Saturday, January 28, 2023

Gods & Goddesses 2006 CO1

This is by no means a complete list, but merely a starting point for research.
Gods & Goddesses, 2006

Adonis:    Greek; consort of Aphrodite. Also another name for "Lord." In Phoenician his counterpart is Astarte. A vegetation God. Roman counterpart is Venus. 

Aer:    Wales; Goddess of war and revenge. Goddess of the River Dee.

Aine:    Ireland; Moon Goddess and patroness of crops and cattle. Associated with the Summer Solstice.

Amaethon:    Wales; God of agriculture.

Andraste:    Britain; A war and nature Goddess. Associated with the hare And Ostara.

Anu/Dana/Dana-Ana:    Ireland; Mother Goddess, Greatest of all Goddesses. Goddess of plenty. Maiden aspect of the triple Goddess, formed with Goddesses Macha and Badb.

Anubis:    Egyptian; guardian of Isis. Jackal-Headed God of Protection. Call on hem to protect both home and person. 

Aphrodite:    Greek; Goddess of passionate, sexual love. Aphrodite will assist you in pulling loving energy towards yourself. 

Apollo:    Greek and Roman; twin brother of Artemis. God of the Sun, Light and the Arts. 

Apsu:    Babylonian; his mate is Tiamat. 

Aradia:    Italian; Queen of the Witches, daughter of Diana. Aradia is an extremely powerful entity and a protectress of Witches in general. 

Arianrhod:    Welsh; Goddess of the stars and reincarnation. Call on Arianrhod to help with past life memories and difficulties as well as for contacting the Star People. 

Artemis:    Greek; Goddess of the Moon. 

Astarte:    Greek; Fertility Goddess. Whether you wish to bear children or have a magnificent garden, Astarte will assist in your desire. 

Athena:    Greek; Warrior Goddess and Protectress. Someone giving you a rough time at work? Call on Athena to help you. 

Badbh:    Ireland, Gaul; In Gaul known as Cauth Bodva. War Goddess. Part of the triple Goddess aspect with Anu and Macha. Associated with cauldrons, ravens, life and wisdom. 

Bast:    Egyptian; Goddess of Protection and Cats. Bast is great for vehicle travel as well as walking down a dark alley. Call on her essence in the form of a giant panther to see you through to your destination. 

Bel/Bile/Belenus:    Ireland; Sun and fire God. Associated with fire, sun, purification, success, crops, fertility and cattle. Seen in the festival of Beltane. 

Blodwin/Blanchflor:    Wales, Gaul; Goddess of the earth in bloom. Associated with flowers, owls and ceremonies. Goddess of initiation ceremonies. 

Bran:    Wales; The giant. God of prophecy, the arts, leaders, war, music and writing. Associated with ravens. 

Brigantia:    Britain; Goddess of pastures and rivers. Associated with Imbolc. 

Brigid:    Celtic; Warrior Goddess and Protectress and Preserver. Brigid is also a Triple Goddess. She is strong and wise. Call on her to help protect your children in a tough situation. 

Caillech Beine Bric/Scota:    Scotland; Destroyer Goddess of the Underworld. The name for Scotland comes from her( original name was Caledonia) 

Camulos:    Britian, Gaul; War God 

Ceres:    Roman; Goddess of the Harvest. 

Cernunnos:    Celtic; Horned God and consort of the Lady. God of Nature. Also called Herne The Hunter. He represents the darker aspects of nature. 

Cerridwen:    Welsh; Moon and Harvest Goddess and Goddess of nature. Goddess of the Underworld and the cauldron of inspiration. 

Demeter:    Greek; Earth Mother archetype. Excellent Goddess where birthing or small children are involved. 

Diana:    Roman; Moon Goddess and Goddess of the Hunt. Diana is many faceted. She is a seductress (as she enchanted her brother Lucifer to beget Aradia in the form of a cat) as well as a mother figure for Witches. 

Dryads:    Greek; feminine spirits of the trees. 

Eros:    Greek; God of Romance and Passionate Love. 

Flora:    Roman; Goddess of Spring and Birth. For beautiful flowers, babies, and all bounties of Earth Mother. 

Fortuna:    Roman; Goddess of Fate. 

Freys:    Scandinavian; Moon Goddess and wife/lover of Odin. Also commander of the Valkyries. 

