Quarter Calls are generally done clockwise beginning in the East, or the North. Calls also vary dependent on the season, make, or reason for the Circle or Gathering. These are merely some examples to guide and ignite the imagination.
Quarter Calls, 1996
Celtic Invocations of the Quarters
EAST - Element of Air - Oh mighty Lugh, ruler of the skies, Bring forth your breath and forge the first mighty link to this circle of power, lend us your Power and your strength. Lend us your wisdom and knowledge as we open this first link of the sacred Space.
SOUTH - Element of Fire - Oh Bridget, Goddess of fire and beauty. Cast your flames around us and bind them as the second link of this circle of power. Temper and forge this circle so that any negative things cannot enter. Bring the strength of your hearth and your knowledge and wisdom to us as we forge this second link to this circle of Power
WEST - Element of Water - Oh Mannan Mac Lir, God of the Seas, God of water, Circle us with the power of your oceans and rivers, form this third link to this circle of power help shield us from all negative forces. Bring forth your minions to protect us as we raise power within it.
NORTH - Element of Earth - Oh Oghma, Binder, keeper of the secrets of this earth, ruler of knowledge and bringer of knowledge to humankind, form this last and final link to the circle of power. Bring forth your creatures of the earth, The wee folk, to help place this last and final link to this circle of power.
Daghda, Danu, Morrigan, Lyr, Balor, Angus Og, Len, Midir, Cleena, Aine, Sined, Though Ye have been lost through the march of time, we now ask Ye all to come forth to bring your powers to bear on this circle of power, we also call upon the those deities of the Celts that have been lost in knowledge and who were once worshipped by the Celts to bring themselves to this sacred space. We know that we have been a long time in coming back to the fold, but with this being the first quickening of the spring it is also some of the very first stirrings of the people coming back to the old ways.
Calling the Quarters
EAST - We call upon the element of the East, Wind is our wisdom. Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter. Guide us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the East. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome. So mote it be.
SOUTH - We call upon the element of the South, Fire is our power. Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter. Empower us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the South. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome. So mote it be.
WEST - We call upon the element of the West, Water is our energy. Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter. Move us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the West. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome. So mote it be.
NORTH - We call upon the element of the North, Earth is our Center. Join us today in this Circle were only good may enter. Ground us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the North. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome. So mote it be.
Calling the Quarters
YELLOW - Spirit of the East, Ancient One of Air. We call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!
Farewell, Spirit of the East. We Give thanks for your presence here. Go in power.
RED - Spirit of the South, Ancient One of Fire. We call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!
Farewell, Spirit of the South. We Give thanks for your presence here. Go in power.
BLUE - Spirit of the West, Ancient One of Water. We call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!
Farewell, Spirit of the West. We Give thanks for your presence here. Go in power.
GREEN - Spirit of the North, Ancient One of Earth. We call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!
Farewell, Spirit of the North. We Give thanks for your presence here. Go in power.
Calling the Quarters
O Guardians of the Eastern Tower, Airy ones of healing power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call. By the Power that made us all. By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be
O Guardians of the Southern Tower, Fiery ones of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call. By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be
O Guardians of the Western Tower, Watery ones of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call. By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be
O Guardians of the Northern Tower, Earthly one of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call. By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be
Calling the Quarters
EAST - Guardians of the Watchtower of the East. We do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite. Come to us now on the cool breath of Autumn's sigh which heralds the advent of Winter and the close of harvest time. Breathe into us the spirit of the pure joy of life. So Mote it be!
SOUTH - Guardians of the Watchtower of the South, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the cook fires and smokehouses where food is being made ready for the coming cold months. Kindle within us the flame of spiritual awakening. So mote it be!
WEST - Guardians of the Watchtower of the West, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that covers the fields, and is soon to be frost. Asperge us with your diadems and water our deepest roots that we may find peace of mind. So mote it be!
