Nyame
Australian Aboriginal
Altjira, Anjea, Bagadjimbiri, Baiame, Bamapana, Banaitja, Bobbi-Bobbi, Bunjil, Daramulum, Dilga, Djanggawul, Eingana, Galeru, Gnowee, Julana, Julunggul, Karora, Kidili, Kunapipi, Mangar-kunjer-kunja, Numakulla, Pundjel, Ulanji, Walo, Wawalag, Wuriupranili, Yurlungur
Ayya Vaikundar - Triune God
Sivan, Nathan, Thirumal, Arumukan
Chalchiuhtlicue - Goddess of lakes and streams
Cinteotl - God of maize (corn)
Coyolxauhqui - Goddess of the moon
Ehecatl - the God of the wind
Huehueteotl - an ancient God of the hearth,
Huitzilopochtli - God of the sun, fire, and war
Ilamatecuhtli- Goddess of the earth, death,
Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli - God of hard stone
Mayahuel - Goddess of maguey
Mictlantecuhtli - God of death
Ometeotl - God/Goddess of heaven
Quetzalcoatl - God of the breath of life
Tepeyollotl - God of earthquakes
Tezcatlipoca - God of discord
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - God of dawn
Tlaloc - God of rain and lightning
Toci - Goddess of earth
Tonacatecuhtli - God of food
Xipe Totec - God of spring
Xochipilli - flower God
Xochiquetzal - love Goddess
Bahá'í concept of God
Auseklis, Bangputtis, Diwas/Dievas, Kurche, Laima, Mahte, Māra, Melletele, Potrimpos, Zeme
Abellio - God of apple trees
Agrona - a British Goddess of strife and war
Alaunus/Fin - God of the sun, healing, and prophecy
Ambisagrus - God of thunder and lightning
Ancamna - a Gaelic-Roman water Goddess
Andarta - a Gaelic warrior Goddess
Anextiomarus - a British equivalent of Apollo
Artio - Goddess of the bear
Aveta - Goddess of female
Belatu-Cadros - a British war God
Belenus - "Shining One", associated with fire and healing
Belisama - Goddess connected with lakes and rivers,
Borvo - deity was associated with mineral springs,
Camma - hunting Goddess
Camulus - God of war
Cernunos - horned nature God associated with produce and fertility
Cissonius - God of trade and protector of travellers
Cocidus - God of war, hunting, forests, groves and wild fields
Condatis - associated with rivers and healing
Coventina - Goddess of wells and springs
Dagda - supreme God of Irish mythology
Damara - British fertility Goddess
Danu - the mother of the gods,
Dewi - an old Welsh God
Dylan Ail Don - Welsh sea God, brother of Lleu
Epona - Goddess of horses, donkeys and mules
Fagus - God of beech trees
Glanis - a Gaelic healing God
Grannus - God of the sun, healing and mineral springs
Loucetios - a war and thunder God
Manannan mac Lir
Maponos - God of youth
Morrigan - war Goddess
Nantosuelta - Goddess of fire and fertility
Nemain - war Goddess
Nemetona - Goddess of temples and sacred groves
Ogma - God of scholars, education, writing and eloquence
Rhiannon - Goddess of the moon
Robur - God of oak trees
Rosmerta - Goddess of fertility and abundance
Rudianos - Gaelic war God
Segomo - Gaelic war God
Sirona - healing deity, associated with healing springs
Smertios - Gaelic war God
Sucellus - Gaelic God of agriculture, forests,
Sulis - deification of spring water
Tamesis - Goddess of water
Taranis - God of thunder
Cai Shen - God of fortune and prosperity
Chang'e - Goddess of the moon
Guan Yin - boddhisattva of compassion and mercy
Guan Yu - patron saint of righteousness, brotherhood, and loyalty
Jade Emperor - ruler of the heavens
Matsu - patron saint of fishermen and sailors
Shangdi - supreme deity found in early Chinese mythology
Sun Wukong - monkey king
Tian - deification of the heavens
Tu Di Gong - patron God of villages and farmers
Zao Jun - God of the kitchen
Malaysian Chinese
Na Tuk Kong/Na Tok Kong
Celestial God Tnee Kong
Earth God Teh Choo Kong, Tu Di Gong
Tua Pek Kong
God of Prosperity Chay Shen Ye/God of Fortune
Kwan God Kwan Kong
