Sunday, June 30, 2024

Quarter Calls 1996 CO1

Quarter Calls are generally done clockwise beginning in the East, or the North. Calls also vary dependent on the season, make, or reason for the Circle or Gathering. These are merely some examples to guide and ignite the imagination.
Quarter Calls, 1996

Celtic Invocations of the Quarters
EAST - Element of Air - Oh mighty Lugh, ruler of the skies, Bring forth your breath and forge the first mighty link to this circle of power, lend us your Power and your strength.  Lend us your wisdom and knowledge as we open this first link of the sacred Space.

SOUTH - Element of Fire - Oh Bridget, Goddess of fire and beauty.  Cast your flames around us and bind them as the second link of this circle of power.  Temper and forge this circle so that any negative things cannot enter.  Bring the strength of your hearth and your knowledge and wisdom to us as we forge this second link to this circle of Power

WEST - Element of Water - Oh Mannan Mac Lir, God of the Seas, God of water, Circle us with the power of your oceans and rivers, form this third link to this circle of power help shield us from all negative forces.  Bring forth your minions to protect us as we raise power within it.  

NORTH - Element of Earth - Oh Oghma, Binder, keeper of the secrets of this earth, ruler of knowledge and bringer of knowledge to humankind, form this last and final link to the circle of power. Bring forth your creatures of the earth, The wee folk, to help place this last and final link to this circle of power.  

Daghda, Danu, Morrigan, Lyr, Balor, Angus Og, Len, Midir, Cleena, Aine, Sined,  Though Ye have been lost through the march of time, we now ask Ye all to come forth to bring your powers to bear on this circle of power, we also call upon the those deities of the Celts that have been lost in knowledge and who were once worshipped by the Celts to bring themselves to this sacred space.  We know that we have been a long time in coming back to the fold, but with this being the first quickening of the spring it is also some of the very first stirrings of the people coming back to the old ways.

Calling the Quarters
EAST - We call upon the element of the East, Wind is our wisdom.   Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter. Guide us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the East.  Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome.  So mote it be.
SOUTH - We call upon the element of the South, Fire is our power.  Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter.  Empower us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the South.  Stay if you will, leave if you must.  Know that you are welcome.  So mote it be.
WEST - We call upon the element of the West, Water is our energy.  Join us today in this Circle where only good may enter.  Move us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the West.  Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome.  So mote it be.
NORTH - We call upon the element of the North, Earth is our Center.  Join us today in this Circle were only good may enter.  Ground us.
We acknowledge and thank the element of the North.  Stay if you will, leave if you must. Know that you are welcome.  So mote it be.

Calling the Quarters
YELLOW - Spirit of the East, Ancient One of Air.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!

Farewell, Spirit of the East.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

RED - Spirit of the South, Ancient One of Fire.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! 
Farewell, Spirit of the South.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

BLUE - Spirit of the West, Ancient One of Water.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! 

Farewell, Spirit of the West.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.
GREEN - Spirit of the North, Ancient One of Earth.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! 

Farewell, Spirit of the North.  We Give thanks for your presence here.  Go in power.

Calling the Quarters
O Guardians of the Eastern Tower, Airy ones of healing power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call.  By the Power that made us all. By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be

O Guardians of the Southern Tower, Fiery ones of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call.  By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be

O Guardians of the Western Tower, Watery ones of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call.  By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be

O Guardians of the Northern Tower, Earthly one of power, We do summon, stir and call to Thee, Protect this circle and all within, Come to us and heed our call.  By the Power that made us all, By the Power that blesses Thee, Come to us and Blessed Be

Calling the Quarters
EAST - Guardians of the Watchtower of the East.  We do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come to us  now on the cool breath of Autumn's sigh which heralds the advent of Winter and the close of harvest time.  Breathe into us the spirit of the pure joy of life.  So Mote it be!

SOUTH - Guardians of the Watchtower of the South, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the cook fires and smokehouses where food is being made ready for the coming cold months.  Kindle within us the flame of spiritual awakening.  So mote it be!

WEST - Guardians of the Watchtower of the West, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that covers the fields, and is soon to be frost.  Asperge us with your diadems and water our deepest roots that we may find peace of mind.  So mote it be!

NORTH - Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the fertile bosom of our Blessed Mother Earth, and nourish us so that our hopes may grow to fruition.  So mote it be! 
Calling the Quarters
EAST - Dragons of the East, Ancient Ones of Air.  Come to us on wings swift and sure.  We call You to attend this circle.  Breathe into us your intellegence and optimisim Old Ones!

SOUTH - Dragons of the South, Ancient Ones of Fire.  We call You to attend this circle. Grant us the strength of your Courage and Willpower Old Ones! 

WEST - Dragons of the West, Ancient Ones of Water.  You of such fluid grace.  We call You to attend this circle. Bestow upon us your laughter and intuition Old Ones! 

NORTH - Dragons of the North, Ancient Ones of Earth.  Join us with steps swift and sure.  We call You to attend this circle.  Charge us with your endurance and respect Old Ones! 

Calling the Quarters
EAST, Air - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Creatures of Air, Keepers of all Knowledge, We call upon you, Open our Minds, Lift our Thoughts, Be with us now!

SOUTH, Fire - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Creatures of fire, Keepers of the Flames of Life, We call upon you, Open our Eyes, Focus our Energies, Be with us now!

WEST, Water - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Creatures of Water, Keepers of the Spirits of Life, We call upon you, Open our Hearts, Enrich our Feelings, Be with us now!

NORTH, Earth - Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Creatures of Earth, Keepers of the Bodies of Life, We call upon you, Open our Selves, Inspire our Lives, Be with us now!

