Saturday, October 28, 2023

Ancestor Esbat 2017 CO1

 October 28, 2023 (Hunter’s Moon)

October Esbat 2017

Merry Meet and Blessed Be.  Tonight, we will be enlisting the help of the Ancient Ones from some of our own faiths to come together working in harmony.  October is known to be one time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.  It’s a time when messages are often sent to departed loved ones, but it can also be a time when messages are received.  Tonight we’ll be working on our own psychic connections and receiving messages from beyond.

Smudge & Anoint

Altar Devotion

Sara Kali, Mother, woman, sister, queen, this altar is dedicated to you.  I am honored by your presence each day of my life.  Tonight I request your help – please watch over my Kumpania, protect my familia from any who would do them harm.  By the powers of the Ancient ones, in the names of those who have gone before, we honor you, we remember you.  So mote it be.

Circle Cast

Three times round, this Circle’s bound, cast of love and protection to keep all inside safe from harm and free of all negativity.  Make this a place of safety so that the power of the Moon in all Her beauty and glory can be here to lend Her Magick.  This Circle is drawn from the elemental energies to surround this sacred space.  From earth the things that manifest.  From air, the things imagined.  From fire the things that motivate.  From water the things empowered.  In a space that has no place, in a moment that has no time.  Welcome Ancient Ones and see this place as sealed - So mote it be.

Call Quarters

EAST    Guardians of the East, Powers of Air; you who are thought and the wind upon my face - Winged eagle of the skies who is the morning breeze and the wrath of storms; we invite your presence this night.  Enter our Circle, Blessed be. 
SOUTH    Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire, you who are passion and the hearth - Great Snake who lives within the coals of the home fires as well as wild fires, we invite your presence this night.  Enter our Circle, Blessed be.   

WEST    Guardians of the West, Powers of Water, you who are emotions and pure love - Gentle Dolphin of the waves who is the morning dew, and the torrential rains, we invite your presence this night.  Enter our Circle, Blessed be.

NORTH    Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth, you who are the stabilizer and nurturer - Powerful Buffalo who paws the ground and stands solid as the mountains, we invite your presence this night.  Enter our Circle, Blessed be.

Unite energies - Charge of Goddess

In the mists of time I was called Aset, Urd, Verdandi, Skuld, Urania, White Buffalo Woman, Sara Kali, and by many other names.  I am the quickening of the seed in Springtime, the glory of ripe fields in Summer, and the peace of the quiet woods as the snow calms the Earth in Winter.  I am the lilt of the maidens' melody in the morning, the patient hand of the Mother and the deep river of the mysteries taught by moonlight.  I give you, my children, the gifts of song rising from the heart, the joy of autumn sunset, the cool touch of the renewing waters, and the compelling call of the drum in the dance.  To you I give the joy of creation and the companion of beauty to light your days.  
By the powers of the steadfast Earth and the wheeling stars I charge thee; by the darkness of death and the white light of birth I charge thee; and by the terrible strength of your human spirits, I charge thee:  Strive always for the growth of your eternal soul, never intentionally diminish your strength, your compassion, your ties to the earth or your knowledge. Challenge your mind, never accept complacently that which has been the standard merely for the reason that it is the standard by which the majority judges.  Act always for the betterment of your brothers and sisters.  To strengthen them is to forge the true chain of humanity, and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  
You are my children, my brothers and sisters and my companions.  You are known in great part by the company you keep, and you are strong and wise and full of the powers of life.  It is yours to use them in my service, and I also, am known by the company I keep.  Go forth in joy and the light of my love, turning to me without fear when the darkness threatens to overcome you, and turning also to me to share your triumphs and your achievements, and know in your heart of hearts that we are together in blood and spirit ‘til the last star darkens in the sky and winter comes to the universe.


With the utmost respect I request the assistance of the Chivani of the Roma.  Sara Kali, the Mother, woman, sister, queen, the Phuri Dae, the source of all Romany blood. You are a Seeress of incredible talent, protector and prophet of your Familia.  Let the things I say tonight be only for the greater good of all. Blessed Be

Name the Working

Perform the Work

With malice towards no-one, and harm to none.  If the Goddess so desires it let our Magick be done. So Mote it Be.

Raise Power

Wish Box

Sacred Space

Cakes and Ale

By the grace and power of all divinity, we bless these cakes. May all who eat them never feel the emptiness of hunger. We also bless this juice. May all who drink it never feel the coarseness of thirst. So mote it be.
Thank Spirit

Sara Kali, mother, sister, and queen - When I humbly called, you responded, honoring us with your presence and wisdom.  As you now depart, please accept our highest gratitude for your aid in this Magickal rite. I now bid you farewell, but knowing You will always be near I will never say goodbye. Thank you for the secrets shared this night.  I now wish you good journey - Latcho Drom, Safe Journey.

Release Quarters

NORTH    Beneath our feet is the Earth, soil dark and fertile; the womb in which life begins and will later die, then return anew. We thank you, earthly guardians for your presence here tonight.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. Hail and farewell.

WEST    From the west, the mist rolls in bringing rain and fog; the life-giving water without which we would cease to be. We thank you, earthly guardians for your presence here tonight.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. Hail and farewell.

SOUTH    From the South the sun rises high in the summer sky, and lights our way even into the night. Today the sun casts three rays, the light of fire upon the land, the sea, and the heavens. We thank you, earthly guardians for your presence here tonight.  We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. Hail and farewell.

EAST    From the east comes the wind, cool and clear.  It brings new seeds to the garden, bees to the pollen, and birds to the trees. We thank you, earthly guardians for your presence here tonight. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. Hail and farewell.

Open Circle
As I open this circle, I give thanks to the Ancient Ones for being here with us on this night. I am most gracious for all of your help and guidance. As you leave us now, I ask that you continue to watch over us in our everyday lives. As the energy of this circle has served us well, I now return it to the elements from whence it came. May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)