NORTH - Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the fertile bosom of our Blessed Mother Earth, and nourish us so that our hopes may grow to fruition. So mote it be!
Calling the Quarters
EAST - Dragons of the East, Ancient Ones of Air. Come to us on wings swift and sure. We call You to attend this circle. Breathe into us your intellegence and optimisim Old Ones!
SOUTH - Dragons of the South, Ancient Ones of Fire. We call You to attend this circle. Grant us the strength of your Courage and Willpower Old Ones!
WEST - Dragons of the West, Ancient Ones of Water. You of such fluid grace. We call You to attend this circle. Bestow upon us your laughter and intuition Old Ones!
NORTH - Dragons of the North, Ancient Ones of Earth. Join us with steps swift and sure. We call You to attend this circle. Charge us with your endurance and respect Old Ones!
Calling the Quarters
EAST, Air - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Creatures of Air, Keepers of all Knowledge, We call upon you, Open our Minds, Lift our Thoughts, Be with us now!
SOUTH, Fire - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Creatures of fire, Keepers of the Flames of Life, We call upon you, Open our Eyes, Focus our Energies, Be with us now!
WEST, Water - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Creatures of Water, Keepers of the Spirits of Life, We call upon you, Open our Hearts, Enrich our Feelings, Be with us now!
NORTH, Earth - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Creatures of Earth, Keepers of the Bodies of Life, We call upon you, Open our Selves, Inspire our Lives, Be with us now!
Calling the Quarters
The East, the Sylphs, the Knowledge, the Wind, Positive forces I call you in.
The South, the Dragons, the Hearth, the Fire, Aid this night in my desire.
The West, the Mers, the Love, the Water, I conjure my need into matter.
The North, the Gnomes, the roots, the Grove, Bring your gifts, I make it so.
The Center, the Spirit, the Life the Force, I call you now to open your doors
Calling the Quarters
EAST: (sprinkle a little ginger by yellow candle.) All you whispers of the wind. The sylphs, the sprites, the faeries. Hear my call. Enter this magick circle. Welcome, and aid us all.
SOUTH: (sprinkle a little ginger by red candle.)
All you little ones of the sunbeams, the salamanders and sunbathers. Hear my call. Enter this magick circle. Welcome, and aid us all.
WEST: (sprinkle a little ginger by blue candle.) All you from the watery world, the nymphs, undines, and water sprites. Hear my call. Enter this magick circle. Welcome, and aid us all.
NORTH: (sprinkle a little ginger by green candle). All you little ones of the moonbeams, The elves, the gnomes and the trolls. Hear my call. Enter this magick circle. Welcome, and aid us all.
Calling the Quarters
NORTH: We call upon the creatures of the North. All you little folk who live in the Heart of the Mother, the Elves, the Trolls, the Gnomes. We invite you now to leave the dark recesses of this garden and join in our Circle tonight. Bestow upon us your positive powers of regeneration and growth. Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.
EAST: We call upon the creatures of the East. All you who live in the gentle breezes and howling gusts that are the breath of the Mother, the Sylphs, the Sprites, the Faeries. We invite you now as you float past our vision on wings of air to join in our Circle tonight. Bestow upon us your positive powers of health and healing. Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.
SOUTH: We call upon the creatures of the South. All you who live in the heat of the day and the fire of the Earth that is the soul of the Mother, the Salamanders, the Fire Drakes, the Dragons. We invite you now to leave the sunbaked corners in this garden and join in our Circle tonight. Bestow upon us your positive gifts of passion and joy of life. Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.
WEST: We call upon the creatures of the East. All you who live in the flowing rivers and rain droplets that are the lifeblood of the Mother, the nymphs, the undines, the water sprites. We invite you now to leave the watery places in this garden and join in our Circle tonight. Bestow upon us your positive powers of faith and trust. Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.
Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives
Go Mbeannaigh (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)
Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)
Xut Kala Xetl (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)
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