Thursday, October 31, 2024

Samhain Sabbat 2011 CO1

Samhain Sabbat, 2011

Altar Devotions
(light directional candles)

We light these candles in honor of those who have gone before us, our family and friends who have crossed to the other side, and as a beacon for their return to join us this night.

Purify the Space
(Smudge the area with black cat jingle bell)

Cast Circle

I cast this circle three times ‘round in the names of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. 

The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask our Golden Lord to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls. 
The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures. 
The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Silver Lady shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof. 

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  West, North, East and South, from edge to edge this Circle is cast.  As above, so it is below, as without, so it is within.  This Circle is sealed.  So Mote It Be!

Quarter Calls

West: We call upon the Spirit of the West to flow into our circle, so that our emotions can drift smoothly on the waters of life and death, moving in the eternal stream along with the souls of our departed loved ones;

North: We call upon the Spirit of the North to step solidly upon the earth into our circle, so that we will have the strength and courage to embrace the souls who choose to join us tonight;

East: We call upon the Spirit of the East to gently blow into our circle, so that we are able to recognize and understand any messages we may receive within this circle tonight;

South: We call upon the Spirit of the South to lend its fiery glow to our circle, so that our hearts can open with love for those who wish to join us.We also ask the Spirits of West, North, East and South to offer protection for those of us within the circle against any and all who might attempt to enter with ill intent.

( “pumpkin pie” oil)

Unite Energies
(Group Ohm)


Honoring God & Goddess
(Stand facing the Moon. Take the Goddess, or Chalice, position - feet firmly planted, standing tall, arms forming a "bowl" overhead. Clap your hands once above your head, to clear the space and focus your concentration. Open your arms again, to the Chalice position. Then feel or visualize the Moon's Light streaming into your Chalice bowl until it's brimming with brilliant, pure-white Light. Slowly lower your arms, drawing down and allowing the Light to pour into your body and energy field, flowing through your entire being - body, mind, and spirit.

Move into the God position, arms crossed on your chest, palms on your shoulders. Still facing the moon, bow at the waist, lowering your arms. Clap your hands once, then kiss the back of your hand, raising your hand up to the moon in thanks and honor to both the God & Goddess)

This candle is lit in honor of the Goddess. She is Maiden and Mother throughout the year and tonight we honor her as Crone. 
This candle is lit in honor of the God. He is wild and fertile and animal and tonight we honor him as the Horned God.

Raise Power

World History of Halloween

I’m going to be talking tonight about the history of Halloween, and how it’s celebrated around the world.

Great Rite

Let it be known that no man is greater than any woman Nor is any woman greater than any man. For what one lacks, the other can provide And what one needs, the other can supply. As the Athame is to the male. The Chalice is to the female And as they are joined they become one in truth. For there is no greater Magick in all the world than that of Love.

Cakes & Ale Blessings

Silver Lady, Bless this juice and infuse it with Your love. May we never thirst. Golden Lord, Bless this candy and infuse it with Your love. May we never hunger

Release Quarters & Open Circle
(Walk the Circle counter clock-wise)

South: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the South, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

East: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the East, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

North: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the North, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

West: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the West, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

This circle is now open but unbroken Blessed Be. Merry Part, Merry Meet, and Merry Meet Again!


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Correspondences 1996 CO1

Correspondences 1996

EAST - yellow, air, athame, morning, spring, Candlemas, Spring Equinox, birth, egg, circle, Gaia, Persephone, Persephone, intellect, beginnings, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, violet, silver, white, diamond, topaz, plains, birds, discernment, mental activity, swords

SOUTH - red, fire, wand, noon, summer, Beltane, Summer Solstice, growth, triangle, delta, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Demeter, will, fulfillment, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, red, yellow, orange, ruby, valleys, volcanoes, animals, passion, creativity, wands

WEST - blue, water, chalice, evening, fall, Lammas, Fall Equinox, aging, seashell, serpent, Yemaya, Inanna, Demeter, emotions, flowing, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, blue, purple, indigo, aquamarine, amethyst, seas, rivers, lakes, plants, love, cups

NORTH - green, earth, crystal, night, winter, Hallows, Yule, death, spiral, labyrinth, Spider Woman, Demeter, Hecate, body, endings, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, yellow, black, green, quartz crystal, emerald, mountains, minerals, strength, courage, disks/pentagram

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Angel Esbat 2024 Dragonfly

Angel Moon
Circle Dragonfly 10/20/24
Community Workings, Thanks, Earth Focus
Hunter's Moon in Aries
Working:   Angels & Elements
Colors:       Orange, Red, Gold
Scents:       Patchouli, Orange, Cinnamon,
Flower:       Poinsettia
Animal:      Deer, Fox
Power:       Release, Letting Go, Renewal, Transformation
Personal:   Reach out to friends, family, the lonely & needy

