Thursday, October 31, 2024

Samhain Sabbat 2011 CO1

Samhain Sabbat, 2011

Altar Devotions
(light directional candles)

We light these candles in honor of those who have gone before us, our family and friends who have crossed to the other side, and as a beacon for their return to join us this night.

Purify the Space
(Smudge the area with black cat jingle bell)

Cast Circle

I cast this circle three times ‘round in the names of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. 

The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask our Golden Lord to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls. 
The second is a Circle of Hope - as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures. 
The third is a Circle of Love - as we know that our Silver Lady shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof. 

Three times round this Circle’s bound.  West, North, East and South, from edge to edge this Circle is cast.  As above, so it is below, as without, so it is within.  This Circle is sealed.  So Mote It Be!

Quarter Calls

West: We call upon the Spirit of the West to flow into our circle, so that our emotions can drift smoothly on the waters of life and death, moving in the eternal stream along with the souls of our departed loved ones;

North: We call upon the Spirit of the North to step solidly upon the earth into our circle, so that we will have the strength and courage to embrace the souls who choose to join us tonight;

East: We call upon the Spirit of the East to gently blow into our circle, so that we are able to recognize and understand any messages we may receive within this circle tonight;

South: We call upon the Spirit of the South to lend its fiery glow to our circle, so that our hearts can open with love for those who wish to join us.We also ask the Spirits of West, North, East and South to offer protection for those of us within the circle against any and all who might attempt to enter with ill intent.

( “pumpkin pie” oil)

Unite Energies
(Group Ohm)


Honoring God & Goddess
(Stand facing the Moon. Take the Goddess, or Chalice, position - feet firmly planted, standing tall, arms forming a "bowl" overhead. Clap your hands once above your head, to clear the space and focus your concentration. Open your arms again, to the Chalice position. Then feel or visualize the Moon's Light streaming into your Chalice bowl until it's brimming with brilliant, pure-white Light. Slowly lower your arms, drawing down and allowing the Light to pour into your body and energy field, flowing through your entire being - body, mind, and spirit.

Move into the God position, arms crossed on your chest, palms on your shoulders. Still facing the moon, bow at the waist, lowering your arms. Clap your hands once, then kiss the back of your hand, raising your hand up to the moon in thanks and honor to both the God & Goddess)

This candle is lit in honor of the Goddess. She is Maiden and Mother throughout the year and tonight we honor her as Crone. 
This candle is lit in honor of the God. He is wild and fertile and animal and tonight we honor him as the Horned God.

Raise Power

World History of Halloween

I’m going to be talking tonight about the history of Halloween, and how it’s celebrated around the world.

Great Rite

Let it be known that no man is greater than any woman Nor is any woman greater than any man. For what one lacks, the other can provide And what one needs, the other can supply. As the Athame is to the male. The Chalice is to the female And as they are joined they become one in truth. For there is no greater Magick in all the world than that of Love.

Cakes & Ale Blessings

Silver Lady, Bless this juice and infuse it with Your love. May we never thirst. Golden Lord, Bless this candy and infuse it with Your love. May we never hunger

Release Quarters & Open Circle
(Walk the Circle counter clock-wise)

South: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the South, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

East: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the East, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

North: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the North, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

West: We bid farewell to the Spirit of the West, and thank you for joining our Circle this night. Stay if you will, go if you  must. So Mote It Be.

This circle is now open but unbroken Blessed Be. Merry Part, Merry Meet, and Merry Meet Again!


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

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