Calling the Quarters
The East, the Sylphs, the Knowledge, the Wind, Positive forces I call you in.

The South, the Dragons, the Hearth, the Fire, Aid this night in my desire.

The West, the Mers, the Love, the Water, I conjure my need into matter.

The North, the Gnomes, the roots, the Grove, Bring your gifts, I make it so.

The Center, the Spirit, the Life the Force, I call you now to open your doors

Calling the Quarters
EAST:   (sprinkle a little ginger by yellow candle.)  All you whispers of the wind.  The sylphs, the sprites, the faeries.  Hear my call.  Enter this magick circle.  Welcome, and aid us all.

SOUTH:  (sprinkle a little ginger by red candle.)
All you little ones of the sunbeams, the salamanders and sunbathers.  Hear my call.  Enter this magick circle.  Welcome, and aid us all.

WEST:  (sprinkle a little ginger by blue candle.) All you from the watery world, the nymphs, undines, and water sprites.  Hear my call.  Enter this magick circle.  Welcome, and aid us  all.

NORTH:  (sprinkle a little ginger by green candle). All you little ones of the moonbeams, The elves, the gnomes and the trolls.  Hear my call.  Enter this magick circle.  Welcome, and aid us all.

Calling the Quarters
NORTH:  We call upon the creatures of the North.  All you little folk who live in the Heart of the Mother, the Elves, the Trolls, the Gnomes.  We invite you now to leave the dark recesses of this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive powers of regeneration and growth.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.

EAST:  We call upon the creatures of the East.  All you who live in the gentle breezes and howling gusts that are the breath of the Mother, the Sylphs, the Sprites, the Faeries.  We invite you now as you float past our vision on wings of air to join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive powers of health and healing.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.

SOUTH:  We call upon the creatures of the South.  All you who live in the heat of the day and the fire of the Earth that is the soul of the Mother, the Salamanders, the Fire Drakes, the Dragons.  We invite you now to leave the sunbaked corners in this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive gifts of passion and joy of life.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lord and His Lady.

WEST:  We call upon the creatures of the East.  All you who live in the flowing rivers and rain droplets that are the lifeblood of the Mother, the nymphs, the undines, the water sprites.  We invite you now to leave the watery places in this garden and join in our Circle tonight.  Bestow upon us your positive powers of  faith and trust.  Join us now in Celebration of our Lady and Her Lord.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Witch's Rede 1995 CO1

The Witch's Rede

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
For tread the Circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spoke in rhyme.
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.

Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak, then your heart’s desire seek.

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent, what the Lady knows.
Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God’s
insight.   Rowan is a tree of power, causing life and magick to flower.
Willows at the waterside stand ready, to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify, and to draw faerie to your eye.
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning, adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree, that brings us fruits of fertility.
Grapes grow upon the vine, giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen, to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed you’ll be.

Four times the Major Sabbats mark, in the light and in the dark.
As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it’s now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows, watch for flowers through the snows.
When the wheel begins to turn, soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night, power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall, use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule, light the log the Horned One rules.
In the spring, when night equals day, time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it’s height, time for Oak and Holly to fight.
Harvesting comes to one and all, when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree, by the Lady blessed you’ll be.
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the truth you’ll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.

With a fool no season spend, or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three-fold Laws you should, three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow, wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do, unless your love is false to you.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill: “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will”

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Full Moon Esbat 1999 CO1

TUUC  June F/M 6/26/99

Moon:   in  Sagittarius
Colors: Pastels, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Brown, Teal
Altar:    Center, with a basket of empty balloons, and another with Fairy messages

Entering the Circle
(Fey stand w/birdseed, bubbles, candle, Water to 'smudge')

(HPS: May the Fairies bless you tonight)

Statement of Intent

 Tonight is June's Full Moon, which is in Sagittarius.  The original Roman name for this Month was Junonius, ( June on us) after the Great Mother Goddess Juno.  Her counterpart, among the Greeks, was Hera.  June's Moon is also called, among other names, Mead Moon, Lovers Moon, Honey Moon and Rose moon.  This Month was not only sacred to Goddesses of fertility, marriage and love, but it was also a time when Fairies, elves and many other wee ones were abroad in great numbers.  This moon has enormous energies for calling upon and working with elementals of all types.  Tides of psychic energy flow freely.  So… keeping this in mind, we shall cast a Fairy Circle and request  their help and energies tonight.  We will send and receive messages through the Fey.


Grounding the Participants
(Group triple Om/Ma)

Casting the Circle
East   (Green)  Fey will blow Bubbles while walking circle
South   (Pink)   Fey will hold Sparkler while walking circle
West   (Blue)   Fey will shoot Water gun  while walking circle
North   (Brown)  Fey will sprinkle Flower petals while walking circle

Chant:   Chant the quarters one by one, chant the quarters round. Chant the quarters one by one, and set the circle sound.   x3 (Gather at East)
HPS:   Incense burn and spirits lift, Chant the Quarters round. Air comes to guard the East to set the circle sound.

Chant:   x1 (Gather at South)
HPS:   Flames ignite and spirits fly, Chant the Quarters round.  Fire comes to guard the South to set the circle sound.

Chant:   x1 (Gather at West)
HPS:   Moisture comes and spirits fill, Chant the quarters round. Water comes to guard the West to set the circle sound.

Chant:   x1 (Gather at North)
HPS:   Life comes forth and spirits soar, Chant the quarters round. Earth comes to guard the North to set the circle sound.   

ALL:   Quarters called one by one, chant the quarters round. This Circle's raised among our friends and sets the circle sound.

