Sunday, July 28, 2024

Songs and Chants 1996 CO1

Songs and Chants are often used for a variety of reasons - lullaby's, grounding, centering, calming, even raising energy. Start by saying the words over and over and eventually a tune may develop.

Songs & Chants 1996

In a ring we all shall stand, Pass the Power, hand to hand
As the year is given birth, Build the Power, root to Earth
Pass The Power, hand to hand Bless the Lady, Bless the Land
Bless the Lord, bless the Skies, Bless the Power that never dies  
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree Let the Power flow out and Free!

Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth and Spirit I am
Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth and Spirit I am
Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth and Spirit I am.

We all come from the Goddess, And to Her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain, Flowing to the Ocean.
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana

We all come from the SunGod, And to Him we shall return.
Like a spark of flame, Rising to the Summer Lands
Pan, Poseidon, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Mithras, Loki, Apollo

Spiraling into the center, The center of the Shield. I am the Weaver, I am the Woven One. I am the Dreamer, I am the Dream.
Spiraling into the center, The center of the Shield. I am the Weaver, I am the Woven One. I am the Dreamer, I am the Dream.
Spiraling into the center, The center of the Shield. I am the Weaver, I am the Woven One. I am the Dreamer, I am the Dream.

Hoof and horn, hoof and horn, All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain, corn and grain, All that falls shall rise again.
Sage and Crone, Sage and Crone, Wisdom’s gift shall be our own,
Crone and Sage, Crone and Sage, Wisdom is the gift of age. 

We are a Circle, within a Circle, With no beginning, and never ending
We are a Circle, within a Circle, With no beginning, and never ending
We are a Circle, within a Circle, With no beginning, and never ending

She changes everything she touches and - Everything she touches changes
We are the flow, and we are the Ebb, We are the weavers, and we are the Web
She changes everything she touches and - Everything she touches changes
We are the flow, and we are the Ebb, We are the weavers, and we are the Web
She changes everything she touches and - Everything she touches changes
We are the flow, and we are the Ebb, We are the weavers, and we are the Web

Circle Opening

May the circle be open - but unbroken
May the Love of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part, And merry meet again

May the circle be open - but unbroken
May the Love of the Spirit be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part, And merry meet again

May the circle be open - but unbroken
May the Love of the SunGod be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part, And merry meet again

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Feasting 1995 CO1

Pagan Potluck

Circle of One has always been about Community so Feasting was always included at the end of any gathering. CO1 Members would provide the essentials, something for Cake & Ale with enough to add to feasting afterwards. Along with non-alcohol drinks, paper plates,  cups, napkins & utensils. 

For Cake & Ale with Circles there was always a bottle or two of wine along with plenty of juice or tea and tiny cups to pass out. Cake could be any type of finger food from cookies, bread, cake to spring rolls, meatballs or carrots with small napkins to pass out. It all depended on the Circle and the Season. During Circle CO1 Members took care of the participants passing out the food & drink and collecting the trash after. For feasting after Circle there were often buffet tables placed out of the way for people to drop off their contributions to the potluck.


 ** General rule is simple – bring something you enjoy and enough to serve at least 6 people, regardless of the number of people expected to be there.  Don’t forget, if everyone brings enough for 6 there will be plenty to feed even 200!!

 ** When do you bring something – always when joining a large group, always when visiting a new location, always when meeting new people, always when you’re nervous and afraid you won’t fit in.  And always when you have your own dietary restrictions to consider.


 ** When in doubt:  ask – don’t be afraid to ask what’s needed.  You may get a desperate plea for something needed or special instructions to blend in with the occasion.  After all, you wouldn’t really want to bring liver and onions to a chocolate circle, or wine & beer to a recovering alcoholic.


 ** What to do if you don’t cook – the answer to this one is simple * SHOP :-) There are many delicious ways to fill the need at your local grocers.  Don’t forget to check your own pantry first; you just might have something tucked away for a special occasion.

 ** What to do if you’re broke – check the pantry first, it’s amazing what you can bring together to make a great dish.  Example:  1lb hamburger, 1 box macaroni, 1 can stewed tomatoes cooked and combined makes a great dish.  Or it only takes 12 teabags and a bottle of spring water to make a gallon of iced tea.

 ** Even more broke – how about a bag of potato chips, a bottle of soda, or a box of cookies.  It’s amazing what you can buy for a couple $ if you shop a little bit.

 ** What to do if you're living in a tent – Good rule on this one is to keep it simple.  Something that doesn’t require refrigeration or cooking is your best bet.  Believe it or not some of the most appreciated items are fresh fruit, water, or chocolate.