Altar Set-up/Devotions
(light all the candles on the Altar except the God and Goddess Candles)
By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of all who have gone before. 
We remember thee, we honor thee.
Cleanse the Area
Smudge/Anoint Participants
(Use oil to anoint the group – clockwise, walk the inside of the circle to anoint and welcome each person in whatever fashion feels comfortable)
Unite energies
(Start with a Round Robin. Introduce yourself, speak a little bit about yourself and encourage the others to do the same - starting with the person to your left.)
The Hunter’s Moon gets its name from the role it plays in our ancient connection to the seasons of nature. With its appearance in the sky, it marks a time when the wilderness wakes up, and the hunt for food becomes essential. Nestled in the heart of autumn, the Hunter Moon casts its light upon the world, helping hunters at night and guiding their way through the darkened forests. In the embrace of this moon, we’re invited to consider the delicate balance of life and death. And to honor the beautiful dance of nature’s cycles. October’s full moon serves as a gentle reminder to pause and pay attention to the changes happening around us. Its beautiful glow, akin to the warm glow of a campfire, offers an opportunity for connection. Whether it’s through quiet moonlit strolls or gatherings that celebrate the season, this moon invites us to enjoy ourselves in its silvery light.
The October full moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon, or Blood Moon. It’s believed to be a time of great power, when the veil between the spiritual world and the mundane world is very thin. This moon is associated with courage and strength, as it is believed to aid hunters in the successful hunt. October is also a time to honor the ancestors and those who have passed on, as it is believed to be a time of spiritual connection. For us it’s also a good time to do spiritual and physical house cleaning, getting rid of what doesn’t serve you in the coming year, be that bad habits or clutter in your home.
 Cast Circle
First time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of light, beauty and sight.
Brilliant Seraphim, Mighty Cherubim, the Stable Thrones of the first sphere.
Second time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of authority, life and spirit. Dominions of Leadership, Powers of Protection, the Miraculous Virtues of the second sphere
Third time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of justice, delight and friendship. Righteous Principalities, Glorious Archangels, the Guardian Angels of the third sphere
Three times round, this Circle’s bound. Fashioned by the wings of the Angels. We create this Sacred Space, with wings of justice, delight and friendship. Where night and day, birth and death, Joy and sorrow, all meet as one. As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within. This Circle is now sealed. So, Mote it be.
Call Quarters, E/S/W/N
East:    I call forth the Governor of the East, the Archangel Raphael. Powers of air, blow out the old, Bring in the new on your winds of change. Charge us tonight and center us in your glorious light.
South:    I call forth the Governor of the South, the Archangel Michael. Powers of the South, burn away the endings that hold us back.  Shine your gentle rays upon new goals. Guide us tonight to enrich our self-worth
West:    I call forth the Governor of the West, the Archangel Gabriel. Powers of the west, cleanse our lives of unnecessary and harmful habits. Drop your renewing rains upon us for growth.  Guide us tonight to have mercy on those who shed tears.
North:    I call forth the Governor of the North, the Archangel Uriel. Powers of the North, let your renewing Magick bury old ways, and open new paths before us. Guide us tonight to plant our feet firmly in your riches.
Light God/Goddess Candles, Sprinkle Herbs
Invocation God/Goddess
HPS:         Father Sky, Lord of the beasts, and Protector of the Light, be with us now.
HP:  I am already here…
in your shadow on the ground, and the whisper on the wind.
I am here in the sunlight on your hair, and the soft sounds of a gentle rain…
I have always been here for you.
HP:  Mother Earth, Lady of the Grain, and Source of the Light, be with us now.
HPS:         I am already here…
in the beating of your heart, and the innocence of a child’s smile,
I am here in the light of your Lover’s eyes, and the understanding of a true friend…
I have always been here for you
Spell Work instructions
Perform the Work
Raise Power
(Clap hands, begin slow/soft and gradually increase speed/volume)
Cakes & Ale
Nuts and Berries, Roots and Leaves; Bounty born of all that lives. Fruit in trees and grain in sheaves; Praise for all the good Earth gives.
All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So, mote it be!
Thank God/Goddess
Father Sky, Mother Earth
What no human ear could hear, you heard.
What no human eye could see, you saw.
What no human heart could bear, you transformed.
What no human hand could do, you did.
What no human power could change, you’ve changed.
Goddess of love, God of protection, You through whom all power flows; Source of all;
Accept our humble tokens of thanks. From these Solitary Witches; Who have spoken
And who have been heard. Blessed Be
Extinguish Candles
(Extinguish all the candles on the Altar)
Release Quarters, N/W/S/E
North:      Thank you, Archangel Uriel, Governor of the North, Powers of Earth. We welcome the new paths before us. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
West:        Thank you, Archangel Gabriel, Governor of the west, powers of Water. We welcome our new growth. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
South:       Thank you, Archangel Michiel, Governor of the West, Powers of Fire. We welcome our new goals. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
East:          Thank you, Archangel Raphiel, Governor of the East, Powers of Air. We welcome your winds of change. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
Open Circle
May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!
Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Crystal Class 2024 CO1