Calling the Quarters

East:   All you Nature Spirits and Fairies, Hear my call.  Enter this Magick Circle, welcome all. (lights sparkler by the East torch)

South:   All you Little Ones of the SunBeams, hear  my call.  Enter this Magick Circle, welcome all.   (lights sparkler by the South torch)

West:  All you Nymphs and Water Sprite's, hear my call.  Enter this Magick Circle, Welcome all.   (lights sparkler by the West torch)

North:   All you Little Ones of the MoonBeams, hear my call.  Enter this Magick Circle, welcome all.   (lights sparkler by the North torch)

Calling the Fey

Fairies high and Gnomes below, Leprechauns come and Dwarves do show, What e'er ye do, where e'er ye be, I beseech thee now, please come to me.
I mean ye no harm nor any ill will. Please, Fairies come from out your hill.
I wish to see ye with mine eyes. Speak only the truth and I'll tell ye no lies.

Fairies, Sprites, what e'er ye be, Pixie, Elf, or Spirit of tree, Please come out and bestow me with your presence. I assure ye, I hold ye in very high reverence.
I would much like to meet thee and know ye by name.
I have love, health and peace, and I wish ye the same.

So, if ye can hear me, please do as I ask, To sit and talk with me can't be too much of a task. So, if ye be friendly, please answer my call, and we may be friends in no time at all.

Invoking the God\Goddess 

HPS:    lights a large sparkler from the Goddess candle
Maiden, bring your Flowers.  Mother, bring your Child.  Old One, bring your Wisdom.  Bright Lady, we welcome you to this Circle in thy Lords name.

HP:    lights a large sparkler from the God candle
Hunter, bring your Prowess. Warrior, bring your Skill. Father, bring your Guidance. Ancient One, Horned Crown. We welcome you to this Circle in Thy Lady's name.

HPS:    Sacred space within myself, Earth and sky, light and health.  Blessings of the Goddess shine. Bring to me they love Divine. As above, it is below now peace and love around me grow. Be I Witch, fairy, or elf, Sacred space I call myself.  Circles for healing, and working the weather, Circles for knowing the Moon and the Sun, Circles for thanking the Lord and the Lady, Circles for dancing the dance never done.  So mote it be

HP:    Here in the woods is a band of some Fairies,  singing and dancing at night.  They're laughing and drinking, and soon you'll be thinking, that you'd come to join in their rite.  If they see you, know they'll entreat you to come and join in their small friendly dance.  If you do then your soul will go too;   You will lose it with no second chance.  But please, come, join, dance in our Circle. Our voices will make your heart yearn, So please, come, join, dance in our Circle, but know that you'll never return.


HPS:    We will be raising energy tonight to charge our balloons in order to send messages to the Fairies, and also to receive any messages.  Is everyone familiar with the Spiral Dance? Anyone wishing to participate in the dance please step into the Circle.    Those who need to go slow should stand at the front of the line. Those who enjoy moving fast can stand towards the end of the line.

Rising Energy
Spiral dance  - Riverdance Music track 3

Sending Messages
(pass out Balloons to group)

HPS:   First, we’re going to send our messages to the Fairies.  Everyone, take your balloon and blow it up.  As you blow up the balloons think about any messages you might want to send to someone else.  Breathe your message into the balloon. Think about what you want to say to someone far away, someone that you care about, perhaps someone who has passed away.  You can also send any messages of need that you might have, or even messages of something you might want to give away.  Blow you messages into the balloons.  When you’ve got the balloons as full as they can go, then just hold on to them.  Don’t let the air out, and don’t tie the ends.

When everyone is ready, we’ll let the air out of our balloons. Make as much noise as you can and don’t let them fly away.  Let the massage go to the Fey with the noise and the air.

Getting Messages
(pass out Messages to group)

HPS:   Now everyone can receive any messages that the fairies may have for us.  Take a Fairy Scroll from the basket for yourself

Blessing of the Cakes and Wine
HP:    Ancient Lord, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love.  May we never hunger

HPS:    Bright Lady, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love. May you never thirst.

Releasing the Quarters

ALL:   Incense burn and Flames ignite, Moisture forms and Life comes forth, spirits soar, chant the quarters down. This Circle's open among our friends.

HPS:   Lord, Lady and all you wee ones - Thank you for sharing your energies tonight and witnessing our rite. Please stay if you will...Go if you must…Know that you are always welcome in our lives. This circle is open but unbroken, Merry Meet and Merry part and Merry Meet Again.


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Drumming Circle Sabbat 2003 CO1

Midsummer, GreenSong Grove, 2003
Drumming Circle

(3 Drummers and 3 Dancers form a gauntlet, right and left.  Participants walk through a Drum/Dance smudge.  HPS and HP do anointing and greeting.)

Statement of Intent

Welcome, tonight we gather to pay Tribute to the Drum and the Dance.  It’s said that Drums are the oldest instrument known to man.  Unfortunately, it’s one of those things we’ll never be able to prove because Drums are normally made from bio-degradable materials – hides, woods, gourds, etc.  Throughout history, Drums have been used for many purposes – War, Celebration, Trance, Awakenings, Communication, and many other reasons.  Even today, Drums are currently being used in healing research…there are cancer studies going on in which the participants are showing remarkable improvements simply by enjoying the environment created by a Drumming Circle.  Who would have thought??  And of course it’s difficult for even the most rhythmically challenged of us to sit and listen to a great Drumming session without at least wiggling in our seats a little bit.  So probably as long as there have been Drums to sound, there has been Dance to celebrate…and tonight we enjoy them both.  Tonight, we may do things a little unusual…but we invite you all to participate.  We have a Primary Drummer and Dancer…please take your cues from them.  We’ll begin by calling the Quarters and Casting the Circle.  Join us, listen, play and if the spirit moves you, then Dance.  You won’t be interrupting us, because that’s why we’re here tonight…to pay Tribute to the Drum and the Dance.

