Sunday, March 24, 2024

Broom Blessing 2024 Dragonfly

Broom Blessing Esbat
Sunday 3/24/24
Community workings
Altar Set-up/Devotions
(Brooms on a white cloth, in the center of sacred space near the altar)
Cleanse the Area – Dedicants
Smudge/Anoint Participants
Challenge; Do you enter this Circle in perfect love and perfect trust?
Cast Circle – HP/HPS
HPS;    We will be casting Circle tonight as our HP directs us with 3 consecutive Ohm’s. But first we’ll begin with envisioning a beautiful stand of large grand Oak Trees surrounding us all along the outer perimeter of the property. Starting from the roots, deep down below the ground, networking, tightly together, protecting us from harm. Now rise up, through their enormous tree trunks of strength, that surround and guard us. Then all the way up and out, through their extended arms, their branches and leaves, that enclose and encase us, with their loving embrace. Now, while you visualize those trees, we will follow our HP through 3 consecutive Ohm’s
HP;  We’ll begin with a low soft pitch and end with a higher, deeper, pitch for three consecutive Ohm’s. Once you start, don’t wait for others to catch up, just continue until you’ve completed all three. Let’s begin with a deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth, and relax. Take a second deep breath and begin…
HPS;    Now we are protected and guarded in a loving embrace. Welcome to our Sacred Space.
Call Quarters, E/S/W/N
EAST;  I call to the guardians of the east, the powers of air. Come to our circle with your cleansing breezes and blow away all negativity and worry so that we might perform this rite with a clear mind. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the yellow candle)
SOUTH;  I call to the guardians of the south, the powers of fire. Come to our circle with your bright warmth and burn away all fear and doubt so that we might perform this rite with an open heart. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the red candle)
WEST; I call to the guardians of the west, the powers of water. Come to our circle with your cool waves and wash away all the cares of the day so that we might be fully present in mind and spirit as we perform this rite. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the blue candle)
NORTH; I call the guardians of the north, the powers of earth. Come to our circle with your rock-solid strength and help us to be grounded and centered as we perform this rite. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the green candle)
Light Altar Candles, Sprinkle Herbs
Invocation God/Goddess – HP/HPS
HP;  (HPS Hold arms up, palms turned up to the sky)
Great Goddess, Blessed Lady of the Moon, who watches over all with grace and beauty, I call to you now and ask that you honor my circle with your presence. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the goddess candle.)
HPS;    (HP Hold arms crossed, palms on shoulders)
Great God, Lord of the Animals and Guardian of the Earth, I call to you now and ask that you honor my circle with your presence. Welcome and blessed be.
(Light the god candle.)
Spell Work instructions – HP/HPS
(Allow time for everyone to pick up their broom)
HPS;    Take a moment to look at your broom. Admire its sturdy construction, knowing that it will work well for you. Feel the energy simmering inside it, waiting to be used and attuned to your own particular form of Magick. Run your hand lightly over it, from the top of the handle down to the bottom of the bristles. Talk to your broom, ask if it has a preferred name. Tell it what you want or need it to do. Send you broom thanks for coming to you.
Perform the Work – HP/HPS
(Invite everyone to approach the altar with their broom.
With HP/HPS helping, allow each person time to consecrate their broom)
SMOKE;  (Waft smoke over the broom from top to bottom)
I consecrate you with the power of air.
FIRE;    (Move candle flame over the broom from top to bottom)
I consecrate you with the power of fire.
WATER;  (Sprinkle water over the broom from top to bottom)
I consecrate you with the power of water.
I consecrate you with the power of earth.
SPIRIT;    (Hold the broom over the God/Goddess candles)
I ask the blessings of the God and Goddess on this broom, a sacred tool that I now claim. I promise to use it wisely and well, and wield it only as I work my Craft.
(Allow everyone time to return to their chair with their broom)
(HP, HPS begin in the East and approach each participant with ribbon and markers)
HPS;    Write your name, and your broom’s name, on white ribbon. Then tie the ribbon around the broom handle where it meets the bristles.
(Give everyone time to tie the ribbons)
HP;  Please repeat after me - And so, we are bound, my broom and I, Blessed Be.
HPS;    Now take a few drops of the anointing oil that’s being passed around and rub it into the broom handle, starting at the top. If you want, you can also touch the bristles with a bit of the oil.
HP;  Pick up the broom in both hands and hold it up to the sky at shoulder height. Please repeat after me - See my Magickal broom, consecrated and blessed for me and me alone. May I use it well and wisely. So, mote it be.
HPS;    Now please gently place your broom back down on the cloth near the altar.
Sacred Space
(Ask if anyone has any special requests or thanks)
(Wish Box)
Cakes & Ale
HP/HPS;  (Hold hands over the food/drink)
May we never hunger. May we never thirst. All that we do is in service and honor of the God and Goddess. So, Mote it Be.
Thank God/Goddess – HP/HPS
HPS;         (HP Hold arms crossed, palms on shoulders)
Great God, I thank you for your presence here in this Sacred Circle and in our lives. Stay if you will, go if you must, in perfect love and perfect trust. So, mote it be.
(Snuff out candle.)
HP;  (HPS Hold arms up palms turned up to the sky)
Great Goddess, I thank you for your presence here in this Sacred Circle and in our lives. Stay if you will, go if you must, in perfect love and perfect trust. So, mote it be.
(Snuff out candle.)
Release Quarters, N/W/S/E
NORTH; I thank you, powers of earth, for your help and guidance during this rite. Blessed be.
(Snuff out candle.)
WEST; I thank you, powers of water, for your help and guidance during this rite. Blessed be.
(Snuff out candle.)
SOUTH;  I thank you, powers of fire, for your help and guidance during this rite. Blessed be.
(Snuff out candle.)
EAST;  I thank you, powers of air, for your help and guidance during this rite. Blessed be.
(Snuff out candle.)
Open Circle – HP/HPS
Tonight, we open this Circle by lowering it to the ground. Where it will remain until the next time we meet here. This Circle is open, but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and may we all Merry Meet again. Blessed Be.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

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