Green Man:    God of nature, The male spirit of nature, life and growth. The Green Man 

Hathor:    Egyptian; Protectress of Women in Business. A Hathor's Mirror is very important for the Witch. Hathor was cunning as well as beautiful. 

Hecate:    Egyptian; Moon Goddess as in Crone or Dark Mother. 

Hera:    Greek; Goddess of Marriage. If handfasting or some type of commitment is the issue, Hera is the Goddess to seek. Just remember that she has a vindictive side. 

Herne The Hunter:    Britain; The dark lord. God of the hunt, wild animals, and forests. Associated with the Gods, Cernunnos and Gwynn ap Nudd. 

Hestia:    Greek; Goddess of Home and Hearth. Building a house, remodeling, or apartment hunting. Safety in the home and family unit. 

Horus:    Egyptian; Head of a Falcon and body of a man. God of the all-seeing eye and healing. 

Hymen:    Greek; God of Marriage and Commitment. His counterpart is Dionysus. 

Inanna:    Sumerian; Goddess representation of the Mother. 

Isis:    Egyptian; represents the Complete Goddess or the Triple Goddess.

Kai:    Wales; A fire and smithing God. 

Kali:    Hindu; Creative/Destructive Goddess. Protectress of abused women. Kali-Ma should be called if a woman is in fear of physical danger. Her power is truly awesome. 

Lilith:    Hebrew; Adam's first wife and said to be turned into a demoness; however, you may change your mind. In Silver RavenWolf's opinion, Lilith was a Star Woman bred with Adam. This would make her a Goddess of Higher Intelligence or a representation of the Star People. Associated with sexuality and the dark side. 

Lucifer:    Italian; Soulmate and Brother of Diana. Father of Aradia. God of the Sun and Light. 

Lugh:    Ireland, Wales; Sun and War God. Connected with the festival of Lughnasa, a harvest festival. Associated with ravens. and a white stag. 

Maat:    Egyptian; Goddess of Justice and Divine Order. Maat is the true balance of any situation. She plays no favorites and will dispense justice to all parties involved. Be sure your own slate is clean in the situation before you call her. 

Macha:    Ireland; Mother of life and death. A war Goddess. Associated with ravens and crows. Dominates males with sexual cunning and force. She was honored at Lughnasa. 

Math Mathonwy:    Wales, Britain; God of magick, sorcery and enchantment. 

Mithra:    Persian; Sun God and bringer of Light. A soldier's God. 

Morgan Le Fay:    Welsh; Death Goddess. Glamorgan in Wales is her sacred territory. 

Morgan:    Ireland, Wales, Britain; Crone aspect of the triple Goddess. Goddess of War, magick, fate and death.. She was also doubled with The Lady of the Lake. Associated with ravens, crows, shapeshifting, magick, prophecy, wisdom, war, peace and night. It is Morgan who taught Merlin his magick Patroness of priestesses and witches. 

Muses:    Greek; Goddess of Inspiration who vary in number depending upon the pantheon used. 

Nephtys:    Egyptian; Goddess of Surprises, Sisters and Midwives. 

Norns:    Celtic; the three sisters of the Wyrd. Responsible for weaving fate- past, present and future. 

Nuit:    Egyptian; Sky Mother. Often seen depicted in circular fashion cradling the stars. 

Odin:    Scandinavian; counterpart of Freya. This is the God who hung on the Tree of Yggdrasil to obtain second sight. His familiars are the Raven and the Wolf. He is depicted as a terrible God, in his old age as a God of Wisdom and psychic sight. He is the giver of Runes. 

Osiris:    Egyptian; counterpart of Isis. Over-all God form including vegetation and after-life. 

Owen ap Urien:    Wales; God of wisdom, magick and war. Associated with Ravens. 

Pan:    Greek; God of Nature and the Woods, Laughter and Passion. Also music and personal abandon. 

Persephone:    Greek; Goddess of the Underworld as well as Harvest. Daughter of Demeter. 

Poseidon:    Greek; God of the Sea. His familiars are dolphins and horses. 

Ptah:    Egyptian; Expert craftsman and designer. God of creative enterprise with the hands. 

Rhiannon:    Wales; Goddess of birds and horses. She rides a white horse. Goddess of the Underworld. 

Selene:    Greek; Goddess of the Moon and Solutions. Appeal to Selene to bring a logical answer to any problem. 

Shiva:    Hindu; consort of Kali. God of the universal cycle of birth-death-rebirth. Shiva can be both kind and terrible. 