Kwan Yin Ma commonly known as the Goddess of Mercy
Matsu is the Taoist Goddess of the Sea
Di Zhu God Lord of the Land Used
Gao Yao Chinese God of justice and judgement
Trinity (God the Trinity)
God the Father (El, Yahweh/Jehova)
God the Son (Jesus, Yeshua)
God the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Christ/God or Holy Ghost)
Bendis, Gebeleizis, Zamolxis
Agé, Ayaba, Da, Gbadu, Gleti, Gu, Lisa, Loko, Mawu, Nana Buluku, Sakpata, Sogbo, Xevioso, Zinsi, Zinsu
Abassi, Atai
Egyptian (Pharaonic)
Amun - creator deity
Anubis - divine embalmer and tomb-caretaker
Apep - Serpent of the Underworld, enemy of Ra
The Aten - the embodiment of the Sun's rays
Atum - a creator deity, and the setting sun
Bast, protector of the pharaoh, cat-bodied or cat-headed
Bes - dwarfed semigod
The four sons of Horus
Geb - God of the Earth and first ruler of Egypt
Hapy - God embodied by the Nile,
Hathor - Goddess of Love and Music
Heget Goddess of Childbirth
Horus the falcon-headed God, God of Pharaohs and Upper Egypt
Imhotep God of wisdom, medicine and magic
Isis - Goddess of Magic, sister of Nephthys
Khepry - the scarab beetle, the embodiment of the dawn
Khnum - a creator deity, God of the innundation
Maahes - God of war
Ma'at - personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order
Menhit - Goddess of war
Mont - God of war
Naunet - the primal waters
Neith - Goddess of war, then great mother Goddess
Nephthys - mother of Anubis
Nut - Goddess of heaven and the sky
Osiris - God of the underworld, fertility
Ptah - a creator deity, also God of crafts,
Ra - the sun, possible father of Anubis,
Sekhmet - Goddess of destruction,
Sobek - Crocodile God
Set - God of storms, possible father of Anubis;
Shu - embodiment of wind or air
Taweret - Goddess of pregnant women
Tefnut - embodiment of rain, dew, clouds, and water-weather
Thoth - God of the moon, drawing, writing,
Peko - God of fertility, crops and brewing
Pikne (lightning) - God of thunder
Tharapita - God of war, also known as Taara
Vanemuine (the ancient one) - God of music
Uku - superior God
Ilmarine - smithgod
Alpan - a Goddess of love
Aplu - equated with Apollo
Menrva - equivalent to the Greek Athene
Nethuns - derived from Greek Poseidon
Tinia - equivalent to Zeus
Turan - the Goddess usually identified with Aphrodite
Uni - equivalent of Hera
Voltumna - God of the Etruscan race,
Ahti (or Ahto) - God of streams, lakes and sea
Jumala - a physical idol
Loviatar - One of Tuoni's daughters Goddess of pain
Mielikki - Tapio's wife, the Goddess of forests
Otso - son of a God, king of the forest,
Pekko (or Peko) - God or Goddess of fields and agriculture
Perkele - the devil 
Rauni - Ukko's wife, Goddess of fertility
Tapio - God of forest and wild animals
Tuonetar - The wife of Tuoni
Tuoni - God of the underworld
Ukko - God of heaven and thunder
Ancient Greek
Adonis - God of male physical beauty
Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty,
Apollo - God of poetry, music, the sun, and prophecy
Ares - God of violent war, an Olympian
Artemis - Goddess of the hunt, virginity, twin sister of Apollo,
Athena - Goddess of wisdom, defensive
Chaos - non-gendered primordial entity from which Gaia was created
Cronus - leader of first generation of Titans, also a harvest deity
Demeter - Goddess of the harvest and of grain,
Dionysus - God of wine and sensual pleasures,
Enyo - Goddess of bloodshed and violence
Eos - Goddess of the dawn
Eris - Goddess of discord
Eros - God of love
Gaia - primordial Goddess of earth,
Hades - God of the underworld and material riches, brother of Zeus
Hebe - wife of Heracles and Goddess of youth
Hekate - Goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, and the harvest moon
