Sunday, August 18, 2024

Separation Ritual, 2001 CO1

Circle of One
Separation Ritual - August 18, 2001
Group Om
(Circle is cleansed with Salt, Incense, Fire, Water and Broom in a counter clockwise motion)
Casting the Circle
(Widdershins for Release)
We conjure thee, O circle of Power
Raise your boundaries for us this eventide hour
Thrice circle round our energies blend
Completing a wall with no beginning or end
Call the Quarters
(Widdershins for Release)
North:    Guardians of the watchtowers of the North, for tonight's ritual, we call thee forth. Bring with you powers of earth and ground, aid us this night so that peace may be found
West:    Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, come forth this night per our bequest. Bring with you powers of water and rain, aid us this night to release our pain
South:    Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, we summon you now with words from the mouth. Bring with you powers of sun and fire, aid us this night in our hearts desire
East:    Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, join us for the rite and later to feast. Bring with you the powers of the wind and the skies, aid us this night to sever old ties

Invitation to the God
Mighty God Herne, Father of all that is magick. King of the Greats, Protector of all nature. Thou who casts thy golden ray, Upon the children of the earth.
Smile upon thy witches and Priestess, Who seek thee here above
And lend thy sacred energies to our tasks this night
Invitation to the Goddess
Great Goddess Morrigan, Mother of all enchantments. Queen of the Devas, Provider for all nature. Thou who casts thy green ray, Upon the children of the earth. 
Smile upon thy witches and Priest, Who seek thee here above
And lend thy sacred energies to our tasks this night
Statement of Intent
We have gathered tonight to complete the separation of the ties that bind us to past Circle Mates who have chosen to explore different paths.  Now is the time to say goodbye to those Circle Mates and contemplate which direction you wish to see Circle of One take.  After tonight’s ritual, and before re-dedication in November, decide what you would like to see kept, and what you would like to see changed.
We all have certain tasks that must be done between now and then and this is the time to create and complete them. 
Sharing Circle
Everyone takes a moment to express any final feelings they have about events and people leading up to the separation.  All positive and negative emotions are expressed, allowing for cleansing and new growth. 
 Burning/Burial of Token
(Burning of any remainders of previous members ritual tokens, garments or tools)
East, South, West and North, please aid us in this spell
Guardians of the protecting light
Be with us this day and all the night
Guide us away from harmful intent
Return ill will from where it was sent
Aid us in peace and serenity
As we will it, so mote it be
Raising Power
 (Play instruments, sing and dance)
(A ribbon symbolizing the ties that bind current circle mates with past circle mates is produced.  A knot representing previous members of the circle is placed along the ribbon, with streamers representing existing members  Everyone forms a circle and each person holds a streamer)
We call upon the energies of Universal Balance
We call upon the ancient energies of our people
We call upon the living essence of the Morrigan
We call upon the mighty presence of Herne
Underworld and heaven, Land and sea
We awaken these energies unto thee
Witness now that we renounce and sever Connections, Break bonds
By all powers that are One Power
May the great sisters of Karma now weave anew
And separate us from you
As we will it, So Mote It Be!
(The ribbon is severed between the knots, breaking all remaining spiritual ties.  The remains are placed within the fire)
Cakes & Wine
We charge these cakes of light and lunar wine.
As we partake of them, let it be a sign that what is above shall be made to manifest below.  What is within shall be without.  That we act on this plane to achieve our aims as well as placing our intentions on the astral level.
Farewell to God & Goddess
Mighty God Herne
Great Goddess Morrigan
Mother of all enchantments
Father of all that is magick
Provider and protector of all nature
We thank you for your strength and guidance this night
Go if you must, stay if you will
Hail and farewell
Release the Quarters
Guardians all, we thank you this night
You’ve lent us your powers to aid in this rite
Four points of the circle who joined us here
We thrill in the knowledge to know you were near
Back the homes from whence you came
Until the next time when we call you by name
Stay if you will, go if you must
Hail and Farewell
Opening Circle
We release thee, O circle of Power
From the depths of the earth to the tops of the towers
Energies emerge with tales to tell
Our magick works to complete the spell
Thrice circle round, the energies fade
Out to the universe upon which it was made
This circle is open, but never broken.  Merry may we Meet, Merry may we Part
and Merry may we Meet again

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