Sucellus:    Britain; Father God , a sky God. God of authority, success, protection and strength. 

Thor:    Scandinavian; God of the Sky and Thunder. A kindly God of the common people, including farmers and sailors. 

Thoth:    Egyptian; God of Reincarnation. Also a Moon God and favorable to science and wisdom

Valkyries:    Scandinavian; women warriors who carried the souls of men slain in battle to heaven. 

Venus:  Roman; Goddess of Love and Romance. 

Vesta:    Roman; Goddess of Fire. 

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Passing Circle 2011 CO1

Passing Circle, 2011

Take a few deep breaths so as to prepare ourselves. Breathe deeply and remember the love you have for ... and all the joy and laughter their friendship brought to us.  

Three times round this Circle’s bound. From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to the North again. 
The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask our Father Sky to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.
The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.
The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Mother Earth shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here under the stars.

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  North, South, East and West from edge to edge this Circle is cast. As above, so below; So Mote It Be.


North:    Spirits of the North, Powers of Earth, we call you into our circle.  From you we come; to you we return.  Bring us strength, nurturing and the knowledge that all that dies becomes a part of you again. The Earth blesses this circle.  Enter and be blessed.

East:    Spirits of the East, Powers of Air, we call you into our circle.  Bring us clarity of vision and bright memories of our friends, Eric and Susan.  The Air we breathe blesses this circle.  Enter and be blessed. 

South:    Spirits of the South, Powers of Fire, we call you into our circle.  Bring us the courage we need to face the reality of death, keep our passion alive even in our sorrow, and bring us the warmth of the hearth.  The cleansing power of fire blesses this Circle. Enter and be blessed.

West:    Spirits of the West, powers of water, we call you into our circle. Open our hearts and let our tears and love flow.  Bring us healing and renewal.  The life water of the Mother’s womb blesses this circle.  Enter and be blessed.

Great Mother, Goddess of life, death, and rebirth, Loving Mother; we ask that you join us this night to mark the passing and rebirth of our loved ones. Welcome in peace.  Blessed be!

Great Father, God of the hunt, the chase, God of the Underworld, Loving Father; we ask that you join us this night to mark the passing and rebirth of our loved ones.  Welcome in peace.  Blessed be!

We are gathered here this evening to honor the passing of our loved ones, ... .  We meet to commend them to the care of the Great Mother and Father so that they may rest until it is time for them to be reborn.  Mother, Father, brother, sister, friend, they touched our lives in many different ways and we are better people for having known them. 

Though ... are gone from this earthly realm they will live on forever in the wild flowers growing in the meadows, on the whispers of the wind, in the warmth of the sun on our faces, in the gentle Spring rain and in a magnificent thunderstorm.  As long as their memories are alive in our hearts and in our minds, they will be with us always as they walk hand in hand with the Ancient Ones.

(Pass around basket containing Magickal items.  As each person takes the basket, allow time to speak and share memories.  Everyone walk over to the planting site and place the items in the hole.  Anyone who wants to share what they have written to ... will have time to do so before placing their letter into the hole. And then everyone will assist in planting the tree.)

Great Mother, welcome ... back into your womb, and Great Father, welcome them back to your loving wisdom.  Let them come to you and know that they have been blessed by your gifts of Life.  As they enter your world, wrap them in your loving arms and welcome them back home. Let them speak to the Ancient Ones to learn the greater mysteries that lie beyond the veil.
(Walk away from the planting site and go back to the Circle)

Great Mother, bless this grain that it may always keep love in our hearts.
Great Father, bless this drink that it may keep laughter in our hearts and remembrance in our minds. 

All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So Mote It Be! 

Great Mother Goddess and Great Father God, we honor you and thank you for your presence in this our sacred circle. You are with us always.

North:    Spirits of the North, Powers of the Earth; thank you for your presence here tonight. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always blessed be.

West:    Spirits of the West, Powers of Water; thank you  for your presence here tonight. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always blessed be.

South:    Spirits of the South, Powers of Fire; thank you for your presence here tonight.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always blessed be.

East:    Spirits of the East, Powers of Air; thank you for your presence here tonight.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always blessed be.