Helios - Titan, God of the sun
Hephaestus - God of smiths, an Olympian
Hera - Queen of the Gods and Heaven, Goddess of marriage,
Heracles - porter of Olympus,
Hermaphroditus - God of effeminates, hermaphrodites, and sexuality
Hermes - God of travelers, merchants, thieves, liars,
Hestia - Goddess of the hearth, gave up seat at Olympus to Dionysus
Hypnos - God of sleep
Pan - God of shepherds and forests
Persephone - daughter of Demeter, queen of the dead, also a grain-Goddess
Poseidon - God of the sea and earthquakes, an Olympian
Selene - Goddess of the moon
Thanatos - God of death
Ouranos - sky God and ancestor of many of the other gods
Zeus - King of the Gods and God of the sky, air, and storms
Aeons, Archons, Christ, Sophia, Yaldabaoth, Yao, Saklas, Samael, the Demiurge
Abaangui, Jurupari, Tupa
Brahman, the one and only (formless) supreme aspect of God
Adi - Shakti, the Female aspect of the Supreme Divine in Kinetic Dynamic Form
The Three Maha Shaktis
MahaSaraswati (Great Saraswati) - Universal Force of Creation
MahaLakshmi (Great Lakshmi) - Universal Force of Preservation
MahaKali (Great Kali) - Universal Force of Dissolution
The Hindu Trinity:
Brahmâ, the creator
Vishnu, the sustainer
Shiva, the destroyer
The Hindu Tridevi - Triple Goddess, the consorts of the Trinity
Saraswati - Hindu Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, Wife of Brahma
Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility, Wife of Vishnu
Parvati - Hindu Goddess of Power and Might, Wife of Shiva

Avatars (Incarnations) of Vishnu
Matsya Avatar - Fish Incarnation
Kurma Avatar - Tortoise Incarnation
Varah Avatar - Boar Incarnation
Vaman Avatar - Dwarf Incarnation
Narasimha Avatar - Man-Lion Incarnation
Rama Avatar - Incarnation as the Epic King in Ramayana
Krishna Avatar - Incarnation as the Epic Prince in Maha Bharata
Buddha Avatar - Incarnation as Gautama Buddha, Founder of Buddhism
Kalki Avatar - The Avatar yet to come on the onset of Apocalypse
Garuda- The Eagle Headed Deity who is the vehicle of Vishnu
Ananta or Shesha- The Infinite Serpent which is the Bed of Vishnu
Narada- The Divine Messenger of the Gods
Dattatreya - Shown with Three Heads,
Hayagriva - He is shown with the head of a horse
The Manifestations of Shiva
Nataraja - The Lord of Dance
Dakshinamurti - The Lord of the South - The Preceptor and Guru
Mahadeva - The Great God
Hanuman - Personified as a Monkey Headed Deity,
Ardhanarishwar - The Androgynous God
Other Deties Associated with Shiva
Ganesh - Oldest Son of Shiva and the God of Prosperity,
Kartik or Skanda - The Second Son of Shiva,
Veer Bhadra - The Deity who Guards the Abode of Shiva
Nandi - The Bull which is the vehicle of Shiva
Ayyappa - Also called Manikantha, Sasta
The Eight Forms of Lakshmi
Other Goddesses Associated with Lakshmi
Shri Devi- The Goddess of Beauty
Prithvi or Bhudevi - The Goddess of Earth
Alakshmi or Jyeshta Devi - The Contra Goddess of Misfortune
The Passive/Peaceful Manifestations of Parvati
Sati- Goddess of Marriage and Wedlock
Shashti - Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth
Annapurna - Goddess of Food and Nourishment
Lalita - Goddess of Beauty
The Warrior Manifestations of Parvati
Kali - The Goddess of Time and Death
The Ten Great Wisdom Manifestations of Kali
Kali - The Goddess as Time
Tara - The Goddess as Space
Chinnamasta - The Goddess as The Cycle of Life and Death
Bhuvaneshvari - The Goddess as Perfection
Tripura Sundari - The Goddess as the Most beautiful
Bhairavi - The Goddess as the Most frightful
Bagalamukhi - The Crane headed Goddess as upholder of Universal Order
Dhumavati - The Widowed Goddess as Chaos and Misery
Matangi - The Goddess as Leftovers and Salvage
Kamala - The Goddess as Perfection