Crystal Class 2024

Amethyst (Purple/Third Eye) calm, heal, protect, purify, willpower

Bloodstone (Green/Heart, Red/Root) blood purification, calm, circulation, grounding, immune system, inner peace, protect, reduce stress, self-confidence, stabilize

Carnelian (Red/Root, Yellow/Solar Plexus) assertive, courage, creativity, motivate, self-confidence, vitality

Citrine (Yellow/Solar Plexus) abundance, clarity, concentrate, create, dispel negative, enthusiasm, manifest goals, optimistic, prosperity 

Garnet (Red/Root) balance, commitment, loyalty, motivate, passion, confidence

Jade (Green/Heart) acceptance, compassion, confidence, connection, health, love, luck, prosperity, self-love, unity

Jasper/Multiple gentle, heal, nurture, relax, well-being, wholeness

Lapis Lazuli (Blue/Throat) communication, inner truth, intuitive, spiritual

Moonstone (White/Crown) celestial realms, growth, higher consciousness, inner strength, lunar energies, spirit, spiritual growth

Obsidian (Black/Hands & Feet) absorb, block, clarity, let go, protect, transform,

Quartz (Clear/Crown) cleaner, cleanse chakras, direct energy, energy support, healer

Rose Quartz (Pink/Heart) hearth, home, family love, trust, relationships, self-love, letting go, forgiveness
Ruby (Red/Root) creativity, health, honor, knowledge, loving, loyalty, nurturing
Sapphire (Blue/Throat) divine connection, intuition, prosperity, psychic abilities, spiritual insight, truth, wisdom
Selenite (White/Crown) cleanse, dispel negativity, higher consciousness, mental clarity, peace, spiritual growth, tranquility
Sunstone (Orange/Sacral) abundance, dissipate negativity, self-confidence, manifest prosperity, personal power, positive energy
Tiger’s Eye (Yellow/Solar Plexus, Brown) abundance, courage, ground, harmonize, mental clarity, motivation, prosperity, protect, self-confidence
Tourmaline (Black/Hands & Feet) ground, financial stability, protect, security
Turquoise (Blue/Throat, Green/Heart) abundance, friendship, good fortune, luck, protect, unity

Chakra Colors
Crown, White             Enlightenment, Spirituality, I Understand
Third Eye, Violet        Awareness, Intuition, Thought, I See
Throat, Blue                Communication, Expression, I Speak
Heart, Green/Pink     Acceptance, Healing, Love, I Love
Solar Plexus, Yellow Confidence, Manifestation, Power, Vitality, I Do
Sacral, Orange           Abundance, Creativity, Sexuality, I Feel
Root , Red                    Grounding, Health, Survival, Trust, I Am
Aura Colors
White       balanced, fresh, pure, spiritual
Purple      empathic, intuitive, mystery, sensitive
Blue          communication, insightful, flowing
Green       compassionate, loving, nurturing, peaceful
Pink          caring, kind, loving, sincere
Yellow      charismatic, confident, happy, optimistic
Orange     active, courage, creative, positive
Red           energetic, fiery, strength
Rainbow  busy, confident, energized
Grey          depression, grieving, low energy, sad
Brown      distracted, opinionated, self-involved
Black         bold, power, protective, strength

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Aurora Borealis 2024 CO1

Aurora Borealis or The Northern Lights
New Hampshire, 8:pm, 10/10/24
That's Gaia's life form defense shield working. Since the planet spins it creates a magnetic field that diverts the solar wind and keeps it from killing off the life forms on the planet surface. When there's a large CME coming straight at us it (the shield) starts glowing. Looks pretty, and if it wasn't there, we'd all be dead now. As it is a lot of electronics do struggle with what does get through the shield.
Because the planet has a molten iron core and spins; life can exist in proximity to an enormous un-shielded Fusion Reactor (the Sun). The reason it has an iron core? It's made out of stardust from a previous stellar explosion. 
Matt O'Dowd, PBS spacetime on YouTube 

