Winter Solstice, 2003
Solstice means...standing-still-sun
Long before Christmas, people celebrated the Winter Solstice. People felt the celebrations made the Sun God happy and hurried the coming of Spring. The Mesopotamians were thought to be the first over 4,000 years ago. Supposedly with a 12-day festival of renewal, designed to help the god Marduk tame the monsters of chaos for one more year. The Romans honored the Winter Solstice with a festival called Saturnalia. Servants would feast with their masters, all schools would close, no prisoners would be executed, and people would parade about the streets dressed in masks or blackface. The Scandinavian barbarians held a festival called Jiuleis to celebrate the solstice. It is believed that the term Yule comes from this festival. The Norsemen would burn a log to repel the cold and darkness and the wood was thought to bring good luck to each household.
In Ireland a place called Newgrange was erected to celebrate the Winter Solstice. At 10 a.m. (when the sun is the brightest) the sun shines through a passageway and illuminates an engraving on the wall called the Triple Spiral, drawn to celebrate the arrival of the sun. In Norse mythology, an arrow killed Balder, the god of the summer sun. Loki, the god of evil, made an arrow out of mistletoe and gave it to Hoder, the god of winter. It was he who killed Balder. In Iran, there is the observance of Yalda, in which families kept vigil through the night and fires burned brightly to help the sun battle darkness.
In China, even though the calendar is based on the moon, the day of winter solstice is called Dong Zhi, "The Arrival of Winter." The cold of winter made an excellent excuse for a feast, so that's how the Chinese observed it, with Ju Dong, "doing the winter."
(Begin by introducing yourself and encourage others to do the same)
Altar Devotions
(Light all the candles on the Altar)
By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of all who have gone before; we remember thee, we honor thee.
Purify the Area
(Use a broom, walk counter-clockwise outside of the circle sweeping away)
Cast Circle
Three times round, this Circle’s bound. With wings of light, beauty and sight
Three times round, this Circle’s bound. With wings of authority, life and spirit
Three times round, this Circle’s bound. With wings of justice, delight and friendship
Fashioned by the wings of the Angels. We create this Sacred Space. Where night and day, birth and death, Joy and sorrow, all meet as one.
Call Quarters
Sprits of Earth – Each day you gift us with the sustenance our bodies need to live. You will be there to accept the gift of our bodies to continue the cycle. We honor and thank you for your offerings, Blessed Be.
Spirits of Air – You were there to gift us with our first breath of life. You will be there to accept the gift of our final breath. We honor and thank you for your offerings, Blessed Be.
Spirits of Fire – Each day you gift us with the light and heat our bodies need to survive. You will be there to accept the gift of our light when we rise to join you. We honor and thank you for your offerings, Blessed Be.
Spirits of Water – You were there to gift us with our first tears of life. You will be there to accept the gift of our final tears as we say goodbye. We honor and thank you for your offerings, Blessed Be.
(Use oil to anoint the group - walk the inside of the circle to anoint and welcome each person in whatever fashion feels comfortable)
Unite energies
(Lead the group in an OM)
Name the Working
(Counting our Blessings)
New Year Recipe for Happiness...
Take twelve, fine, full-grown months and clean them thoroughly of all old bitter memories, rancor, hate and jealousy. Clean them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts (or even 29). They will keep for just one year. Don't attempt to make up the whole year at one time (So many persons spoil the entire lot in this way), but prepare one day at a time, as follows:
Mix well into each day Twelve parts of faith, Eleven of patience, Ten of courage, Nine of work, (some omit this ingredient and you will spoil the flavor of the rest). Eight of hope, Seven of fidelity, Six of liberality, Five of kindness, Four of rest (don't be tempted to leave this one out), Three of prayer, Two of meditation, and One well selected resolution.
Add to each day equal parts of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and one good deed. Season the whole with a teaspoon of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkle of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love and cook thoroughly over radiant joy. Garnish with a few smiles, and then serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness, and a Happy New Year is certain.
Great God, we invite You to join our Solstice Celebration. Leave Your wintry tasks and come to play with us this festive night. As Sage, Father, and Newborn Sun we call to You. We rejoice as we feel the touch of Your grace, and the breath of Your dancing fire, as the days once more grow longer. Be with us tonight, Blessed Be.
Great Goddess, we invite You to join our Solstice Celebration. Venture out from beneath Your wintry cloak and come to play with us this festive night. As Maiden, Mother and Crone we call to You. Lady, fling your green scarf on the battered earth once more. Renew our hope as we feel the touch of Your grace; warm our souls with Your embrace. Be with us tonight, Blessed Be.
Perform the Work
(While in sacred space – ask if anyone needs/wants anything special. Ask if anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments. Take care of the wish box)
Raise Power
(Raise Power any way you wish, use something that will include the whole group. Try something new or different if you like.)
Great Rite
Male: Let it be known that no man is greater than a woman
Female: Nor is a woman greater than a man.
Together: For what one lacks, the other can provide,
And what one needs, the other can supply.
Male: As the Athame is to the male
Female: The Chalice is to the female
Together: And as they are joined they become one in truth. For there is no greater Magick in the entire world than that of Love.
Cakes and Ale
Female: Great Goddess, Thank you, for the Blessings this drink provides.
May we never thirst.
Man: Great God, Thank you, for the Blessings this food provides.
May we never hunger.
Together: You are the Vine, We are your branches, For without You,
We can do nothing
Release Quarters
(hehehehe…your on your own)
Open Circle
Earth will crumble our circle. Water will cause it to fall. Fire will burn what’s left in the urn and the Winds will scatter it all!! May this circle be open, but unbroken. Merry we meet, Merry we part and merry may we meet again.
Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives
Go Mbeannaigh (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)
Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)
Xut Kala Xetl (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)
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