Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Yule Sabbat 1999 CO1

Winter Solstice 12/10/99

Altar Devotions
(light all the candles on the Altar except the God and Goddess Candles) 

By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of all who have gone before.  We remember thee, we honor thee.
Purify the area
(Walk the inside of the circle with something to purify the area - smudge?, water?, salt?, incense?)

Cast Circle

I cast this circle in the names of the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone.  We are a Circle within a Circle, with no beginning, and no ending.  We are the fire that keeps returning, the eternal flame, forever burning.  Three times round this Circle’s bound. Naught but love shall enter in, naught but love shall emerge from within.  In the names of our Lady, this Circle is sealed.
Quarter Calls

North:  We call upon the creatures of the North.  All you little folk who live in the Heart of the Mother, the Elves, the Trolls, the Gnomes.  We invite you now to leave the dark recesses of this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive powers of regeneration and growth.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.
East:  We call upon the creatures of the East.  All you who live in the gentle breezes and howling gusts that are the breath of the Mother, the Sylphs, the Sprites, the Faeries.  We invite you now as you float past our vision on wings of air to join in our Circle tonight.  Grant us your positive powers of health and healing.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.
South:  We call upon the creatures of the South.  All you who live in the heat of the day and the fire of the Earth that is the soul of the Mother, the Salamanders, the Fire Drakes, the Dragons.  We invite you now to leave the sunbaked corners in this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bring to us your positive gifts of passion and joy of life.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.
West:  We call upon the creatures of the East.  All you who live in the flowing rivers and rain droplets that are the lifeblood of the Mother, the nymphs, the undines, the water sprites.  We invite you now to leave the watery places in this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive powers of  faith and trust.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.
(Use oil to anoint the group - walk the inside of the circle to anoint each person, or anoint the first person to your left and allow them to anoint the next person and so on around the circle.)
Unite Energies
Group OM

Grounding & Invoking
All stand and join hands… Relax, start with three deep breaths…in through the nose… and out through the mouth.  (long pause) Relax…release the tensions of the day.  (pause)  Tonight, although she has not yet risen, the moon is still new.  Her silver light still fills the night sky.  Reach upward, into the sky and touch that gentle light.  (pause)  Invite our Silver Lady to join us tonight…   Draw a slender ribbon of that positive energy down into yourselves, letting it settle in your heart chakra.  (pause) All around us the earth is moving into slumber…  If you listen quietly you can hear his gentle breathing.  (pause)  Reach down into the earth and touch his beating heart…  Invite our Golden Lord to join us tonight…  Once more draw a slender ribbon of that positive energy up into yourselves, letting it join with the silver light now resting in your heart Chakra.  (pause)  Watch the two lights as they intertwine with each other.  Watch them as they dance together…  Feel them expanding and filling your chest cavity.  Allow them to spill down into your left arms and into the right hand of the person next to you.  As they move, watch your light move up that person’s arm and join with their light before moving on around the circle.  See your light as it moves on from person to person. Watch your light as it continues on, twisting with the others until it becomes a strong cord moving freely around the circle.  (pause) Now push that circle of light out towards the edges of the property, to strengthen the circle already in place.  From edge to edge, above and below, this circle is now sealed.  Silver Lady, Golden Lord, join us this night.  Walk beside us, guide our hearts, celebrate your seasons with us.  With malice toward no-one, and harm to none, if our Lord and Lady so desire it, then let it be done. So Mote it Be.
(Assemble the Healing Oil)
Raise Power
(Raise the energy using a method that’s soft, healing, cleansing, fun - humming?, buzzing?, singing?, clapping?, chanting?)

Golden Lord, Silver Lady
What no human ear could hear, you heard.
What no human eye could see, you saw.
What no human heart could bear, you transformed.
What no human hand could do, you did.
What no human power could change, you’ve changed.
Goddess of love, God of protection
You through whom all power flows;
 Source of all;
 Accept this humble token of thanks
From a These Solitary Witches
Who had spoken
And who have been heard

Woman:    Silver Lady, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love.
                        May we never thirst.

Man:    Golden Lord, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love.
                        May we never hunger

Together:    You are the Vine, We are your branches, For without You, We can do nothing
Release Quarters, Open Circle
            (Walk the Circle counter clock-wise)

By the Earth that is Her heart, By the Air that is Her breath,
By the Fires of Her soul, By the Waters that are Her life blood,
May the peace of the Goddess go in your hearts.

Earth and Fire, Air and Water, Return you now to this garden’s quarter
Know that you are always welcome here, Blessings of the God upon you.
This circle is now open but unbroken, Blessed Be
Lady Moon
(To Little Town of Bethlehem)
Lady Moon shines softly down
To light the earth below
As we her children gather here
Around the Yule fire’s glow
We wait for mornings dawning
First light of holy birth
Our Lady turns the wheel of life
Her sun returns to Earth
With joy we’ll greet his dawning
A new year has begun
With increased light is bright new hope
Reborn is everyone.

Wiccan Wonderland
(To Winter Wonderland)
Pagans sing, are you listening’
Altar’s set, candles glisten
It’s a magickal night, we’re having tonight
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Blades held high, censer smoking
God and Goddess, we’re invoking
Through Elements Five, we celebrate life
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
In a circle we can light a Yule fire
And await the rising of the Sun
It’s the Great Wheel turning for the new year
Loaded with abundance and great fun
Queen of Heaven, is in her place
Triple goddess, now the Crone face
Above and below, She’s the Goddess we know
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Now the God, is the provider
Supplying game for our fire
Above and below, He’s the Horned One we know
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Later on, by the fire
Cone of power, gettin’ higher
It’s a magickal night, we’re having tonight
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

Joy To The World
(To...guess what?)
Joy to the world! the Lord has come
Let earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare him room
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n, and Heav’n and Nature sing.
Joy to the world!  The Sun returns
Our Lady gives Him birth
The living light will warm our hearts
And wake the sleeping Earth
And wake the sleeping Earth
And wake, and wake the sleeping Earth.
Light we the fires to greet our Lord
Our light, our life, our Lord
Let every voice sing praise
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n and Nature sing
And Heav’n, and Heav’n and Nature sing.

Silent Night
(To...you guessed it!)
Silent Night, Solstice Night
Quiet rest, dim the light
Turning ever the rolling wheel
Bring the winter to comfort and heal
Rest your spirit in peace,
Rest your spirit in peace.
Silent Night, Solstice Night
All is calm, all is right
Nature slumbers in forest and glen
Filling streams she wakens again
Sleeping spirits grow strong,
Sleeping spirits grow strong.
Silent Night, Solstice Night
Silver Moon, shining bright
Snowfall blankets the slumbering Earth
Yule fires welcome the Sun’s return
Hark the light is reborn,
Hark the light is reborn.
Gods Rest Ye, Merry Pagan Folk
Gods rest ye, merry Pagan folk, let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns upon this Solstice day!
The growing dark is ended now and Spring is on its way -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
The Winter's worst still lies ahead, fierce tempest, snow and rain.
Beneath the blanket on the ground, the spark of Life remains!
The Sun's warm rays caress the seeds to raise life's songs again -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
Within the blessed apple lies the Promise of the Queen,
For from the pentacle shall rise the orchards fresh and green!
The Earth shall blossom once again, the air is sweet and clean -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.
Gods rest ye, merry Pagan folk, let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns upon this Solstice day!
The growing dark is ended now, and Spring is on its way -
O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
O, tidings of comfort and joy.

Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

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