 ** What to do if you’re living in a cave – this one’s pretty extreme, it’s the person with nothing but ketchup in the fridge, along with some unidentifiable green stuff in the corner; peanut butter in the pantry next to a loaf of bread that’s hard as a rock and not a single clean dish anywhere to be found.  What does someone like this contribute??  What does anyone really WANT them to contribute??  Well, if there’s a fruit tree growing in the yard they just might have it covered.  If not, hopefully, there’s a 7-11 on the way!!

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Full Moon Esbat 1997 CO1

Full Moon, 7/19/97

Saturday: Full Moon 10:21 PM
Sign:     Capricorn
Holiday:  Marriage of Venus and Apollo
Color:    Yellow
Incense:  Sandalwood
Sylphs:   are the protectors of Magickal applications
Dragons:  are the guardians of wisdom
Mers:     are the givers of love and friendship
Gnomes:   are the protectors of outdoor circles
Anointing & Consecrating
Casting the Circle

Ten thousand years we’ve struck the fire, Creation’s music freely sung.  With Magick joined we’ve praised the stars, Since first the world had begun.  Our spirit lives in timeless dance, The Tarot and the Rune.  And nights united in the power, Of Drawing Down the Moon.  With Malice toward no-one, and Harm to none;  If the Goddess so desires it, then let it be done!
This Circle is cast, Blessed Be.
Calling the Quarters

East, the Sylphs, the Knowledge, the Wind, Positive forces I call you in.

South, the Dragons, the Hearth, the Fire, Aid this night in my desire.

West, the Mers, the Love, the Water, I conjure my need into matter.

North, the Gnomes, the roots, the Grove, Bring your gifts, I make it so.

Center, the Spirit, the Life the Force, I call you now to open your doors
Altar Blessing
(While lighting the candles)

In Honor glow these candles bright, To those gone long before,
I ask the Goddess to shed her light, Upon us ever more.
Starlight swirls before our eyes ,Twilight furls its wisdom wise
Moonlight curls within the skies, The time has come to prophesies.

Brigit..Maiden, we ask you to bring healing to our hearts,
Dear Mother, we ask you for a blessing on these lands and seas, 
Brigit...Grandmother, we ask for peace upon the earth, your sacred body,
Bless us, Heal us, Brigit! Be with us now! Join us, Sanctify us, Make us pure again.


Releasing the Quarters

North, the Gnomes, the Roots, the Grove, Fare Thee well, I send Thee home

West, the Undines, the Love the Water, Fare Thee well, back you go to Gaia’s cauldron

South, the Dragons, the Hearth, the Fire, Fare Thee well and never tire.

East, the Sylphs, the Knowledge, the Wind, Fare Thee well, with peace I send.

Center, the Spirit, the Life, the Force, I ask you now to shut the doors.  In perfect love and perfect trust, Hail and Farewell.  Thank you Brigit, For your presence here tonight.  This circle is now open, but unbroken. 

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Claires, Auras, Chakras 1996 CO1

Claires, Auras, Chakras, 1996

Clairvoyant “clear seeing

Clairsentient “clear energy
Clairaudient “clear hearing

Clairempathic “clear emotion” 

Clairtangant “clear touching"

Clairgustant “clear taste

Claircognizant “clear knowing

Clairalient “clear smell” 

RED/ROOT   Passion & Energy   
Survival, Financial Independence, Stability, Security, Self-Confidence 

ORANGE/SACRAL   Enthusiasm & Emotion   
Desire, Procreation, Sexuality, Emotions, Pleasure, Creativity 

YELLOW/SOLAR PLEXUS   Happiness & Optimism   
Esteem, Confidence, Action, Power, Strength, Will 

GREEN/HEART   Harmony &Health   
Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Trust, Forgiveness, Generosity 

PINK/HEART   Love & Compassion   
Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Trust, Forgiveness, Generosity 

TURQUOISE/THROAT   Calmness & Clarity   
Communication, Self-Expression, Truth 

BLUE/THROAT   Trust & Loyalty   
Communication, Self-Expression, Truth 

PURPLE/BROW   Spirituality & Imagination  
Intuition, Imagination, Foresight, Intellect, Clairvoyance 

WHITE/CROWN   Purity & Innocence   
Spirituality, Enlightenment, Pure Awareness 

BLACK/HANDS-FEET   Power & Sophistication   
Giving, Receiving 

BROWN/NEW   Stability & Reliability  

GRAY   Compromise & Control   

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Can You Imagine 1995 CO1

Can You Imagine? 1995 
(For the Child in All of Us)
   by Robert F Potts
  Can you imagine a world without witches,
  A world with all people the same?
  Where the only known dragons are hiding in books,
  And children are terribly tame? 
  A world without magick would be sad indeed.
  I cannot imagine the pain
  Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus,
  Where wizards are searched for in vain. 
  Can you imagine a world without spells,
  That science and businesses run?
  And think of the sadness a unicorn feels
  When he no longer plays in the sun. 
  Can you imagine a world without witches,
  No elves, and no magical pools?
  And can you imagine how dull it would be 
  If all that we had were the schools? 
  I cannot imagine a world without witches,
  A world with no magical wand.
  A world without beauty, or even a dream,
  Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond. 
  They say I should grow up and be more mature,
  Like a normal adult ought to do.
  But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch,
  And I'll bet that you feel that way, too.  

