The first sphere of angels is collectively concerned with the universe and the manifestations of divinity within it, operating at the highest level of the astral. The angels of the first sphere are the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones.
Seraphim: The Seraphim, those closest to divinity, concentrate on vibrational manifestations to keep divinity constant and intact, and are considered the angels of pure love, light, and fire. They make sure no negative energy gets through to divinity. The Seraphim shine so brilliantly that a human would die of fright should he or she see a Seraphim in all his or her glory. Humans encounter them by invitation only.
Magickally: Work with the Seraphim when you wish to raise energy for humanitarian or planetary causes. They listen to group ritual. To reach the Seraphim, burn a white candle for divinity, and a purple candle for the Seraphim.
Cherubim: The Cherubim function as the guardians of light and stars. Humans see them as a sort of Beauty and the Beast combined into one creature.
Magickally: When you are seeking divine protection, wisdom, and knowledge, look to the Cherubim. To reach the Cherubim, burn a white candle for divinity and a blue candle for the Cherubim.
Thrones: The Thrones are assigned to planets. they create, channel, and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. The Thrones carry the name "many-eyed ones," sort of private investigators for divinity, as well as instructors of humility.
Magickally: Call on the Thrones for assistance in smoothing relations with groups of people or between any two individuals. If you seek stability, look to the Thrones. To reach the Thrones, burn a white candle for divinity and a green candle for the Thrones.
The second sphere angels concern themselves with the governing of a specific planet, as well as those angels assigned tasks below them. Second sphere angels deal with the cosmos and its interconnectedness. The second sphere angels are the Dominions, the Powers, and the Virtues.
Dominions: The Dominions fill the role of divine leaders whose efforts involve integrating the material and spiritual, without losing control. They carry emblems of authority, such as scepters and orbs.
Magickally: If you wish to access divine wisdom, ask the Dominions. They are perfect mediators and arbitrators. If you are beginning an important project or have come across a glitch in an existing one, call the Dominions. To reach the Dominions, burn a white candle for divinity and a pink candle for the Dominions.
Powers: The Powers keep track of human history. The angels of birth and death belong to this lineage. They work through the human sixth sense, accessing it to get us to listen to them.
Magickally: They are warrior angels, and you should call them when you are in trouble. These angels will defend your home, property, children, or any group who call on them for protection and defense. To reach the Powers, burn a white candle for divinity and a yellow candle for the Powers.
Virtues: The Virtues' primary job is to move mass quantities of spiritual energy to the earth plane and the collective human consciousness. Known as the "miracle angels," they bestow grace and valor. The Virtues are the spirits of movement. These are the angels of nature, working and guiding the elemental energies that affect our planet. Earth, air, fire, water, spirit.
Magickally: When you are in trouble or working a healing, turn to the Virtues. When you are sick or scared, call on the Virtues. To reach the Virtues, burn a white candle for divinity and an orange candle for the Virtues.
The angels of the third sphere find themselves intricately involved in human affairs and are considered the angels of the Earth. They constantly weave in and out of our lives, listening closely to human affairs. The third sphere angels are the Principalities, the Archangels, and those simply called the Angels.
Principalities: The Principalities are the guardians of large groups, such as continents, countries, cities, and other human creations on a grand scale. They work toward global reform. You'll find them in boardrooms and swimming holes, wherever groups of people gather for learning, decision making, or just plain fun.
Magickally: You can call on these angels in times of discrimination, extinction of animals or people, inadequate rulership, or strength to make wise decisions. To reach the Principalities, burn a white candle for divinity and a red one for the Principalities
Archangels: The Archangels are an odd bunch. They often belong to one of the other spheres, or choirs, yet enjoy dealing with humans when they can. They are the special forces of the angelic realms, used to dealing with the top brass down to the newborn babe. The four Archangels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriele, and Ariel.
Angels: The Angels are those beings assigned to a particular person. They are often known as guardian angels. Our guardian angels are assigned to us through all incarnations on Earth. They are our best friends and our closest companions. They are with us at our birth and help us through the transition of death. They defend us when we are in trouble, help us to assimilate into the world, assist us in carrying out our divine plan, and call in the other forces of the Nine Choirs when we need them. However, you need to ask them of their help. Human free will is not only a gift, but sometimes our downfall.
Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of light, beauty and sight
Brilliant Seraphim, Mighty Cherubim,
the Stable Thrones of the first sphere.
Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of authority, life and spirit
Dominions of Leadership, Powers of Protection,
the Miraculous Virtues of the second sphere
Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
With wings of justice, delight and friendship
Righteous Principalities, Glorious Archangels,
the Guardian Angels of the third sphere
Three times round, this Circle’s bound.
Created on the wings of the Angels.
As above, so it is below. As without, so it is within
This Circle is now sealed.
Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives
Go Mbeannaigh (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)
Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)
Xut Kala Xetl (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)