Sunday, April 21, 2024

Barbie Moon 2024 Dragonfly

Pink/Barbie Moon Esbat
Community Workings, Thanks, Dedications, Initiations, Earth Focus
(Everyone is invited to wear pink or dress as a Barbie or Ken)
Altar Set-up/Devotions
Cleanse the Area
(Pink salt or pink salt in water and/or rose incense)
Smudge/Anoint Participants
HP/HPS – Ask participants to join in line
(Welcome all; rose/Barbie inspired oil; something pink or flower broom
Unite energies
HP: Many Full moon names date back to our own Native Americans. Those Nations of a few hundred years ago kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. April’s full moon is called the Pink Moon due to the pink moss phlox that often blooms around this time of year. The Algonquin people also call this the Breaking Ice moon, and the Dakota refer to it as the Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable. It’s also known as the Egg Moon, The Sprouting Grass Moon, The Hare Moon, The Wind Moon and the Fish Moon.
HPS:         Winter is a time of hibernation for many plants and animals, including humans. For countless generation it’s been a time of turning inward; of hearth and home, of spending quiet time with family and friends. We may still be getting up and going to work, but we may find that we’re a little slower, a little more tired. We may lack the energy to start new projects or really get things moving until we start to feel that spring fire kindling within us again. The Pink Moon is a time of shifting into spring, when the ice begins to truly melt. Humans are much more connected to these seasonal rhythms than we often realize, and so we may also find that there are streams within us that are, at last, becoming navigable again.
Cast Circle
(Done with a hand clap ‘wave’ clockwise around the circle)
HPS:         We’re going to Cast Circle tonight with a ‘wave’ around the group, and a song. We’ll begin in the North. When we start, take the bag of rose quartz and pass it to the person to your left. Don’t start until you receive the bag. Once you’ve passed it on, begin clapping and singing along with everyone else. Keep repeating the song until everyone is done. Then we’ll place the stones on altar.
SING:        And Pink! Goes with everything. Beautiful from head to toe. It’s pink! We all like the colors, but pink just looks good on us! North, South, East and West, Circle round and seal the rest!
Quarter Call
(HP/HPS invite everyone to stand, facing the quarter to be called).
North:      Hey, Barbie! Barbie in the North, whose pink high heels walk the Earth with style! Enter our circle and blessed be!
East:          Hey, Barbie! Barbie in the East, with your free-flowing hair in the wind! Enter our circle and blessed be!
South:       Hey, Barbie! Barbie in the South, with your lipstick fire red, with a smile! Enter our circle and blessed be!
West:        Hey, Barbie! Barbie in the West, with your black and white swimsuit free in the ocean! Enter our circle and blessed be!
HPS:         I call upon the blessed Lady. Hey, Barbie! Pretty in pink. Giver of inspiration, empowerment and ambition, all while being fashionable! Join your energies with us tonight!
HP:  I call upon the blessed Lord. Hey, Ken! Not afraid to wear pink! Giver of friendship, adventure, and chill, all while being fashionable! Join your energies with us tonight!
(HP: Slowly, pour the water into a clear bowl)
(HPS: Sprinkle with pink salt and stir)
HP:  The flowing waters obtained from a rushing waterfall or river symbolize masculine energy. The still waters obtained from a serene pool symbolize the energy of the feminine.  As the water from the falls represents the male and the water from the pool represents the female, the two joined together represent the God and Goddess as one.  
HPS:         With the Pink Moon, we shed our winter lethargy along with anything we wish to let go of.  And we welcome the bright new energy and fire of a promising spring.
(HPS: Place a couple of crystals into the bowl, add a floating candle 
and a  few drops of oil or pink rose petals)
(HP: Light the candle, and arrange the remaining crystals around the bowl)
HP:  Now we’ll write on a piece of paper anything you wish to release. It can be a word, a sentence, or entire paragraphs full of detail – whatever feels necessary to release at this time. While we’re doing that, we invite you to speak out loud what you need to let go of. Understand that we do this in Safe Space. What happens in Circle, stays in Circle. And should not be repeated again.
HP/HPS:  What happens in Circle, stays in Circle.
HPS:         When you are done writing, please come up to the altar and place your paper into the water, allowing the God & Goddess to take your painful energy and do with it as they will. Now those painful memories can be cleansed and transformed, let them go. The flame from the floating candle is a purifier and will neutralize any negativity emanating from the note and will also symbolize your firm intention to let go of any difficult feelings attached to it.
Welcoming New Energy
HP:  Once again, we welcome everyone to come up to the altar and take a crystal and a pink flower.
(Allow everyone time to return to the seats)
HPS:         Now place the flower on your lap, and hold the crystal in your hands.
Think about the new energy you’d like to draw into your life.
Think about any new projects you’d like to begin.
Think about those positive emotions you want to welcome into your life.
While we’re doing that, we invite you to speak out loud about those positive energies you will draw in. For some, speaking out loud strengthens their resolve, increases their energies.
HP/HPS:  Words spoken in Circle, stay in Circle.
HP:  Now take your crystal and hold it near your third eye, just above your nose, in the middle of your forehead. And we’re going to ‘program’ your crystal to draw in those positive energies for the new season. Remind yourself, and your crystal, about all those new beginnings we just thought and talked about. When you leave tonight, take your crystal and your flower home with you. Enjoy the flower, and place the crystal where you will see it and it will remind you of those positive energies you bring into your life.
Great Rite
(HP/HPS Stand facing each other, HP w/ athame, HPS w/ Chalice)
HP: Let it be known that no man is greater than any woman.
HPS:  And Barbie can be anything she wants!
HP: Together Barbie and Ken complement each other!
HPS: And Ken can wear pink too!
HP: As the Athame is to the male            (hold up the athame, point down)
HPS:  The Chalice is to the female          (hold up the chalice, below the athame)
HP:  In affirmation of fulfillment to come                  (dip the athame, once)
HPS:  In celebration of the balance                           (dip the athame, again)
BOTH:  And the union of the life-force within!         (dip the athame, again)
BOTH:  So, Mote it be!
Cakes & Ale
(Pink Lemonade and/or Hippie Juice & Pink moon pies or macarons)
May the God & Goddess bless this food and drink. All that we do is in service and honor of Barbie and Ken. May we never hunger - May we never thirst. So, Mote It Be!
HPS:         Barbie, Barbie, Barbie and Barbie! We thank you for your presence here tonight and we release you to return to your journey with our love. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always, Blessed be!
HP:  Ken, Ken, Ken, and Ken! We thank you for your presence here tonight and we release you to return to your journey with our love. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us. May you always, Blessed be!
HPS:         May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and stay beside us on the roads traveled, whether it be in pink pumps or convertible. The circle is open but never broken!
HP:  Barbie & Ken are back in their Dream House! Merry Meet, Merry Part, and may we Merry Meet again.

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