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Release Esbat, CO1, 2016

CircleOfOne Release 2001
(Break bonds and connection with  ..., ..., ..., ... and ...)
Altar Devotions

By the power of the Ancient Ones, in the names of those who have gone before.  We remember you, we honor you.  So, Mote it be.

It's the blood of the Ancients that runs through our veins. As these forms pass, the circle of life remains
Casting the Circle
We conjure you, a circle of Power, raise your boundaries for us this evening hour. Three times round this Circle’s bound. The first is a Circle of Protection –The second a Circle of Hope – The Third a Circle of Love.
Three time round our energies blend, completing a wall with no beginning or end
Calling the Quarters
North:     Guardians of the watchtowers of the North, for tonight’s ritual, we call you forth.  Bring with you powers of earth and ground, aid us this night so that peace may be found. So, Mote it Be
Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, join us for the rite and later to feast. Bring with you the powers of the wind and the skies, aid us this night to release old ties. So, Mote it Be
South:    Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, we summon you now by word of mouth. Bring with you powers of sun and fire, aid us this night in our hearts desire. So, Mote it Be
West:    Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Come forth this night per our request. Bring with you powers of water and rain, aid us this night to release our pain. So, Mote it Be

With the utmost respect I request the assistance of the Chivani of the Roma.  Sara Kali, Mother, woman, sister, queen, the source of all Romany blood; this altar is dedicated to you.  Sara Kali, tonight I request your help – please watch over my Kumpania, protect my familia from any who would do them harm.  Let the things that happen tonight be only for the greater good of all.  So, Mote it be.
Statement of Intent
We have gathered tonight to complete the separation of the ties that bind us to past circle mates who have chosen to explore different paths.  Now is the time to say goodbye to those circle mates and contemplate which direction you wish to see Circle of One take.  After tonight’s ritual, and before re-dedication in November, decide what you would like to see kept, and what you would like to see changed. We all have certain tasks that must be done between now and then and this is the time to create and complete them. 
Sharing Circle
Everyone takes a moment to express any final feelings they have about events and people leading up to the separation.  All positive and negative emotions are expressed, allowing for cleansing and new growth. 
Burning or Burial of The Token
(Burning of previous members ritual tokens, garments and tools.)
East, South, West and North, please aid us in this spell
Guardians of the protecting light
Be with us this day and all the night
Guide us away from harmful intent
Return ill will from where it was sent
Aid us in peace and serenity
As we will it, so mote it be

(A ribbon symbolizing the ties that bind current circle mates with past circle mates is produced.  A knot representing previous members of the circle is placed along the ribbon, with streamers representing existing members.  Everyone forms a circle and each person holds a streamer)
We call upon the energies of Universal Balance
We call upon the ancient energies of our people
We call upon the living essence of the Morrigan
We call upon the mighty presence of Herne
Underworld and heaven
Land and sea
We awaken these energies unto you
Witness now that we renounce and sever
Break bonds and connection with ..., ..., ..., ... and ...
By all powers that are One Power
May the great sisters of Karma now weave anew
And separate us from you
As we will it, So Mote It Be!
(The ribbon is severed between the knots, breaking all remaining spiritual ties.  The remains are placed within the fire)
Cakes and Wine
 As we enjoy this food and drink, let it be a sign that what is above shall be made to manifest below.  What is within shall be without.  That we act on this plane to achieve our aims as well as placing our intentions on the astral level.  All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  So Mote It Be!
Farewell to the God & Goddess
 With malice towards no-one, and harm to none.  If the Goddess so desires it let our Magick be done.  Thank you Sara Kali, I am honored by your presence in my life.  I know that you walk beside me each day, guide my heart, my tongue, my spirit.  We thank you for your strength and guidance this night. In your honor, Hail and farewell

Releasing the Quarters
Guardians all, we thank you this night, you’ve lent us your powers to aid in this rite.  Four points of the circle who joined us here, we thrill in the knowledge to know you were near.  Back to the homes from whence you came, until the next time when we call you by name. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell
Opening the Circle
We release you, O circle of Power, from the depths of the earth to the tops of the towers. Energies emerge with tales to tell, our magick works to complete the spell. Thrice circle round, the energies fade, out to the universe upon which it was made.
May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)