Durga - The Goddess of Power and War
The Nine Manifestations of Durga
Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyani, Chandraghanta, Siddhi Dhatri, Maha Gauri, Kaal Ratri
Maya - The Goddess of Illusion and Mystery
The Adityas
Indra - God of weather and war
Mitra - God of honesty, friendship and contracts
Ravi, Surya - the Sun gods
Varuna - God of the oceans and rivers
Yama - God of death
Aha Njoku, Ala, Chukwu
Apo - mountain God
Apocatequil - God of lightning
Chasca - Goddess of dawn, twilight, and Venus
Coniraya - moon God
Ekkeko - God of hearth and wealth
Illapa - weather God
Inti/Punchau - sun God
Kon - God of rain and wind from the south
Mama Allpa - multi-breasted fertility Goddess
Mama Cocha - Goddess of sea and fish
Mama Pacha - dragoness fertility Goddess
Mama Quilla - moon Goddess
Mama Zara - Goddess of grain
Manco Capac
Pacha Kamaq - creator God
Pariacaca - water God
Supay - God of death
Urcaguary - God of metal and jewels
Viracocha - creator of civilization
Jehovah's Witnesses
Adonai/Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh/El/Elohim/Shaddai/Shalom/Yah/YHWH/YHWH Tzevaot
Gamab, Heitsi-eibib, Tsui'goab
Dangun - the grandson of the God of heaven
Hwanin - the grandson of Hwang-gung,
Mantis, Prishiboro
Auseklis, Dēkla, Dievs, Jumis, Kārta, Laima, Māra, Pērkons, Saule, Ūsiņš
Adroa, Adroanzi
Ares Lusitani, Atégina, Bandonga, Bormanico, Cariocecus, Duberdicus, Endovelicus, Geleshus, Mars Cariocecus, Nabia, Nantosvelta, Runesocesius, Sucellus, Tongoenabiagus, Trebaruna, Turiacus
Annat, Anax, Artimus, Asterios, Atergätus, Atys, Baki/Bacchus, Bassareus, Damasēn, Gugaie/Guge/Gugaia, Hermos, Hipta, Hullos, Kandaulēs, Kaustros, Kubebe, Lamētrus, Lukos, Lydian Lion, Mēles, Moxus, Omfalē, Pldans,
Ahaw Kin - Sun God
Bacabs - Gods of the 4 directions
Balac - War God
Balam - Protector God
Bolon tza cab - Ruling God of All
Chaac - Rain God
Hunah Ku - Creator God
Itzamna - Reptile Creator God
Ix Chel - Moon Goddess
Kukulcan - Feathered Serpent God
Xbalanque - God of the Jaguar
Xi Balba - God of the Death
Yum Kaax - Corn God
Primordial beings
7 gods who decree
Demigods & heroes
Spirits & monsters
Tales from Babylon
The Great Gods
Adad · Ashnan
Asaruludu · Enbilulu
Enkimdu · Ereshkigal
Inanna · Lahar
Nanshe · Nergal
Nidaba · Ningal
Ninisinna · Ninkasi
Ninlil · Ninurta
Nusku · Uttu
Anshar - father of heaven
Anu - the God of the highest heaven
Apsu - the ruler of gods and underworld oceans
Ashur - national God of the Assyrians,
Damkina - Earth mother Goddess
Ea - God of wisdom
Enlil - God of weather and storms
Ereshkigal - Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom
Hadad - weather God
Ishtar - Goddess of love
Kingu - husband of Tiamat
Kishar - father of the earth
Marduk - national God of the Babylonians,
Mummu - God of mists
Nabu - God of the scribal arts
Nintu - mother of all gods
Ninurta - God of war
Nergal - God of war, disease, death and destruction
Shamash - God of the sun and of justice
Sin - moon God
Tiamat - dragon Goddess slain by Marduk
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit
Balder - God of beauty and light, slain by the trickery of Loki
Bragi - God of bardic poetry
Freyja - Goddess of fertility
Freyr - the brother of Freyja and a fertility God
Frigg - Goddess of marriage, household management, and love,
Heimdall - God of the rainbow, a bridge to heaven
Hel - daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda,
Hodur - brother of Balder and tricked by Loki to kill him
Idunn - guardianess of the Apples of Youth that kept the gods young
Loki - trickster-God, giant, blood-brother of Odin,
Niord - God of sailors and fertile seaside land
Odin - king of the gods, God of wisdom and runes