Those of us left behind shall mourn the passing of ... but we shall also know that their souls and spirit are coming back to the Great Mother and Father and that they shall be made whole again.  We shall cry, but shall also laugh as we celebrate the life that had been given to them.  And we shall also let them know that as we now merry part, we shall all merry meet again.  This circle is open- yet unbroken.  May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Passing Circle 2017 CO1

Passing Circle, 2017

Altar Devotions
Sara Kali, Mother, woman, sister, queen, this altar is dedicated to you.  I am honored by your presence each day of my life.  Tonight I request your help – please watch over my Kumpania, protect my familia from any who would do them harm.  So Mote it Be.

Purify the Area
Dragons of the North, South, East & West – hear my call, attend to me!  Those who live on this property and dwell in this space – gather round, we have work to do.  Tomorrow will be time to play.  Set the wards, awaken the guards – I charge you with the protection of those who fill this space.  Let no harm come to them.  Circle round; reflect back without malice anything that comes with ill intent.  Allow entry only to those who come for our own greater good.  Allow only those energies that arrive in peace and good will.

Smudge & Anoint
By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of those who have gone before; we welcome you, we honor you.

Unite energies
Welcome, and thank you all for joining us this evening.  One of the most difficult things for any of us to do is to say goodbye to a loved one.  Yet, sadly, it’s something that we all must do at some point in our lifetime. Tonight we honor those who have passed on before us.  As we go about our daily routines we often don’t realize how much our lives are touched by others around us.  Like tiny pieces of glass fitted together to create a lovely mosaic, we support each other and we complete each other.  When a beautiful piece is missing we all feel the pain.

Call Quarters
North:    In the darkness of the Midnight Hour, it is not the time to be afraid.  It’s the time to rest and reflect to gather strength knowing the sun will rise again.  Each day the Earth gifts us with the sustenance our bodies need to live.  Today the Earth accepts our precious gift of the ones we’ve loved to continue the cycle.  We honor and thank the Spirits of the North for their offerings and ask them to aid us this night so that peace may be found. Enter our circle and be blessed.

East:    As the new day begins, so our loved ones will soon begin their new journey.  Spirits of Air were there to gift them with their first breath of life.  Today the Spirits will be there to accept the gift of their final breath.  We honor and thank the Spirits of the East for their offerings and ask them to aid us this night to release our pain. Enter our circle and be blessed.

South:    In the intense brightness of the Noon Hour, it is the time to dance.  It’s the time celebrate and love, to understand the full value of a life released.  Each day Fire gifts us with the light and heat our bodies need to survive.  Today Fire will be there to accept the prized gift of the ones we’ve loved as they rise to the Summerlands.  We honor and thank the Spirits of the South for their offerings and ask them to aid us this night in our hearts desire. Enter our circle and be blessed.

West:    As the day ends, so our loved ones will leave us to begin their journey anew.  Spirits of Water were there to gift us with our first tears of life.  Today the Spirits will be there to accept the gift of our tears as we say goodbye to those we’ve held dear.  We honor and thank the Spirits of the West for their offerings and ask them to aid us this night to cherish old ties. Enter our circle and be blessed.

Cast Circle
Three times round this Circle’s bound. From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to the North again.  

The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask our Lord to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.
The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.
The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Lady shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof.

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  North, South, East and West from edge to edge this Circle is cast. So Mote It Be.

Poem – I Miss You Most
I miss you most upon each Samhain, when the boundary turns to sheer,
I wait until the veil is parted, at the ending of the year.
Sweet spirit, as you walk among us, at the tolling of this eve,
I see your face beyond the sunset, and hear your voice upon the breeze,
In the glowing of the candle, from the shadow on the wall,
I watch for you in every movement, and hear your footsteps in the hall.
Can you sit and spend the evening as the portals open wide?
Ancestral dead, I bid you welcome, most recent dead, I pray, abide.
When you come I sense your presence, I put my hand out in the air,
A moment, then, we stand united, palm-to-palm while waiting there.
I miss you most upon each Samhain, when the boundary turns to sheer,

Father of healing; help us to believe in the place where wounds can heal.  Mother of weaving; show us that what has been torn can be mended.

Tonight we will call to our loved ones.  We will ask them to linger a moment.  May they hear our words this night.  Now is a time to celebrate their lives and recognize our sadness.  We understand that they are not lost to us, but rather will be a part of our lives in a different way now. 

Community Workings
Words not spoken to a loved one are often words regretted.  How many times have we said – I wish I had told them, I wish I had explained, I wish I could have made them understand??  Tonight we’re going to remember those who have passed over before us, take the chance to speak to them, to say the words that need to be spoken.  Tonight we will call their names, and if they still linger near we’ll ask them to join us for a moment.  This is a safe secure space for us to communicate with those we’ve held dear to our hearts.  There is no harm, only those things meant for our own greater good.  This is not an easy thing for any of us, but your loved ones are here to listen, and you have everyone’s support.

