Friday, September 29, 2023

Healing Esbat 2018 CO1

September 29, 2023 (Harvest Moon)
Esbat 2018

By the power of the Ancient Ones, in the names of those who have gone before. We remember you, we honor you.  So Mote it be.



Three times round this Circle’s bound.  From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to the North again.  

The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask Father Sun to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.

The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.

The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Mother Moon shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof.

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  North, South, East and West from edge to edge this Circle is cast.  So Mote It Be.  Within this Circle we stand between space and time.  We are protected and in the perfect place for new growth and perception.

NORTH:  Energies of the North, we ask for your strength, and nurturing abundance in our spiritual quest. We call upon the forces of the earth to sharpen our minds for the work ahead and to breathe protection, grounding and sense into our hearts.  Be with us here forces of the earth.  Enter and be blessed!
EAST:  Energies of the East, where ideas are born and new days begin. We call upon the forces of the air to lift our spirits and breathe life into our dreams, grant us knowledge and vitality, and gift us with clarity, vision and swift thought.  Be with us here forces of air.  Enter and be blessed!
SOUTH:  Energies of the South, where passion and truth are found, and fulfillments are ours.  We call upon the forces of fire to energize our dreams and breathe passion and inspiration into our lives.  Give us strength, energy and love.  Be with us here forces of flame.  Enter and be blessed!
WEST:  Energies of the West, where daylight ends and our fears are healed.  We call upon the forces of water to grant us intuition and wisdom, and breathe purity and empathy into our studies.  Be with us here forces of water.  Enter and be blessed!
(Visualize the energy whirling around the circle - Visualize whirled peas - and going down into a cone into the earth for grounding.)
Mother Moon, Goddess of movement and creativity we invite you into our circle tonight as we celebrate our spirituality. We ask for your inspiration as we each follow our spiritual path and your passionate fire to move us forward in that creation with light and love. Guide our hearts and open our minds. Blessed be. 
Father Sun, God of lessons learned we invite you into our circle tonight as we celebrate our spirituality.  We ask for your wisdom as we each follow our spiritual path and your guidance to move us forward in that creation with love and light.  Help us choose the lessons for our highest good.  Blessed be. 


Thought Field Therapy began in 1980, with a psychologist by the name of Roger Callahan, and an accidental discovery while working with one of his patients. His colleague Gary Craig began to observe some problems with TFT, aspects that he saw were unnecessary complications. So in the 1990’s Craig developed Emotional Field Technique or EFT as a simplified, improved version of the concepts behind Callahan’s TFT.  EFT soon became known as Tapping and now has one basic, simple sequence of points to tap, no matter what the situation.

Identify the problem you want to focus on and compose your set up statement.
“Even though I have this _____, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Gently tap with your fingertips, not your fingernails. Use whichever hand is most comfortable, left or right, or alternate. The tapping order begins with the hands and moves to the top and works down. Relax, sit comfortably, take a slow relaxing breath and begin. Tap 3-6 times each on all points from the top down.

Hand  Begin by tapping the side of either hand with four fingers while stating
“Even though I have this _____, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Head  The crown or top of the head - Tap with four fingers 
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Eyebrow  Between the eyebrows, closest the nose – Tap with two fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Temple  The area between the eye and the temple – Tap with two fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Cheek  The bone under the eye, beneath the pupil – Tap with two fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Nose  The point beneath the nose and above the lip – Tap with two fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Chin  The point between the lower lip and the chin – Tap with two fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Collarbone  The point below and between the collarbones - Tap with four fingers
Repeat a simple reminder phrase, "I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Underarm  Each side, about just beneath the armpit - Tap with four fingers
“Even though I have this _____, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
“I am a good person and I invite good things into my life.”


From the Golden rays of the Sun, to the fertile Earth, to the healthy grains, to bread - May you never hunger.

From the Silver beams of the Moon, to the quiet Earth, to the fruits, to wine - May you never thirst.

All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  So Mote It Be!

With malice towards no-one, and harm to none.  If Spirit so desires it let our Magick be done.  Mother Moon and Father Sun, we thank You for coming into our Circle tonight.  Shade and Shadow, Dark and Light, you are two halves of a perfect whole.  We know that you walk beside us each day, guide our hearts, our tongues, our spirit.  In your honor, So Mote it Be.    

WEST:  We thank the energies of the West for attending our circle. As we flow through life we will remember that every twist and turn may hold new and exciting adventures for each of us. Stay if you will go if you must. Hail and Farewell.
SOUTH:  We thank the energies of the South for attending our circle. The fires of passion will light our way and shine upon the truth of what we need to know for our greatest good. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell.
EAST:  We thank the energies of the East, for attending our circle. Your mighty winds have cleared our paths to spirit. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell. 
NORTH:  We thank the energies of the North, for attending our circle. May Mother Earth continue to sustain us on our journey. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell.
May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

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