Sunday, February 11, 2024

Healing Circle 2011 CO1

Healing Circle, 2011

Purify the Area

Cast Circle

Smiles and laughter and times of fun this Circle casting has now begun. As above, so it is below, keep out all that would cause us woe. Around the Circle, throughout and about, healing within, healing without. All health come in, all illness flee, and by our will, so Mote It Be!

Call Quarters

Eastern Waters where Trade Winds blow, we call to you, your powers bestow. Wisdom and truth within us to see, Be here now, so mote it be.  Enter our circle and be blessed

Southern Waters with Tropical heat, we ask you to aid our Magickal feat. Passion and creation within us to see, Be here now, so mote it be. Enter our circle and be blessed

Western Currents where deep waters flow, we call to you, your powers bestow. Courage and healing within us to see, Be here now, so mote it be. Enter our circle and be blessed

Northern Secrets locked in icy sheet, we ask you to aid our Magickal feat. Success and stability within us to see, Be here now, so mote it be. Enter our circle and be blessed


Unite energies


The Lord and Lady have always been there for us, since before time was. They were there in the scents of the Earth in the whisper of the Wind in the warmth of the Sun in the refreshing coolness of a Mountain Stream.

They have always been there for us, even before we understood. They are there in the Magick of the Moonlight in the wonder of a Sunrise in the freedom of an Open Field in the comfort of a Sheltering Forest.

Tonight, we ask them to join our Circle and be with us as we celebrate laughter and light, growth and mystery, and bring physical, emotional and spiritual healing into our lives.

Name the Working

Raise Power

Deep in my Bone the Goddess is alive
Deep in my cells and blood the Life Force is strong
Deep in my heart and spirit I believe I will heal

Perform the Work

I heal myself with this water. By the power of the Ancient Ones, in the names of those who have gone before, I am free. By my will, so Mote It Be.

Magick mend and candle burn, sickness end; good health returns.

Great Rite

The glass I hold in my hand represents water from a rushing water fall - this symbolizes the energy of the God.

The bowl I hold in my hand represents water from a serene pool - this symbolizes the energy of the Goddess.

As the water from the falls represents the male and the water from the pool represents the female, the two joined together represent the healing energies of the God and Goddess flowing as one.

Cakes and Ale

We ask the God and Goddess to bless this food and drink.  All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So Mote It Be!

Thank Spirit

Release Quarters

Elemental Waters you have protected us well The lessons learned will continue to dwell. We release you now as we lift the spell Go with our blessing, Hail and Farewell. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always Blessed Be.

Open Circle

As again we walk around this Circle to release though the boundary now is gone, our laughter will not cease. May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!


Go Mbeannaigh  
(Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Beannaichte Be 
(Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku 
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl 
(Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

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