Strawberry Moon 2017
(As participants enter they’re smudged with silk flowers dipped in water. HPS will stand at the end and pass out pencils and popsicle sticks. Everyone is encouraged to move deosil (clockwise) to take a seat)
Cast Circle
(HPS stands at the Altar and speaks as HP walks the Circle)
Three times round this Circle’s bound.
The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask the great God to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.
The second is a Circle of Hope – as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.
The Third is a Circle of Love – as we know that the great Goddess shines the light of her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof.
Three times round this Circle’s bound. East, then South, then West and North from edge to edge this Circle is cast. So Mote It Be.
Call Quarters
(HP will walk the Circle to sound the bell as each quarter is called)
East: We call upon the element of Air, and as the breeze surrounds us, cool and refreshing, we ask the energy of Air to aid us in cultivating our wishes so that they may be fruitful. (Sound the Bell)
We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be
South: We call upon the element of Fire, and as the heat surrounds us, passionate and strong, we ask the energy of Fire to aid us in cultivating our desires so that they may be fruitful. (Sound the Bell)
We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be
West: We call upon the element of Water, and as the rain surrounds us, gentle and cleansing, we ask the energy of Water to aid us in cultivating our dreams so that they may be fruitful. (Sound the Bell)
We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be
North: We call upon the element of Earth, and as the soil surrounds us, vibrant and alive, we ask the energy of Earth to aid us in cultivating our endeavors so that they may be fruitful. (Sound the Bell)
We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be
HPS: Soft scented stillness that warns of the storm
Whisper of wisdom full living and warm
Both: Goddess breathe into us wonder at all we may know
Welcome, wise wind, from wherever you blow.
HP: Bright spark of courage, blaze of desire
The passion for change is a wild, raging fire
Both: Kindled by Gods will, it burns in our veins
Welcome within us, our hearts are your flames
HPS: Power of water, power to feel
Father within us, ancient and real
Both: Soothed into calmness or tossed to extremes
Welcome, wild waves from the depths of our dreams
HP: Mother in waiting, child in the womb
Newly strung thread waits the night on the loom
Both: Earth that we come from, Earth where we go
Welcome, as you welcomed us long long ago.
Name the Working
(HPS will explain what everyone is to do with their sticks)
Perform the Work
(Working from the East, each Quarter goes up to the Altar and place their sticks into the pot.)
Raise Power
(Each Quarter begins as HP walks the Circle. When all Quarters are participating, encourage a brief rise in energy, then HPS & HP will walk the Circle calming each Quarter as they pass, spiraling into the center to focus all energies)
East – brushing hands
South – snapping fingers
West – hands on knees
North – stamping feet
Great Rite
(HPS sits with HP standing – Members assist)
HP: The calm waters gathered from still pools and quiet eddies represent the Magick of the Goddess. (The bowl of water is raised for all to see)
HPS: Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
HP: The forceful waters gathered from racing streams and surging waterfalls represent the Mystery of the Gods. (The pitcher of water raised for all to see)
HPS: Let my reverence be within the soul that aspires, let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are parts of the mysteries. All beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings.
(As the water is poured into the bowl)
Both: Spirit to Flesh - Masculine to Feminine - As the Goddess and God within, together they bring blessedness to life.
Cakes and Ale
(As part of feasting the water from the Great Rite is poured into the Flower Pot)
BOTH: Loving God and Goddess, we thank you for this food and drink, and for your blessings and wisdom you have given us.
BOTH: Come be our guests and take your place at this table. As this food and drink feeds our bodies, so we ask you to nourish our souls. So Mote it Be.
Release Quarters
(HPS will speak as HP walks the Circle widdershins (counter-clockwise) to release the Elements. As each Quarter is released that person sits)
NORTH: We thank the vibrant and alive element of Earth for helping us cultivate or endeavors. (Sound the Bell)
WEST: We thank the gentle and cleansing element of Water for helping us cultivate or dreams. (Sound the Bell)
SOUTH: We thank the passionate and strong element of Fire for helping us cultivate or Desires. (Sound the Bell)
EAST: We thank the cool and refreshing element of Air for helping us cultivate or wishes. (Sound the Bell)
We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us, may you always Blessed Be.
Open Circle
(HP moves to the center of the Circle to place the bell back on the altar)
HPS: May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled. This Circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and may we Merry Meet Again.
Go Mbeannaigh
(Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)
Xut Kala Xetl
(Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
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