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Oracle Esbat 2006 CO1

Oracle Esbat Ritual
Tampa CUUP's 10/7/06
(Altar in the center of the room, with HPS seated alone, four other chairs arranged in a crescent shape behind HPS.  Small altars in each quarter dressed in a fashion suitable to the Oracle being called)
HP:    Merry Meet and Blessed Be. CircleOfOne and Friends welcome you and thank you for joining us in celebration of this October Esbat.  Being that we are an Eclectic coven, we follow different paths.  Tonight, we will be enlisting the help of the Ancient Ones from some of our own faiths to come together working in harmony.  October is known to be one time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.  It’s a time when messages are often sent to departed loved ones, but it can also be a time when messages are received.  Tonight we’ll be working with the Oracles in receiving messages from beyond.
Altar Devotion
(Light all the candles on the altar)
By the powers of the Ancient ones, in the names of those who have gone before,
We honor you, we remember you.  So mote it be.
Circle Cast
Three times round, this Circle’s bound, cast of love and protection to keep all inside safe from harm and free of all negativity.  Make this a place of safety so that the power of the Moon in all Her beauty and glory can be here to lend Her Magick.  
This Circle is drawn from the elemental energies to surround this sacred space.  From earth the things that manifest.  From air, the things imagined.  From fire the things that motivate.  From water the things empowered.  
In a space that has no place, in a moment that has no time.  Welcome Ancient Ones and see this place is sealed - So mote it be.
Call Quarters
 (HP moves to each quarter, assisting each woman to invite her Oracle)
East/Rune Magick:    It is with the greatest admiration that I call upon the shapers of fates, for guidance of the cosmic law.  Urd the eldest, who rules the past; Verdandi, who rules the fates as they unfold; Skuld, the youngest, fates destroyer, who cuts the thread when told. Norns three, bless the guidance those receive from me.  Komith ther saelir
South/Greek:    With humble regard for your great illumination of spirit, I invoke the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the revered Muse of astronomy, astrology and all celestial knowledge, known to mortal men as Urania, to join and inspire me in my quest for divine guidance this evening.  Chaire
West/Native American:    It is with the highest reverence that I request the aid of the White Buffalo woman.  You are the teacher of the Four Nations, a Leader in the world of peace.  Only through you will the races or our world find the way to work in harmony with nature. I ask that you guide my words this night; help me to speak only the truth.
North/Roma:    With the utmost respect I request the assistance of the Chivani of the Roma.  Sara Kali, the Mother, woman, sister, queen, the Phuri Dae, the source of all Romany blood. You are a Seeress of incredible talent, protector and prophet of your Familia.  Let the things I say tonight be only for the greater good of all.
Draw Down Moon
 (Each is called the four Oracles return to assume a crescent shaped position behind the HPS)
(High Priestess stands with arms open wide. High Priest draws pentacle on her body with wand – toe, to head, to toe, right hand, left hand, and return to toe)
HP:    I Invoke and beseech You, O mighty Mother of all life and fertility. By seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by Life and Love, do I invoke You to descend into the body of your servant and High Priestess.
Fivefold Kiss
Blessed be the lips, that shall speak the sacred names
Blessed be the breasts, formed in beauty and in strength
Blessed be the place of beginnings, without which we would not be
Blessed be the knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar
Blessed be the feet, that have brought you in these ways
(HP ends kneeling at the feet of the Goddess he has invoked.  HPS then reaches down to assist him to his feet, drawing him in for a hug and welcoming kiss)
Charge of Goddess
HPS:    In the mists of time I was called Aset, Urd, Verdandi, Skuld, Urania, White Buffalo Woman, Sara Kal1i, and by many other names.  I am the quickening of the seed in Springtime, the glory of ripe fields in Summer, and the peace of the quiet woods as the snow calms the Earth in Winter.  I am the lilt of the maidens' melody in the morning, the patient hand of the Mother and the deep river of the mysteries taught by moonlight.  I give you, my children, the gifts of song rising from the heart, the joy of autumn sunset, the cool touch of the renewing waters, and the compelling call of the drum in the dance.  To you I give the joy of creation and the companion of beauty to light your days. 
By the powers of the steadfast Earth and the wheeling stars I charge thee; by the darkness of death and the white light of birth I charge thee; and by the terrible strength of your human spirits, I charge thee:  Strive always for the growth of your eternal soul, never intentionally diminish your strength, your compassion, your ties to the earth or your knowledge.   Challenge your mind, never accept complacently that which has been the standard merely for the reason that it is the standard by which the majority judges.   Act always for the betterment of your brothers and sisters.  To strengthen them is to forge the true chain of humanity, and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 
You are my children, my brothers and sisters and my companions.  You are known in great part by the company you keep, and you are strong and wise and full of the powers of life.  It is yours to use them in my service, and I also, am known by the company I keep.  Go forth in joy and the light of my love, turning to me without fear when the darkness threatens to overcome you, and turning also to me to share your triumphs and your achievements, and know in your heart of hearts that we are together in blood and spirit ‘til the last star darkens in the sky and winter comes to the universe.
(Four Oracles, with HPS move out towards the participants to offer short Popcorn Readings, generally only one or two sentences.  Each participant is asked first if they can be approached and offered a quick reading.)