Sif - the wife of Thor
Thor - God of war and storms, famous for his hammer, Mjolnir
Tyr - God of justice, war and glory
Persian Philippine
Amanikable - God of Hunters
Amihan - North Wind
Anitan - Guardian of lightning
Anitun Tabu (Anitong Tao) - Goddess of wind and rain
Apolake - God of war, guardian of the sun
Bakonawa - Celestial Serpent, devourer of sun and moon
Bathala - Supreme God of the ancient Tagalogs
Dian Masalanta - Goddess of love
Hukluban - Goddess of death
Idianale - Goddess of agriculture and husbandry
Ikapati/Lakan Pati - Goddess of fields, fertility, and lands
Kalinga - God of Thunder
Kan-Laon - Ancient Visayan God, king of time
Lalahon - Goddess which resides in Mt Kanlaon
Manggagaway - Goddess of sickness
Mangkukulam - God of fire
Manisilat - God of broken homes
Maria Makiling - Protector of Mt Makiling
Mayari/Bulan - Lunar Goddess
Magwayen - Ferryman of the dead
Tala - God/Goddess of the stars
Mandangan- God of War
Mabuyan/ Bai Bulan - Goddess of the underworld
Atea, Ina, Kane Milohai, Lono, Maui, Papa, Pele
Haumia-tiketike - deity of uncultivated food,
Hine-nui-te-pō - deity of death
Hine Tītama - deity of the dawn
Hine Raumati - deity of the summer
Papa-tū-ā-nuku - deity of the earth
Rā - deity of the sun
Ranginui - deity of the sky
Rongo - deity of cultivated food
Ruaumoko - deity of earthquakes
Tāne Māhuta - deity of the forest and its creatures, man
Tangaroa - deity of the sea and its creatures
Tāwhiri-matea - deity of the weather, especially storms
Tū Matauenga - deity of war
Uenuku - deity of rainbows
Ukapirmas - the chief God, creator of the world
Perkūns/Perkuno - the God of thunder
Pikullos (Pikuls; Pickollo) - God of war and death
Kaūks - a deity
Swāikstiks/Suaixtix/Swaixtix - a deity
Dēiwas - a God
Zempat - God of the earth and of cattle
Arebati, Khonvoum, Tore,
Acis - river God near the Etna, son of Faunus and the nymph Symaethis
Aesculapius - God of health and medicine
Apollo - God of the sun, poetry, music, and oracles,
Aurora - Goddess of the dawn
Bacchus - God of wine and sensual pleasures,
Bellona - war Goddess
Caelus - God of the sky
Carmenta - Goddess of childbirth and prophecy,
Ceres - Goddess of the harvest and mother of Proserpina,
Cupid - God of love and son of Mars and Venus
Cybele - earth mother
Diana - Goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, and childbirth,
Discordia - Goddess of discord
Fama - Goddess of fame and rumor
Faunus - God of flocks
Febris - Goddess who prevented fever and malaria
Flora - Goddess of flowers, and assigned a Flamen Minore
Fortuna - Goddess of fortune
Hercules - demi-God of strength
Hespera - Goddess of dusk
Hora - Quirinus' wife
Janus - two-headed God of beginnings and endings and of doors
Juno - Queen of the Gods and Goddess of matrimony, and an Olympian
Jupiter - King of the Gods and the storm, air, and sky God,
Juturna- Goddess of springs
Juventas - God of youth
Kojji - the God of kings, father of Jupiter
Libitina - Goddess of the underworld
Lucina - Goddess of childbirth
Luna- moon Goddess
Lupercus - God of shepherds
Mars - God of war and father of Romulus, the founder of Rome,
Mercury - messenger of the gods and bearer of souls
Minerva - Goddess of wisdom and war, and an Olympian
Mithras - God of Mithraism, a separate religion
Morpheus - God of dreams
Nemesis - Goddess of revenge
Neptune - God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, and an Olympian
Orcus - a God of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths
Pluto - King of the Dead
Poena - Goddess of punishment
Pomona - Goddess of fruit trees,
Portunes- God of keys, doors, and livestock,
Priapus - God of fertility
Proserpina - Queen of the Dead and a grain-Goddess