Call Quarters
(Will be called by the Drummers and the Dancers)
HP & Primary Drummer and HPS & Primary Dancer move to each quarter. Quarters will be called in with a  drum call, drum response, and dance welcome, North – South – East – West 

When all Quarters are called, HPS will signal the Dancers to place cloths over the drums

Cast Circle
(Drums play muffled heartbeat)

While playing HP and HPS walk the Circle Clockwise three times, spiraling in.  Drummers and Dancers will invite others to join in as the Circle is cast.  Drummers will watch HPS for the signal to stop drumming. Once the signal is made all Drummers and Dancers will move to the Center.
(HPS/HP will move to the center of the Circle, flanked by drummers on the right, Dancers on the left as they chant in the God and Goddess)

Dancers:    Ruler of the Drum; Child, Hunter, Sage.
Drummers:    Ruler of the Dance; Maiden, Mother, Crone.

HPS:    You measure out the beats of our lives.  
HP:    You measure out the steps on our path.  
Together:    Together our Sacred Harmony brings Balance and Blessings.

Perform the Work

HPS:    Throughout time, Drummers have been our connection with the heartbeat of the Earth.  Dancers are the way of being grateful for the physical form that the spirit enjoys.  Drumming and Dancing have always been sacred because of what they give to us.  Since tonight is a Sabbat Celebration we will not be doing any workings…instead, please join us as we rejoice and enjoy ourselves as we pay tribute to the Drum and the Dance!!  

Signal the Drummers to remove the cloths and begin the Celebration.  Drummers will watch HP for the signal to stop playing, allowing all participants time to ground and return to their chairs.

Cakes and Ale

HPS     Thank you!!  We’ll now bless the Cakes and Ale and release our Quarters and the Circle.
HP/HPS stand before the Altar with Plate and Chalice raised.  Drummers begin a slow steady beat as Dancers take the Cakes and Ale to be blessed.  

When all Cakes and Ale have been blessed, the Drummers are offered first, followed by HP/HPS and all the participants.  Dancers are last. While the Drummers play the HP/HPS & Dancers will pass Cakes and Ale to all the participants. When everyone is finished HP/HPS will offer Cakes and Ale to the Dancers.  When Cakes and Ale are done Drummers will continue playing until all Quarters are released by HP/HPS.

Release Quarters

HP and HPS will begin in the North, HPS will silence the Drummers and HP will still the Dancers.  Primary Drummer and Dancer will remain in Center until HP/HPS return to the Center, hug each other to release the God/Goddess and turn to the Primary's to quiet them.

HPS:    This Circle has been opened, will remain unbroken, Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again!!


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Initiation Esbat 2001 CO1

Initiation Esbat, 2001

7:00pm - Sample questions to get people talking.  Ask the question and allow anyone to answer.  Don’t require each person to answer separately.  Get people talking amongst themselves.  Don’t forget to advise everyone to make a potty run now before getting started.

Why are you here, what personal reason brings you to this point?
Are you proud of what you’ve done this past year?
What do you hope to accomplish with CircleOfOne?
Why do you think you’ll be an asset to the group?
What do you hope to accomplish as a Solitary?

7:30pm - Smudge and anoint the initiates and asks them each to write down their chosen name. 

7:45pm - Assemble the initiates in the back room and help them to place the blindfolds. Lead them through a quick ‘white light’ grounding before escorting them one at a time to the other door.  After knocking on the door leave the initiate to wait alone.  Wait until all the initiates are inside and seated before sneaking into the room to assist.

HP/HPS - Who comes to the Gate?

By what Magickal name do you desire to be known before our Gracious Lady and Her powerful Consort?
Are you willing to suffer to learn?

With this name shall you be known within the Circle.
With this name shall you work the Magick of the Earth.
With this name shall you be sanctified.

You are a child of the light, chosen by the Lord and Lady themselves.  Welcome and Blessed Be.

(The initiates are all allowed inside and led to places where they can sit)
 (Once all the initiates are comfortable begin the meditation)

Calm yourselves, allow yourself to drift into relaxation.  Slowly a blue mist begins to swirl about your body, you begin to float.  You feel yourself being lifted higher as the swirling blue mist becomes a globe around you.  It is taking you into the dream realm where you will begin your sacred journey.  The globe of blue mist begins to disappear, revealing a midnight sky.  As the mist clears, you can see that you are standing in a rocky desert.  Brilliant white starlight plays against the black canopy of the desert sky; on the horizon you can see spiny cactus and large boulders.  Starlight glitters around their silhouettes.  You can see one very bright star ahead of your, which seems to be guiding or watching over you.  This is the North Star, which lives in the place of great wisdom and silence.  You turn to your right - the East.  A great wind blows the desert sand up into a whirling dervish.  The dust devil approaches you and holds steady a few yards away. You can feel the breeze against your cheeks, feeling it lifting your hair.  

Hold your spirit arms up and mentally greet the powers of the East:   
“Hail to thee, O mighty winds of the East!  Guardians of Air, keepers of the portals of the future, grant us knowledge and understanding in this, our sacred quest.”
The whirling dervish envelops you.  You are now in the center of the swirling Air.  Feel its power fill you.  Slowly the dust begins to settle, and the swirl diminishes as you are filled with the power of Air.  Take a moment to experience the element.
Turn now to face the South.  There, on the ground before you, is a burning stick.  The dancing flame is small at first, but then the flame catches onto other twigs and dried brush laying nearby.  This continues until a ring of flame surrounds you.  You can feel the warmth against your skin.   