Great Rite
HPS:    I hold the Chalice, representing the feminine energies of our world, the gentle, nurturing and compassionate aspects of the Goddess. I also represent the birthing of life in all forms, both plant and animal. Just as life and death are a never ending cycle, so are the cycles of the earth.
HP:    I hold the Athame, representing the masculine forces of our world, the strong, powerful and protecting aspects of the God. From birth through death, He provides for all life, only to continue the cycle when the rebirth occurs again.
Both:    Together we complete the union of both feminine and masculine energies, a union of balance and wholeness, a union which will compliment each other.
HPS:    As she is fertile.
HP:    He will fertilize.
HPS:    As she will birth and nurture.
HP:    He will provide for and protect.
Both:    Joining together, we now have the balance, which will sustain the cycles of all life.
Cakes and Ale
HP:    By the grace and power of all divinity, we bless these cakes. May all who eat them never feel the emptiness of hunger. We also bless this juice. May all who drink it never feel the coarseness of thirst. So mote it be.
Release Deities
HP:    Lady Aset, Goddess of 10,000 names and the One who Knows and See's all. When I humbly called, you appeared, honoring us with your Divine presence and wisdom. As you now depart, and return to us your daughter, please accept our highest gratitude for your aid in this Magickal rite. I now bid you farewell, but knowing You will always be near I will never say goodbye. Em Hotep
Release Quarters
North/Roma:    Sara Kali, Mother, sister, and queen - I called and you responded.  Thank you for the secrets shared this night.  I now wish you good journey - Latcho Drom
West/Native American:   White Buffalo woman, you guide my mind, my heart, and my tongue.  I appreciate your teachings tonight.   Mitakuye Oyasin (Mee-tah-koo-yay O-yah-seen)
South/Greek:    Oh, Gracious Muse, whose illumined counsel I have sought, I thank you for your inspiration in our working and bid you adieu and farewell if you so choose.  So mote it be. 
East/Rune Magick:    Wise Norns, who shape our fates as so decreed by cosmic law. Your guidance has been most appreciated and you are free to go. So mote it be.
Open Circle
As I open this circle, I give thanks to the Ancient Ones for being here with us on this night. I am most gracious for all of your help and guidance. As you leave us now, I ask that you continue to watch over us in our every day lives. As the energy of this circle has served us well, I now return it to the elements from where it came. The circle is now open.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Witch's Way 2000 CO1

The Witch's Way
Lady Beckett,
Circle Athenaeum, April 1988

**That there is above all the Goddess in Her threefold aspect, and many are Her names.  With all Her names we call her Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
**That there is the God, Consort, and Sun, Giver of strength and most willing to sacrifice.
**That an it harm none, do what we will, this be the law.
**That each of Her children are bound by the threefold law and whatever we create, be it joy or sorrow, laughter or pain, is brought back to us threefold.
**That as She is the Mother of all living things and we are all Her children, we seek to live in harmony not only with each other, but with the planet Earth that is our womb and home.
**That death is not an ending of existence, but a step in the ongoing process of life.
That there is no sacrifice of blood, for She is the Mother of all living, and from Her all things proceed and unto Her all things must return.
**That each and every one of the children who follow this path has no need of another between themselves and the Goddess, but may find Her within themselves.
**That there shall not by intent be a desecration of another’s symbols or beliefs, for we are all seeking harmony within the One.
**That each person’s faith is private unto herself or himself, and that another’s belief is not to be set out and made public.
**That the Witch's Way is not to seek converts, but that the way be made open to those, who for reasons of their own, seek and find the Craft.
And as it is willed, so mote it be.
Thirteen Goals

1    Know yourself
2    Know your Craft
3    Learn
4    Apply knowledge with wisdom
5    Achieve balance
6    Keep your words in good order
7    Keep your thoughts in good order
8    Celebrate life
9    Attune with the cycles of the Earth
10    Breathe and eat correctly
11    Exercise the body
12    Meditate
13    Honor the Goddess and God

Witch's Law

Bide the Witch's Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Witch's Rede fulfill,
And ye harm none, do as ye will.
WyndStarr, 1996

You have been there for us,
    Since before time was.                    
You are there in the scents of the Earth
    In the whisper of the Wind
    In the warmth of the Sun
    In the refreshing coolness of a Mountain Stream.

You were always there for us,
    Even before we understood.
You were there in the Magick of Moonlight
    In the wonder of a Sunrise
    In the freedom of an Open Field
    In the comfort of a Sheltering Forest.

My Lord & Lady, please be here for us now.  
Walk beside us as we take these steps along your path.
We accept you as you are, both the dark and the light, the good and the bad.
Two halves of a perfect whole.  Complete.
Foundation of the Witch's Pyramid

To Know
To Will
To Dare
To Be Silent

To Know
Know yourself
Know what you want to accomplish
Know how to work in moderation

To Will
Belief in yourself
Belief in Divinity
Belief in your skill level
Belief in the abundance of the Universe
The will to practice again and again
Meditation skills
Understanding why you want to perform this Magickal operation
Knowing if your will is directed correctly

To Dare
Have the guts to change circumstances
Have the guts to control your environment
Take responsibility for your actions
Choose the best course of action for the working to be done

To Be Silent
Learn to keep you mouth shut before you perform
Learn to keep your mouth shut while you are waiting for results
Learn to keep your mouth shut after the operation

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Charge of the Sun God 1996 CO1

Charge of the Sun God, 1996

Listen to the words of the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh, and by many other names:

My law is harmony with all things.  Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life, and Mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth.  I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal.  I am the sacrifice, the Father of all things, and My protection blankets the earth.

