Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives. Established in 10/31/95 CO1 was very proud to present Public Circles and offer Classes for over 25 years.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Chocolate Ritual, Beltane 4.30.23
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Coven Hierarchy 1996 CO1
Saturday, April 27, 2024
FPG Workshop 2024 CO1
How to dress – Street clothes, Ritual Robes, Skyclad
Arrive on time – There’s no such thing as PST
It’s not just late, it’s rude
If the door is locked
When to go, when not to go
Inside or Outside, be prepared
What to leave outside – Let it go
Open mind & open heart
What to expect - Fluffy Bunnies, Wolves, Spiritual Beings
Responding to the Challenge
In perfect Love, and perfect Trust
Clockwise, Deosil or Sunwise
Always, unless told otherwise
Counter Clockwise, Widdershins, Lefthand wise
Considered unlucky
Don’t touch, be respectful
When to speak, when to listen
Don’t touch! No pictures
Creating the energy, following instructions
So, Mote it Be, Blessed Be, Hail & Farewell
Following your instincts
Decline with grace
Allergies and addictions
May you never thirst. May you never hunger
What to bring, Dinner, Dessert, Soda, Juice, Chips, Crackers
Paper Goods, plates, cups, napkins, utensils
Purify the Area – Helpers
Smudge/Anoint Participants – Maidens/Warriors
Introductions – HP/HPS
Light Candles - Dedicants
Welcome/History – Maidens/Warriors
Call Quarters, E/S/W/N – Maidens/Warriors
Cast Circle – HP/HPS
Unite energies, Meditation/Chant – Maidens/Warriors
Invocation God/Goddess – HP/HPS
Community Working instructions – HP/HPS
Perform the Work – HP/HPS
Raise Power – HP/HPS
Cakes & Ale – Dedicants
Thank God/Goddess – HP/HPS
Open Circle – HP/HPS
Release Quarters, N/W/S/E – Maidens/Warriors
Feast – Dedicants
HP - High Priest, HPS - High Priestess (Management)
4 Maidens/Warriors (Assistants)
2 Dedicants (Helpers)
What is the main Season/Reason/Intent behind the Ritual?
How will you support that intent energetically?
Date? Time? Who will you invite? How will you promote it?
Basic Supplies: Cookies/napkins, Juice/3oz cups
Now take some of that light and push it down through the soles of your feet. See it moving down through all the layers of the earth beneath your feet, all the way down to the molten core of the earth where you see a beautiful green light shining. That’s your connection to the beauty and wonder of the earth you live on. As you inhale, reach down and slowly draw a small tendril of that green light up towards you. Watch how the two, the white and the green, gently spiral around each other. Visualize that green light moving up through all the layers of the earth, up through the soles of your feet. With each breath see that light moving up into your body, from your toes, to your hips, up to your shoulders to your fingertips, and finally up into your head. Visualize that lovely green light touching every cell of your being.
Now that you’re connected to the Universe and Earth energies, draw some of that amazing light to the center of your being, just below your chest. Watch as the green and white continue to move and swirl together, two separate lights moving together as one. Nothing can dim the light that shines from within, you can accomplish anything. Take a few moments to enjoy the peace and quiet, then when you're ready, open your eyes and rejoin the world. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!
Smudging 1995 CO1
For us, Circle space was always cleared, smudged, and set up before anyone else was allowed in. Then everyone was smudged, individually, as they entered Circle space. Participants were encouraged to leave all their worries and woes outside. As the Smudgee, while you're being smudged, your responsibility is simple...let it go. That nasty customer...let it go...that sibling argument...let it go...traffic lights...let it go...sour milk...let it go. A deep breath in, exhale, and let it go. Smudging is not so much about clearing the environment for Circle, but it's about clearing the space inside your head. Whether you're working alone, with a small private group, or attending a large public Circle, smudging is a great way to prepare for what's about to happen.
Now as the Smudger, you do have some work to do. And a lot of it depends on what resonates with you or your group. Do you work deosil (clockwise) to draw in, or do you work widdershins (counterclockwise) to remove? Do you ground any negativity, or do you draw in universal energy? Sometimes it's simply to focus on the vibrational energy of whatever you're doing to bring their energy in line with the purpose of the Circle. And then there are the mantras...nothing elaborate, nothing that even needs to be spoken out loud. But a few simple words to repeat in your head to help you stay on track while smudging other people. Examples of mantras might be...'I remove any heaviness or negativity' - 'May you live in harmony of mind, body, and spirit' - 'I release all energies that do not serve the greater good.'
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Barbie Moon 2024 Dragonfly
Think about any new projects you’d like to begin.
Think about those positive emotions you want to welcome into your life.
While we’re doing that, we invite you to speak out loud about those positive energies you will draw in. For some, speaking out loud strengthens their resolve, increases their energies.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Salt and Water Esbat 1997 CO1
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Walking with Death 1996 CO1
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Anointing, 1995 CO1
First, do your research! Make certain the essential is not going to cause allergic reactions or other issues. We learned this the hard way. When we sent everyone home with red dots on their foreheads because we used cinnamon oil. Essentials should always be cut with a good carrier oil like jojoba or fractionated coconut oil, even olive oil will work. Usually the mix is 5 parts oil, to 1 part essential. It's easily mixed in a tiny bowl or 1 dram bottle. The oil doesn't need to be dripping, simply a dot will do, or some prefer to draw a symbol depending on the season or the reason for the Circle.
Once everyone is gathered in Sacred Space don't be surprised if you notice others doing the 'essential twitch'! The first time we witnessed it, we had no clue what was going on. We could see people slowly dipping their heads, tucking their chins in, and quickly looking skyward while inhaling. We had to ask what was going on! Apparently they were enjoying the scent of whatever essential oil was being used.
Go Mbeannaigh