Hold your spirit arms up and mentally greet the power of the South:
“Hail to thee, O mighty flames of the South!  Guardians of the powers of Fire, keepers of the power to will, grant us strength of spirit in this, our sacred quest.”
The flames rise higher; feel their life-giving heat and allow their power to fill you.  As you absorb the power of Fire, the flames die down and there is stillness once again. Take a moment to experience the element.
Continuing your circle, face the West.  There, a few yards away, is a rushing brook.  Hear the soft sound of trickling Water rushing over stones.  Walk to it and see the stars reflected in its rushing waters.  You step into the brook and suddenly you are up to your waist in Water.  The Water is warm and comforting as it twirls around you.  The Water begins to rush faster, threatening to pull you under its dark currents.  

Raise your spirit arms to greet the powers of the West;
“Hail to Thee, O mighty torrents of the West!  Guardians of Water, Keepers of the portals to the past, grant us courage in this, our sacred quest.”
Now is the time to absorb the power of Water.  As you do so, the level of the brook diminishes until it is only a trickle between your feet.  Step out of the stream bed and notice that you are not wet. Take a moment to experience the element.
Continue your sacred circle, face the North once more.  See the huge, dark stone boulders that lay in a grouping several yards away.  Go to them.  You notice that the boulders lay in a circular formation, close together.  The only entrance is from the South - a small crevice just big enough to squeeze through.  It is very cold within the towering walls of the stone circle.  Moss grows on the inner boulder walls.  Carved into the stones are the many faces of your ancient ancestors.  Take a moment to look at the faces.  Etched in the Earth beneath your feet is a spiral, and at its center is a carving of your own face.  

Hold your arms up, see the North Star, and greet the power of the North:
“Hail to thee, O mighty stones of the North!  Guardians of the Earth, Keepers of the powers of silence, Grant us wisdom in this, our sacred quest.”
The ancient wisdom of the North Star is drawn down into your third eye at the center of your brow.  The surrounding boulders tremble, then slowly roll apart to allow you passage.  You have been anointed with the the elements of life, and are centered within your being.  You have passed the initiation of elemental alignment.  It is time to return to the physical world now.  As you stand in the center of the spiral, allow the blue globe of mist to form and surround you once more.  It is bringing you back to your place of departure.  You are returning now. You are here. 
(The initiates are given time to return)

HP - Mistress, Andromeda, once more I seek your assistance.  Please hear my plea.  I ask you to be for me a link between the world of the mundane and the world of the spiritual.  It is said that only a Witch can initiate another Witch.  It is said that to be a Solitary is to be nothing more than a Self-Proclaimed Witch, uninitiated.  How can this be so?  Surely the Goddess chooses her own.  Who initiated the very first Witch?  Who better to initiate into our Circle, to welcome these Solitary Witches, than Aradia, Queen of all the Witches, The Sacred Child born of Diana and Lucifer.  Help us Mistress, to request Lady Aradia’s presence.

You have been there for us,
Since before time was.                    
You are there in the scents of the Earth
In the whisper of the Wind
In the warmth of the Sun
In the refreshing coolness of a Mountain Stream.
You were always there for us,
Even before we understood.
You were there in the Magick of Moonlight
In the wonder of a Sunrise
In the freedom of an Open Field
In the comfort of a Sheltering Forest.

My Lady Aradia, please be here for us now.  Walk beside us as we take the first tentative steps along your path.  We accept you as you are, both the dark and the light, the good and the bad.  Two halves of a perfect whole.  Complete.

Aradia, we seek your presence tonight.  Hear my request.  Help to welcome these initiates, to bless these Solitary Witches.  Join with me now; guide my heart, my actions, and my words this night.  Teach us, show us the way. 

HPS - I am here.  Once more it is as it should be.  As it has always been since the beginning of time itself.  I am the Teacher, you are my children.  Tonight we begin a journey together.  In the coming years much will be expected of you.  This is not an easy path.  You still have much to learn.  Know that whenever you have need of me, I will be there.  Whenever you have questions, call to me, and I will be there.  Whenever you have needs that go unmet do not be afraid to ask for me; I will be there.  You are my children, and I am the Teacher.  Learn from me.   I know all of you.  I know who you are, who you could be, and who you would wish to be.  There is nothing that you can think, do, want, or know, that I have not already experienced myself.  There is nothing to regret or forgive.  I have done it all.  Open yourselves up to me.  Learn from me.

Now, let’s begin.  Know that once the next morning’s sun has risen that whatever happens this night shall never be spoken of again.  Not among yourselves, not to anyone else. 

HPS - Over the waves, behind the wind, beneath the mountains, within the sacred flame; there do You live, and there do You breathe Life into us all!  Guardians of this Sacred Space, Blessed Energies great and small, strength and protection for this place and Blessings on us all!  As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within.  Time once again will stand still!

HP - North and South, East and West, Black spirits and White, Red spirits and Gray.  Heed my call, attend to me.  Around and around, throughout and about.  The good come in and the ill stay out.  Circle round, attend to me.  Witness these rites, welcome these initiates.  Bestow your Blessings on these Solitary Witches.
(Assemble the initiates in the North)

HPS - Much of what is expected of you, you have already accomplished.  You have already designed, written, and performed rituals for both yourselves and a public group.  You have already begun to teach simple lessons to yourselves and to others.  Some of you have already chosen paths that will lead you to greater understanding and service to your community.  Continue as you have are the children of the Light.  You each teach your strongest lessons by your own examples.  Light the way now for others to follow.  In the coming years one of you will hold this ceremony for others.  Perhaps there will be others sitting where you now sit.  And you will be responsible for helping them to grow as you have grown.