Hear the words of the Dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons:

I who am the Lord of the Hunt and power of the bright sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto Me.  For I am the flesh of the earth and all its beings.  Through Me all things must die and with Me are reborn.  Let My worship be in the body that sings, for behold - all acts of willing sacrifice are My rituals.  Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you.  For these, too, are part of the Mystery found within yourself.  Within Me, all beginnings have ends, and all endings, beginnings.

The Sacred Marriage, Awakening the Inner God

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Initiation Esbat 2002, CO1

Initiation Esbat 2002

7:00pm - Sample questions to open conversation.  
Don’t forget to advise a potty run now before getting started.
        Why are you here, what personal reason brings you to this point?
Are you proud of what you’ve done this past year?
What do you hope to accomplish with CircleOfOne?
Why do you think you’ll be an asset to the group?
What do you hope to accomplish as a Solitary?

7:30pm - Smudge and anoint the initiate. 
7:45pm - Place the blindfold and lead the initiate through a quick ‘white light’ grounding before escorting to the other door.  After knocking on the door, leave the initiate to wait alone.  Wait until the initiate is inside and seated before sneaking into the room.

HPS:    Who comes to the Gate? 
            By what Magickal name do you desire to be known before our Gracious Lady and Her powerful Consort? 
            Are you willing to suffer to learn?

With this name shall you be known within the Circle.
With this name shall you work the Magick of the Earth.
With this name shall you be sanctified.

You are a child of the light, chosen by the Lord and Lady themselves.  Welcome and Blessed Be.
(The initiate is allowed inside and led to a place where he can sit)
HP:    Calm yourself, allow yourself to drift into relaxation.  Slowly a blue mist begins to swirl about your body, you begin to float.  You feel yourself being lifted higher as the swirling blue mist becomes a globe around you.  It is taking you into the dream realm where you will begin your sacred journey.  The globe of blue mist begins to disappear, revealing a midnight sky.  As the mist clears, you can see that you are standing in a rocky desert.  Brilliant white starlight plays against the black canopy of the desert sky; on the horizon you can see spiny cactus and large boulders.  Starlight glitters around his silhouettes.  You can see one very bright star ahead of your, which seems to be guiding or watching over you.  This is the North Star, which lives in the place of great wisdom and silence.  You turn to your right - the East.  A great wind blows the desert sand up into a whirling dervish.  The dust devil approaches you and holds steady a few yards away. You can feel the breeze against your cheeks, feeling it lifting your hair.  Hold your spirit arms up and mentally greet the powers of the East: 
“Hail to thee, O mighty winds of the East!  Guardians of Air, keepers of the portals of the future, grant us knowledge and understanding in this, our sacred quest.”
The whirling dervish envelops you.  You are now in the center of the swirling Air.  Feel its power fill you.  Slowly the dust begins to settle, and the swirl diminishes as you are filled with the power of Air.  Take a moment to experience the element.

Turn now to face the South.  There, on the ground before you, is a burning stick.  The dancing flame is small at first, but then the flame catches onto other twigs and dried brush laying nearby.  This continues until a ring of flame surrounds you.  You can feel the warmth against your skin.   Hold your spirit arms up and mentally greet the power of the South:

“Hail to thee, O mighty flames of the South!  Guardians of the powers of Fire, keepers of the power to will, grant us strength of spirit in this, our sacred quest.”
The flames rise higher; feel his life-giving heat and allow his power to fill you.  As you absorb the power of Fire, the flames die down and there is stillness once again. Take a moment to experience the element.

Continuing your circle, face the West.  There, a few yards away, is a rushing brook.  Hear the soft sound of trickling Water rushing over stones.  Walk to it and see the stars reflected in its rushing waters.  You step into the brook and suddenly you are up to your waist in Water.  The Water is warm and comforting as it twirls around you.  The Water begins to rush faster, threatening to pull you under its dark currents.  Raise your spirit arms to greet the powers of the West;

“Hail to Thee, O mighty torrents of the West!  Guardians of Water, Keepers of the portals to the past, grant us courage in this, our sacred quest.”
Now is the time to absorb the power of Water.  As you do so, the level of the brook diminishes until it is only a trickle between your feet.  Step out of the stream bed and notice that you are not wet. Take a moment to experience the element.