Quirinus - Romulus, the founder of Rome,
Saturn - a titan, God of harvest and agriculture,
Silvanus - tutelary spirit of woods
Sol Invictus - sun God
Somnus - God of sleep
Suadela- Goddess of persuasion
Terra - Goddess of the earth and land
Terminus - the rustic God of boundaries
Trivia - Goddess of magic
Venus - Goddess of love and beauty,
Vesta - Goddess of the hearth and the Roman state,
Victoria - Goddess of victory
Volturnus- a God of water,
Voluptas - Goddess of pleasure
Vulcan - God of the forge, fire, and blacksmiths,
Janas - Goddess of death
Maymon - God of Hades
Panas - Goddess of reproduction
Thanit - Goddess of Earth and fertility
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hiko-Ne - God of thunder
Amaterasu - sun Goddess
Ama-no-Uzume - fertility Goddess
Amatsu Mikaboshi - God of evil
Chimata-No-Kami - God of crossroads, highways and footpaths
Ho-Musubi - God of fire
Inari (mythology) - God of rice
Izanagi - creator God
Izanami - creator Goddess
Kagu-tsuchi - God of fire
Kura-Okami - God of rain
Nai-No-Kami - God of earthquakes
O-Kuni-Nushi - God of sorcery and medicine
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi - God of the sea
Sengen-Sama - Goddess of the Mt Fujiyama
Seven Gods of Fortune
Benzai-ten or Benten - Goddess of money, eloquent persuasion,
Bishamon-ten - God of happiness and war
Ebisu (also spelled Yebisu)
Shina-To-Be - Goddess of wind
Shina-Tsu-Hiko - God of wind
Sojobo - king of the tengu
Susanoo - God of storms and thunder, snakes and farming
Taka-Okami - God of rain
Take-Mikazuchi - God of thunder
Tengu - minor trickster deities
Tsukuyomi - God of the moon
Uke-Mochi - Goddess of food
Wakahiru-Me - Goddess of the dawn sun
Belobog - God of light and sun (speculative)
Berstuk - evil God of the forest
Cislobog - moon Goddess
Crnobog - God of woe (speculative)
Dajbog - sun God
Dziewona - equivalent of Diana
Flins - God of death
Hors - God of the winter sun
Jarilo - God of vegetation, fertility, spring,
Juthrbog - moon God
Karewit - protector of the town of Korzenica
Lada and Lado
Marowit - God of nightmares
Perun - God of thunder and lightning
Podaga - weather God, and God of fishing,
Porewit - God of law, order and judgement
Radegast (God) - possibly a God of hospitality,
Rugiwit -
Sieba - fertility and love Goddess
Siebog - God of love and marriage
Stribog - God and spirit of the winds, sky and air
Svarog - God of fire
Svetovid - God of war, fertility and abundance
Triglav - three-headed God
Veles - God of earth, waters, and the underworld
Zirnitra - dragon God of sorcery
An, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nammu, Nanna, Ninhursag, Ninlil, Sin, Tiamat, Utu,
‘Anat - war Goddess
Athirat - mother Goddess
‘Athtart - Goddess of fertility
Dagon - God of earth
El - the father God and head
Haddu - commonly titled Ba‘l, a rain God and storm God
Lillitu - Goddess of the winds
Mot - the God of death
Yam - the God of the sea

Native American
Azeban - trickster
Bmola - bird spirit
Gluskab - kind protector of humanity
Malsumis - cruel, evil God
Tabaldak - the creator
Gyhldeptis, Lagua, Nankil'slas, Sin, Ta'axet, Tia
Aholi, Angwusnasomtaka, Kokopelli, Koyangwuti, Muyingwa, Taiowa,
See also: kachina
Airesekui, Heng, Iosheka
Igaluk - lunar deity
Nanook - master of bears
Nerrivik - sea mother and food provider
Pinga - Goddess of the hunt, fertility, and medicine
Sedna - sea Goddess, ruler of the underworld
Torngasoak - sky God
Adekagagwaa, Gaol, Gendenwitha, Gohone, Hahgwehdaetgan, Hahgwehdiyu, Onatha
Canopus, Haokah, Whope, Wi
Ahsonnutli, Bikeh Hozho, Estanatelhi, Glispa, Hasteoltoi, Hastshehogan, Tonenili, Tsohanoai, Yolkai Estasan
Pah, Shakuru, Tirawa  
Eagentci, Hagones, Hawenniyo, Kaakwha