Now repeat after me:
I will serve the Great Goddess
And give reverence to the Great God
I am a Pagan
A stone in the ancient circle
Standing firmly
Balanced on the Earth
Yet open to the winds of heaven
And enduring through time

HPS - Tonight you stand at the edge of the abyss, poised to make choices that may change the rest of your lives.  Do you spread your wings and take the step over the edge, risking the chance that you may fall crashing to the earth.  Many times in life the only thing that holds us on the edge of greatness is our own fears.  Fear of being the fool.  Fear of failing.  Fear of loss.  Even fear of success.  Only a fool goes through life without fear, but a witch moves on despite their fears.  

Do you trust in yourselves?  Do you trust the Goddess?  Do you trust the God?  Then spread your wings and fly tonight.  As we move through each of the quarters you will be asked to do simple tasks...if you don’t understand what’s expected of you please ask questions.  As you’re introduced in each quarter you’ll need to speak your’ll feel a touch your shoulder when it’s your turn.

HP - We begin in the North were we discover the knowledge of the ancients buried deep in our own hearts.  Do you willingly release your heart to the Lord and Lady?  To do with as they please, whether for good or ill as only they see fit? 
(Seeds & flower pots w/dirt)
(Allow each initiate time to respond.  Ask them to hold out one hand and place one or two seeds in their palms.  Tell them that what they hold is the energy of their own hearts.  Hold a flower pot in front of each initiate and tell them to bury their hearts deep into the earth.)

HPS - All of our lives we take from the Earth.  She is our Mother; it is in Her nature to give.  There comes a time when we must learn to give back.  In the coming years you will each find some personal way to give back to the Earth, whether it be recycling, planting a garden, or performing a monthly healing ritual.  Are you willing to do this? 

HPS - O beings of the Earth, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the North, come to us on the blur of a Hummingbirds wings.  See and know these witches... Each initiate gives his or her new name
Behold these Rites, receive these initiates.  Hearken unto their chants; heed their calls.  Attend to them as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

(Assemble the initiates in the East)

HP - We move to the East where we walk with beauty along the path of the Visionary.  Do you willingly cast your soul to the winds?  Do you accept what comes, to learn and to grow? 
(Small feathers, cords) 
(Allow each initiate time to respond.  Ask them to hold out one hand and place one or two feathers in their palms.  Tell them that what they hold is the energy of their own souls.  Tell them to hold their hands up and with a deep breath blow their souls to the four winds)

HPS - We are the soul of our community.  We need to take care of each other, to learn to take care of those less fortunate.  In the coming years you will find a community service project that interests you and log at least 15 hours of your personal time.  Are you willing to do this?  

HPS - O beings of the Air, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the East, come to us on the wings of Eagles.  See and know these witches...Each initiate gives their new name.

Witness these Rites, welcome these initiates.  Hearken unto their chants, heed their calls.  Attend to them as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

(Assemble the initiates in the South)

HP - Now we move to the South, where we shed the past the way a serpent shed’s its skin - all at once - to be reborn once more, fresh and new.  Do you willingly walk into the fire, to sacrifice yourselves to the flames?  Do you accept the challenge to begin again, unfettered by the doubts and regrets of the past?  Free to forgive yourselves and begin anew? 
(Ritual candles)
(Allow each initiate time to respond.  Ask them to hold up one hand as they step into the flame prepared to shed the past and step into the future.  Hold candles up and carefully guide their hand until they feel the heat)

HPS - As we learn to take care of others, we learn to take care of ourselves as well.  That means spending time within yourselves, getting in touch with your own spirituality.  You will design, from scratch, a simple altar devotional and perform it each week on a day of your choosing, alone.  Are you willing to do this?

HPS - O beings of the Fire, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the South, Just as the great serpent that swims the seas, join us.  See and know these witches...Each initiate gives their new name.  
Observe these Rites, embrace these initiates.  Hearken unto their chants, heed their calls.  Attend to them as you would attend to our Lord and Lady. So Mote It Be!! 
(Assemble the initiates in the West)

HPS - Lets now move to the West, where we leap into our new lives, into our destinies, by freeing ourselves from fears of the future and death so we may live fully in the present. Do you willingly cast yourselves into the waters of change?  Do you accept that change is a necessary thing and look forward to your futures with arms open wide? 

(Water, water bottles)
(Allow each initiate time to respond.  Ask each initiate to step forward, sprinkle each with water as they do so)

HP - As we take care of ourselves, we understand that we must also take care of those closest to us.  In the coming years you will choose some facet of the Craft that holds particular interest to you.  You will study and learn all that you can so that you can eventually teach it to others.  You will research and write a lesson of your choice and teach it to your Coven Mates.  Are you willing to do this?

HPS - O beings of the Water, the dragons, you of the fairy realm, Gods and Goddesses of the West, come to us with the fluid grace of the Jaguar.  See and know these witches...Each initiate gives their new name.

HPS - Mark these Rites, usher in these initiates.  Hearken unto their chants, heed their calls.  Attend to them as you would attend to our Lord and Lady.  So Mote It Be!! 

(Assemble the initiates in the North again)

HP - We end as we have begun, in the North.  O Gracious and lovely Goddess of the wilds, O God who is the protector and bringer of joy, see before you thy friends and servants. Help us along the Way, to know the richness of Life. So Mote it be

(Place an amulet on each of the initiates, place their cords around the waist)

HPS - Shall you have power and knowledge of Earth, of Air, of Fire, and Water, of the force of Life itself in the service of the Goddess and the reverence of the God.  Welcome, you are now a Natural Witch.  Neither bound by Tradition nor Degree, but by your own principles and deeds.  You are now one of the Shinning Ones, chosen and initiated by the Goddess Herself.  May you continue to walk wisely on the Path of Enlightenment.