Continue your sacred circle, face the North once more.  See the huge, dark stone boulders that lay in a grouping several yards away.  Go to him.  You notice that the boulders lay in a circular formation, close together.  The only entrance is from the South - a small crevice just big enough to squeeze through.  It is very cold within the towering walls of the stone circle.  Moss grows on the inner boulder walls.  Carved into the stones are the many faces of your ancient ancestors.  Take a moment to look at the faces.  Etched in the Earth beneath your feet is a spiral, and at its center is a carving of your own face.  Hold your arms up, see the North Star, and greet the power of the North:

“Hail to thee, O mighty stones of the North!  Guardians of the Earth, Keepers of the powers of silence, Grant us wisdom in this, our sacred quest.”
The ancient wisdom of the North Star is drawn down into your third eye at the center of your brow.  The surrounding boulders tremble, then slowly roll apart to allow you passage.  You have been anointed with the the elements of life, and are centered within your being.  You have passed the initiation of elemental alignment.
It is time to return to the physical world now.  As you stand in the center of the spiral, allow the blue globe of mist to form and surround you once more.  It is bringing you back to your place of departure.  You are returning now. You are here. 
 (The initiate is given time to return and then asked to sit quietly)

HPS:  Mistress, Andromeda, once more I seek your assistance.  Please hear my plea.  I ask you to be for me a link between the world of the mundane and the world of the spiritual.  It is said that only a Witch can initiate another Witch.  It is said that to be a Solitary is to be nothing more than a Self-Proclaimed Witch, uninitiated.  How can this be so?  Surely the Goddess chooses her own.  Who initiated the very first Witch?  Who better to initiate into our Circle, to welcome this Solitary Witch, than Aradia, Queen of all the Witches, The Sacred Child born of Diana and Lucifer.  Help us Mistress, to request Lady Aradia’s presence.

You have been there for us,
Since before time was.                    
You are there in the scents of the Earth
In the whisper of the Wind
In the warmth of the Sun
In the refreshing coolness of a Mountain Stream.
You were always there for us,
Even before we understood.
You were there in the Magick of Moonlight
In the wonder of a Sunrise
In the freedom of an Open Field
In the comfort of a Sheltering Forest.

My Lady Aradia, please be here for us now.  Walk beside us as we continue to take tentative steps along your path.  We accept you as you are, both the dark and the light, the good and the bad.  Two halves of a perfect whole.  Complete.

Aradia, I seek your presence tonight.  Hear my request.  Help to welcome this initiate, to bless this CircleofOne.  Join with me now; guide my heart, my actions, and my words this night.  Teach us, show us the way. 

HPS:   I am here.  Once more it is as it should be.  As it has always been since the beginning of time itself.  I am the Teacher, you are my child.  Tonight we begin a journey together.  In the coming years much will be expected of you.  This is not an easy path.  You still have much to learn.  Know that whenever you have need of me, I will be there.  Whenever you have questions, call to me, and I will be there.  Whenever you have needs that go unmet do not be afraid to ask for me; I will be there.  You are my child, and I am the Teacher.  Learn from me.   I know all that you are.  I know who you are, who you could be, and who you would wish to be.  There is nothing that you can think, do, want, or know, that I have not already experienced myself.  There is nothing to regret or forgive.  I have done it all.  Open yourself up to me.  Learn from me.

Now, let’s begin.  Know that once the next morning’s sun has risen that whatever happens this night shall never be spoken of again.  Not among your  Coven Mates, not to anyone else.  Is that understood?? 

Maiden:    Over the waves, behind the wind, beneath the mountains, within the sacred flame; there do You live, and there do You breathe Life into us all!  Guardians of this Sacred Space, Blessed Energies great and small, strength and protection for this place and Blessings on us all!  As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within.  Time once again will stand still!

HPS:   North and South, East and West, Black spirits and White, Red spirits and Gray.  Heed my call, attend to me.  Around and around, throughout and about.  The good come in and the ill stay out.  Circle round, attend to me.  Witness this rite, welcome this initiate.  Bestow your Blessings on this CircleofOne.  

Maiden, brings initiate to the North 

Much of what is expected of you, you have already accomplished.  You have already designed, written, and performed rituals for both yourself and a public group.  You have already come far in your own lessons, soon you will begin to teach those lessons to others.  You have only just begun along your chosen path that will lead you to greater understanding and service to your community.  Continue as you have are a child of the Light.  You teach your strongest lessons by your own examples.  Light the way now for others to follow.  In the coming years you may be expected to hold this ceremony for someone else.  Perhaps there will be others sitting where you now sit.  And you will be responsible for helping them to grow as you have grown.

Now repeat after me:
I will serve the Great Goddess
And give reverence to the Great God
I am a Pagan
A stone in the ancient circle
Standing firmly
Balanced on the Earth
Yet open to the winds of heaven
And enduring through time

HPS:   Tonight you stand at the edge of the abyss, poised to make choices that may change the rest of your life.  Do you spread your wings and take the step over the edge, risking the chance that you may fall crashing to the earth.  Many times in life the only thing that holds us on the edge of greatness is our own fears.  Fear of being the fool.  Fear of failing.  Fear of loss.  Even fear of success.  Only a fool goes through life without fear, but a wise witch moves on despite his fears.  Do you trust in yourself?  Do you trust the Goddess?  Do you trust the God?  Then spread your wings and fly tonight.  As we move through each of the quarters you will be asked to do simple tasks...if you don’t understand what’s expected of you please ask questions.  As you’re introduced in each quarter you’ll need to speak your name.

