Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spring Equinox 2001 CO1

Ostara 3/10/01

Statement of Intent

The Spring is a time of new life and renewal.  As the Sun begins its journey Northward, its warming rays awaken sleeping vegetation and the land becomes covered in a blanket of greenery.  Nature once again heals the land of the ravages of winter.  The abundance of Nature reveals itself as the Wheel begins the seasons of Life.  Tonight, let us partake of this abundance and utilize it for that which needs healing in our lives.

Purify the Area

To purify the area we will sing the chant of ‘Air I Am’.  As you sing of each element feel it’s essence moving through you, restoring the pure nature of our ritual space.
Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth and Spirit I am.

Cast Circle

From the East to the South to the West, then North and back to the East again.  A springtime essence re-creates our sacred space.  It becomes one with the Circle that already exists around this land created with the God’s Protection, Eternal Hope and our Lady’s Love.  Within this Circle we stand between space and time.  We are protected and in the perfect place for new growth and healing.

Call Quarters

East:    I call on the Powers of Air, whose gentle breezes lofts the seed on its journey to its eventual home.  Your breath sustains the plant as it grows.  Be with us this night and provide your strength to this rite.

South:    I call on the Powers of Fire, represented by the warming rays of the Sun, you provided life giving energy to the plant as it grows.  Be with us this night and provide your strength to this rite.

West:    I call on the Powers of Water.  You are that which supplies the necessary fluid of Life to nourish the plant as it grows.  Be with us this night and provide your strength to this rite.

North:    I call on the Powers of Earth.  You are that which protects the seed and provides nutrients to the plant as it grows.  Be with us this night and provide your strength to this rite.


May the spirits invigorate you, Blessed Be.

Unite energies


We call upon Persephone, also known as Kore, Daughter of Demeter and Zeus.  As the Goddess of Spring, your every footfall upon the land awakens dormant vegetation.  Life springs forth in your wake.  Be with us this night, walk beside us, and lend your strength to our rite.

We call upon Apollo, Son of Zeus and half brother of Persephone.  God of medicine, music and beauty.  As the Sun God you give your energy so that life may bloom.  Be with us this night, walk beside us, and lend your strength to our rite.

Name the Working
(Healing Oil)

With pure intention and malice toward none – I’ve stated my will, now it is done

Raise Power

The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water, Return, Return, Return

Great Rite

The flower represents the female, opening her petals to receive the masculine warmth and nourishment of the Sun.

The stem represents the male, nurturing and supporting the female.

Neither one is complete without the other.  Neither one is greater than the other.  Together they represent all that is beautiful in the world.  When the masculine and feminine combine there is no greater representation of love.

Cakes and Ale

We ask our Lord and Lady to bless this bounty, harvested from the Earth and brought to our circle this evening to celebrate their presence.  So Mote It Be.

Release Quarters

North:    We thank the Powers of Earth.  You have sheltered us in your bosom and encouraged us to grow spiritually.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and Farewell.

West:    We thank the Powers of Water.  You have supplied us with the fluid of life and helped us to continue to grow emotionally.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell.

South:    We thank the Powers of Fire, Your energy has warmed our bodies and ignited our creative passions.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell.

East:    We thank the Powers of Air.  Your breath has filled our lungs and inspired our minds.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell.

Open Circle

We thank you, Lord Apollo.  Your energy has allowed life to bloom so that healing can begin.  Thank you for being with us this night.  We ask that you continue to walk beside us throughout our daily lives.  Hail and Farewell.

We thank you, Lady Persephone.  Your life giving essence has prepared us so that healing can begin.  Thank you for being with us this night.  We ask that you continue to walk beside us throughout our daily lives.  Hail and Farewell.

We place this seedling within the bosom of the earth under the watchful eyes of the elements and Gods.  Sustained by our love and their strength let it grow and stand as a living testament to our commitment to our Mother.  So mote it be.


Go Mbeannaigh
          (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
          (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl
          (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)

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