Statement of Intent
Tonight is August New Moon. This is a good time to start new tasks, learn new things, a time for beginnings. For that reason, tonight is going to be a teaching circle. We’ll be working with Chakras. We will try to answer each others questions, perhaps teach techniques we have learned, and share any new or interesting books.
Grounding and unifying
Everyone stand and hold hands. Picture a globe of white light.....
Casting the Circle
Now push that band of energy.....HPS: Use this energy to fortify the Triple Circle that exists permanently around this house. The first is a Circle of Protection, I ask our Lord to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls. The second is a Circle of Hope, and I know that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures. The third is a Circle of Love, I ask our Lady to shine the light of her love on all who stand beneath this roof. As above, so it is below. As without so it is within. So mote it be.
Invoking the God/Goddess
My Lady Aradia, tonight we seek your presence. The Sacred Child born of Lucifer and Diana. The Teacher, hear my request. Join us. Walk beside us tonight. Guide our hearts, and minds. Teach us.Calling the Quarters
East: Dragons of the East, Ancient Ones of Air. Come to us on wings of wonder. Breathe into us your intelligence and optimism Old Ones! Free our imaginations to soar with you.
South: Dragons of the South, Ancient Ones of Fire. Protectors of the Flames of Knowledge. Grant us the strength of your Courage and Willpower Old Ones! Join our circle tonight, Teach us.
West: Dragons of the West, Ancient Ones of Water. Serpents that swim beneath the waves. Bestow upon us your laughter and intuition Old Ones! Wash away our preconceived notions and open our minds to all the possibilities.
Releasing the Quarters
Opening the Circle
Go Mbeannaigh
(Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
(Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)
Xut Kala Xetl
(Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
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