(Take a moment to hug each initiate before leaving)

HPS - Now before I leave you, do you wish to look upon the face of the Goddess?

(Allow each initiate in turn to remove their blindfolds.  Hold a mirror up in front of their faces so that the first thing they see is themselves.)

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Strawberry Moon 2013 CO1

Strawberry Moon 2013
 (Make any announcements before introducing your Crew)

 Cast Circle
HP:    Three times round this Circle s bound. The first is a Circle of Protection - as we ask the great God to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.
HPS:    The second is a Circle of Hope   as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.
HP:    The Third is a Circle of Love   as we know that the great Goddess  shines the light of her love upon all who gather here beneath this  roof.
HPS:    Three times round this Circle s bound. East, then South, then West and North from edge to edge this Circle is cast.  So Mote It Be.
Call Quarters

East:    We call upon the element of Air, and as the breeze surrounds us, cool and refreshing, we ask the energy of Air to  aid us in cultivating our wishes so that they may be fruitful.  (Sound  the Brass Bell)
We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be

South:    We call upon the element of Fire, and as the heat surrounds us, passionate and strong, we ask the energy of Fire to aid us in cultivating our desires so that they may be fruitful.  (Sound the Clay Rattle)
 We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be

 West:    We call upon the element of Water, and as the rain surrounds us, gentle and cleansing, we ask the energy of Water to aid us in cultivating our dreams so that they may be fruitful.  (Sound the  Rain Stick)
 We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be

 North:    We call upon the element of Earth, and as the  soil surrounds us, vibrant and alive, we ask the energy of Earth to  aid us in cultivating our endeavors so that they may be fruitful.  (Sound the Drum)
 We welcome you into our Circle, Blessed Be
HP:    Soft scented stillness that warns of the storm. Whisper of wisdom full living and warm.
Both:    Goddess breathe into us wonder at all we may know. Welcome, wise wind, from wherever you blow.
HPS:      Bright spark of courage, blaze of desire The passion for change is a wild, raging fire
Both:    Kindled by Gods will, it burns in our veins. Welcome within us, our hearts are your flames
HP:    Power of water, power to feel Father within us, ancient and real
Both:    Soothed into calmness or tossed to extremes Welcome, wild waves from the depths of our dreams
HPS:    Mother in waiting, child in the womb Newly strung thread waits the night on the loom
Both:    Earth that we come from, Earth where we go Welcome, as  you welcomed us long long ago.
Name the Working

Perform the Work

Raise Power
(Each Quarter instructs their section as HP & HPS walk the Circle. When all Quarters are participating, encourage a brief rise in energy, then HP & HPS walk the Circle again calming each Quarter as they pass, spiraling into the center to focus all energies)

 East   brushing hands
 South   snapping fingers
 West   hands on knees
 North   stamping feet
Great Rite
HP:    The calm waters gathered from still pools and quiet eddies represent the Magick of the Goddess.
HPS:    Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for  behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let  there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and  humility, mirth and reverence within you.

HPS:    The forceful waters gathers from racing streams and surging waterfalls represent the Mystery of the Gods.
HP:    Let my reverence be within the soul that aspires, let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you.  For these too are parts of the mysteries.  All beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings.

Both:    Spirit to Flesh - Masculine to Feminine - As the Goddess and God within, together they bring blessedness to life.
Cakes and Ale
Loving God and Goddess, we thank you for this food and drink, and for your blessings and wisdom you have given us. Come be our guests and take your place at this table.  As this food and drink feeds our bodies, so we ask you to nourish our souls. So Mote it Be.
Release Quarters

HP/HPS:    We thank the vibrant and alive element of Earth for helping us cultivate or endeavors.  (Sound the Staff)
We thank the gentle and cleansing element of Water for helping us cultivate or dreams. (Sound the Rain Stick)
We thank the passionate and strong element of Fire for helping us cultivate or Desires. (Sound the Clay Rattle)
We thank the cool and refreshing element of Air for helping us cultivate or wishes. (Sound the Brass Bell)
We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us, may you always Blessed Be.
Open Circle

HP/HPS:         May those who guide us with their light, protect us in  the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled.  This Circle is  open but unbroken.  Merry Meet, Merry Part and may we Merry Meet  Again.


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Teen Circle 2009 CO1

Teen Rite-of-Passage
Tampa CUUPS, 6/20/09
Purify the Area
(Light incense, walk counter-clockwise saying three times)
Dark and evil of this world be gone but not forgotten; light and love please be here tonight to witness this rite.
Anoint & Smudge

