Sunday, April 28, 2024

Coven Hierarchy 1996 CO1

Basic Coven  Hierarchy and Structure
CircleofOne 1996

High Priestess (HPS)  basically you - whether you choose to accept the title or not, people will always look to you for guidance. You are their leader. You can, however, allow someone different to assume the role at each Circle event.

High Priest (HP) your cohort, assistant, partner in crime. This can be a single individual you trust to co-lead the group, or it can be someone different at each Circle event.

HPS/HP - These people are most often the ones responsible for well, EVERYTHING. They are the spider sitting in the center of the web, aware of what's going on in the Coven. They tend to have a sense of humor, are very calm, level headed individuals who are not power hungry. They're just well versed in leading a group of people on a spiritual journey. They're responsible for the other members Spiritual Welfare. They provide guidance, counseling, prayer, support, whatever their Coven Mates need. 

They're also the physical embodiment of the God and Goddess on earth WHILE WITHIN THE SACRED CIRCLE outside the Circle, they're just themselves. 

Sage and Crone
Also know as the Elders of the Pagan Community. Often over age 60, they wish to let someone else lead the Coven while they offer guidance and teaching as needed. They're in charge of guiding the HP and HPS on their journey. 

Maiden and Warrior
These are the people training to be High Priests and Priestesses. They are the understudies for the HP and HPS. If the HP or HPS are unavailable for ritual, one of these people will step into their place. They're typically in charge of a specific part of the Rituals. Their duties also entail leading a few of the smaller Rituals themselves. They will learn about channeling Deity and begin to take on more and more until they can branch off and start their own covens. 

Guardians (x2)
These individuals are the ones in charge of keeping everyone safe during Circle. Sometimes they're inside the circle, and sometimes not, depending on what is being done. They're responsible for smudging/cleansing the Circle space before every Ritual. They are also responsible for issuing the Challenge and Smudging all who enter Circle. They report directly to the HP/HPS if there are any issues.

This is the poet, the singer, the songwriter, this is the creative core of the circle. This person often leads chants, songs, group Om's, writes poetry and spoken word about coven events and happenings, and sings to the Gods. They often lead Grounding or guided Meditations. They're in charge of raising energy within ritual space while the HP/HPS gather and direct it.

This person keeps notes of the Coven and what they do. They're in charge of updating the Book of Shadows for the Coven, transcribing all rituals and spells and recipes into its pages. They also maintain the Coven's calendar of events and classes. If anyone other than the HP/HPS present Circle, it's the Scribes responsibility to review/edit every Ritual before it's presented.  

Inner Court
Initiated or dedicated members of the Coven. These are the people who attend nearly every Ritual or Class. They generally volunteer to assist with Ritual as needed, often standing in for the Quarters. Some may even wish to present Circle for the Coven. As a group they tend to manage setup and cleanup of Feasting. They keep track of any supplies, and report back to the HP/HPS when something is needed.

Outer Court
These are the people who don't attend on a regular basis, often attending only the Sabbats. Those who are new to the coven, visitors from out of town, members of other covens. They're not always members of the Coven itself, but still just as important to the Coven structure. 

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

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