Cakes and Ale
The bond that links a true family is seldom one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.  Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.  Tonight we share with members of our family, our friends, and we ask our Lord and Lady to bless each of us, to continue to walk beside us as we move throughout our daily lives.  All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So Mote It Be!

Thank Spirit
Father of Light, shine your glorious brilliance to guide our dearly departed on their way.  Great Father, we thank You for Your presence and for bearing witness to this Rite. We will remember You when we see Your Spirit shining in the midday sky and in the shadows of the dancing flames. We bid You Hail and Farewell.

Mother of Darkness, in your warm arms of night may you rock them gently to sleep.  Great Mother, we thank You for Your presence and for bearing witness to this Rite. When we gaze into the midnight sky or feel the warm winds upon our faces, we will remember You. We bid You Hail and Farewell.

Journey on now our dearly departed; we will follow when we can.  May you be born again at the same time and in the same place as those you knew and loved in this life.  May you know them again, and love them again.  Merry Part, Blessed Be, and may we Merry Meet Again. As we remember those who have passed, speak their names, invite them to depart in peace and remember to bless and honor them in your daily thoughts.

Release Quarters
Tonight, we honor and thank the Spirits of the Four Quarters. We are grateful for your presence here this night.  Dragons of the North, South, East & West – hear my call, attend to me!  I release you from your work this night.  Let loose the wards, allow the guards to return to their rest.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be.

Open Circle
The Triple Circle around this place stands, strengthened by our Ritual here tonight.  This will remain an open Circle, never broken; a welcoming haven to all who visit; a place of peace and rest for the Dragons who reside on the surrounding lands.  We invite you all to stay if you will, leave if you must, but know that you are always welcome here in this space.  May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dark Moon 2023 CO1


Dark Moon 2023

The Dark Moon is the waning crescent phase of the Moon right before the New Moon; it's also called the balsamic phase of the New Moon. The term dark moon describes the last visible crescent of a waning Moon. Like the Full Moon, the Dark Moon occurs roughly once a month, or every 28-29 days. There are 3 days available when working with Dark Moon energy... 1 - Dark - 3. The 1st day is a gentle swing down, the 3rd day is a gentle swing up. Dark Moon isn't about negative energy, nor is it a time for manifesting, or creating. It's a time for contemplation, for decluttering the mind and heart, for releasing old worries. 

January 21, Sat 03:55 PM

February 20, Mon 02:09 AM

March 21, Tue 01:26 PM

April 20, Thu 12:15 AM

May 19, Fri 11:55 AM

June 18, Sun 12:39 AM

July 17, Mon 02:33 PM

August 16, Wed 05:38 AM

September 14, Thu 09:40 PM

October 14, Sat 01:55 PM

November 13, Mon 04:27 AM

December 12, Tue 06:32 PM

Monday, January 2, 2023

Full Moons 2023 CO1


The full moon is the lunar phase when the Moon appears fully illuminated from Earth's perspective. This occurs when Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon. This means that the lunar hemisphere facing Earth—the near side—is completely sunlit and appears as an approximately circular disk. The full moon occurs roughly once a month, or every 28-29 days. There are 5 days available when working with Full Moon energy... 1 - 2 - Full - 4 - 5 ...although most Circle Esbat's are often planned based on the members schedules or groups convenience.

January Wolf Moon - Jan. 6, Fri 06:09 PM

February Snow Moon - Feb. 5, Sun 01:30 PM

March Worm Moon - Mar. 7, Tue 07:42 AM

April Pink Moon - Apr. 6, Thu 12:37 AM

May Flower Moon - May 5, Fri 01:36 PM

June Strawberry Moon - June 3, Sat 11:43 PM

July Buck Moon - July 3, Mon 07:40 AM

August Sturgeon Moon - Aug. 1, Tue 02:33 PM

August Blue Moon - Aug. 30, Wed 09:37 PM

September Harvest Moon - Sept. 29, Fri 05:58 AM

October Hunter’s Moon - Oct. 28, Sat 04:24 PM

November Beaver Moon - Nov. 27, Mon 04:16 AM

December Cold Moon - Dec. 26, Tue 07:33 PM

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)