How do you enter this circle?
Response:  In perfect Love, and perfect Trust
If no response:    Do you enter this Circle in perfect Love, and perfect Trust?
Cast Circle
(Light incense, walk clockwise saying three times)
HPS:         Lay lines of this world and sky; hear our call to this rite. I beseech you; cast your lines all about us as a web of protection from any that would do us harm this night as we work our Magick rite.
Call Quarters
EAST - Hail to the Eastern Pillar of light that always shines from the Eastern Gates.  Come to us and bring in your light from which the sun rises and the winds blow. Stand with us, and bear witness to this rite.  Be here on this night as a friend and helper to us all.  Enter our Circle and Be Blessed.
SOUTH - Hail to the Southern Pillar of light that always shines from the Southern Gates. Come to us and bring your light from which is the birth place of all fire. Stand with us, and bear witness to this rite.  Be here on this night as a friend and helper to us all.  Enter our Circle and Be Blessed. 
WEST - Hail to the Western Pillar of light that always shines from the Western Gates. Come to us and bring your light from which is the place where both the moon and the waters rest. Stand with us, and bear witness to this rite.  Be here on this night as a friend and helper to us all.  Enter our Circle and Be Blessed. 
NORTH - Hail to the Northern Pillar of light that always shines from the Northern Gates. Come to us and bring your light from which the earth tree shines on us all among the stars. Stand with us, and bear witness to this rite.  Be here on this night as a friend and helper to us all.  Enter our Circle and Be Blessed.
HPS:         Do you come here on your own free will?  Are you ready to leave childhood behind but not forgotten?  Sit by the alter as we call in the God and Goddess
HPS:           Maiden of Spring; keeper of the hopes of man and rebirth of the world - be here this night, Maiden, as some of the children that once played with you are now ready to become adults and full members of their community. Be here so that they do not forget what it’s like to be a child at heart.
Lady of Summer; Mother of us all, keeper who nourishes the love of life and fertility of the world - be here this night, Lady Mother, as some of your children begin to take their first steps toward adulthood. Be here to show them that they will always have a family to lean on, even in the darkest times.
Crone of Fall and Winter; keeper of the wisdom of age and the history of the world - be here this night, Wise Crone, for some of the children that you have given your wisdom to are now come of age and need your teachings more now than ever. 
HP:  Infant God of the Sun that brings back the light in the spring and he who is the protector of the innocents of our world - be here for those who will be children no more; help them to keep the light of innocence even as they come to know the world as a whole.
Oak King of the Summer; Lord and lover to the Lady Goddess, Father and Protector of us all - be here this night for some of your children are now ready to become adults. Oak King, be here to teach them so they might know what is expected of adult men and women of this world.
Holly King of the Fall and Winter, wise one and life partner to the Crone - be here for those that you have told stories of old who are now ready to create stories of their own. Holly King of old, share your history and wisdom of life so that their life path may be easier than those who have gone before them.
Blessed be all who are here this night.
HPS:           We are here tonight to recognize the ones that are ready to leaves childhood behind and start down their own life path as adults. But before we send them on their own, unguarded, path of life we must first see if they are ready and understand what it means to become adult and full members of the community.
HP:           If you are ready to turn the first pages in your book of adult life come and be challenge by Elders if this circle. 
Crone:      Will you share those things that you learn, freely to any who truly are of need of it?  
(Allow time for an answer)
You are truly wiser than most if you are willing to share openly and freely.
Sage:         Will you help any in the world who truly want and need your help? 

(Allow time for an answer)
You are better than most if you are willing to help people even if you do not know them. For a community is not just the people we know but the whole world.
Crone:      Do you understand that from this day on you will no longer be a child, youth, or teen? 
(Allow time for an answer)
Welcome, and may the Light of the God and Goddess shine on you wherever you go.
HPS:           Let it be known that Sarah is a new adult in her Community. Accept her as one of our own, and welcome into our Circle of Adulthood. 
(Give gift of Book of Shadows)
Raising Energy
(Gather round those who have just come of age for blessings)

         I would like to do an Elemental Ohm – Earth, Air, Fire, Water, four OM’s.  We’re going to begin by taking a deep, relaxing breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. Anyone can begin the sounding, beginning with a deep inhale. Once someone begins others can follow, holding the sound as long as comfortable. Take a second breath to begin again, don't wait for others, and simply begin again when ready. Begin the fourth breath when ready, holding the sound, and then falling silent when done.
Wish Box
(Burn all the old wishes)

The Wish Box is a tradition started in 1995 by Circle of One. We invite you tonight to join us as we continue the tradition. Write down a wish, fold it up tight, and place it into the Wish Box. Your wishes and dreams will stay in the box, gathering energy, until the next time we do Circle. Then they’ll be burned and released to the Universe. The only thing we do ask is that you don’t specifically name another person in your wish.

Great Rite
(Hold a pitcher of water over the bowl of water on the altar)
HPS:         The still, pooling waters of the Earth represent the Feminine aspect of our world rising up to greet the Father Sun before falling back to the soil. The racing waters of our rivers and streams represent the Masculine aspect of our Earth flowing forth across the land, returning to the oceans of the Mother. 

(Pour the water from the pitcher into the bowl)

When combined they become the unity and diversity of our lives.  As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within. Let us be joined as one community by those things that make us different. So Mote It Be!! 
Blessings of the Cake & Ale
HPS:    Maiden of Spring, Lady of Summer and Crone of the Fall and Winter; please bless this food so that none of your children will ever know hunger.
HP:  Infant God of Spring, Oak King of the Summer, and Holly King of Fall and Winter; please bless this drink so that your children will never know thirst. 
Together:    All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So Mote It Be!
Thanking Divinity
HPS:         Maiden, Lady and Crone; we thank you for your presence here this night. Please continue to walk beside those children who now move forward in life. Guide their hearts, their minds, and their tongues. We thank you all for your insight and wisdom. So Mote It Be. 
HP:  Infant God, Oak King, Holly King; we thank you for your presence here this night. Please continue to stand beside those children who now move forward in life. Protect their spirit, and honor their individuality. We thank you all for your guidance and knowledge. So Mote It Be.
Releasing the Quarters
Together:          Hail to the Pillars of Light. Thank you for your presence and assistance this night. We bid you well as you depart, may there be peace between us.  May you always Blessed Be 
Opening the Circle

HPS:         Lay lines of this world and sky we thank you for hearing our call this night and for the web of protection that shielded us from harm. May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again


Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)