We begin in the North were we discover the knowledge of the ancients buried deep in our own hearts.  Do you willingly release your heart to the Lord and Lady?  To do with as they please, whether for good or ill as only they see fit? 
(Seeds & flower pot w/dirt)

HPS:  Allow initiate time to respond.  Ask him to hold out one hand and place one or two seeds in his palm.  Tell him that what he holds is the energy of his own heart.  Hold a flower pot in front of the initiate and tell him to bury his heart deep into the earth.

HP: All of our lives we take from the Earth.  She is our Mother; it is in Her nature to give.  There comes a time when we must learn to give back.  In the coming years you will find some personal way to give back to the Earth, whether it be recycling, planting a garden, or performing a monthly healing ritual.  Are you willing to do this? 

HPS:   O beings of the Earth, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the North, come to us on the blur of a Hummingbirds wings.  See and know this witch... The initiate gives his new name.  
Behold this Rite, receive this initiate.  Hearken unto his chants; heed his calls.  Attend to him as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

We move to the East where we walk with beauty along the path of the Visionary.  Do you willingly cast your soul to the winds?  Do you accept what comes, to learn and to grow? 
(Feathers, AirBox) 

HPS: Allow the initiate time to respond.  Ask him to hold out one hand and place one or two feathers in his palm.  Tell him that what he holds is the energy of his own soul.  Tell him to hold his hands up and with a deep breath blow his soul to the four winds.

HP:   We are the soul of our community.  We need to take care of each other, to learn to take care of those less fortunate.  In the coming years you will find a community service project that interests you and log at least 15 hours of your personal time.  Are you willing to do this?  

HPS:   O beings of the Air, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the East, come to us on the wings of Eagles.  See and know this witch...The initiate gives his new name.
Witness this Rite, welcome this initiate.  Hearken unto his chants, heed his calls.  Attend to him as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

Now we move to the South, where we shed the past the way a serpent shed’s its skin - all at once - to be reborn once more, fresh and new.  Do you willingly walk into the fire, to sacrifice yourself to the flames?  Do you accept the challenge to begin again, unfettered by the doubts and regrets of the past?  Free to forgive yourself and begin anew? 
(Candles, Fire candles)

HPSAllow the initiate time to respond.  Ask him to hold up one hand as he step into the flame prepared to shed the past and step into the future.  Hold candles up as the initiate step forward until he feels the heat.

HP:    As we learn to take care of others, we learn to take care of ourselves as well.  That means spending time within yourself, getting in touch with your own spirituality.  You will design, from scratch, a simple altar devotional and perform it each week on a day of your choosing, alone.  Are you willing to do this?

HPS:   O beings of the Fire, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the South, Just as the great serpent that swims the seas, join us.  See and know this witch...The initiate gives his new name.  
Observe this Rite, embrace this initiate.  Hearken unto his chants, heed his calls.  Attend to him as you would attend to our Lord and Lady. So Mote It Be!! 
Lets now move to the West, where we leap into our new lives, into our destinies, by freeing ourselves from fears of the future and death so we may live fully in the present. Do you willingly cast yourself into the waters of change?  Do you accept that change is a necessary thing and look forward to your future with arms open wide? 
(Water, water bottles)

HPS:  Allow the initiate time to respond.  Ask the initiate to step forward, sprinkle with water as he does so.

HP:   As we take care of ourselves, we understand that we must also take care of those closest to us.  In the coming years you will choose some facet of the Craft that holds particular interest to you.  You will study and learn all that you can so that you can eventually teach it to others.  You will research and write a lesson of your choice and teach it to your Coven Mates.  Are you willing to do this?

HPS:   O beings of the Water, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the West, come to us with the fluid grace of the Jaguar.  See and know this witch...The initiate gives his new name.
Mark this Rite, usher in this initiate.  Hearken unto his chants, heed his calls.  Attend to him as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

North again:
We end as we have begun, in the North.  O Gracious and lovely Goddess of the wilds, O God who is the protector and bringer of joy, see before you thy friend and servants. Help him along the Way, to know the richness of Life. So Mote it be
(Place an amulet on the initiate.  Place the cord around the initiate)

HPS:   Shall you have power and knowledge of Earth, of Air, of Fire, and Water, of the force of Life itself in the service of the Goddess and the reverence of the God.  Welcome, you are now a Natural Witch.  Neither bound by Tradition nor Degree, but by your own principles and deeds.  You are now one of the Shinning Ones, chosen and initiated by the Goddess Herself.  May you continue to walk wisely on the Path of Enlightenment.  
(Take a moment to hug and congratulate the Initiate before leaving)

Now before you remove your blindfold, before I leave you, do you wish to look upon the face of the Goddess?
(Hold a mirror up in front of his faces so that the first thing he sees is himselfAllow the initiate in turn to remove his blindfold)

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)