Sunday, September 29, 2024

Witch's Rune 1999 CO1

The Witch's Rune

Darksome night and Shining Moon, East, then South, then West, then North, Harken to the Witch's Rune. Here come I to call thee forth.

Earth and Water, Air and Fire, Wand and Pentacle and Sword, Work ye unto my desire. Harken ye unto my word.

Cords and Censer, Scourge and knife, Powers of the Witches Blade, Waken all ye into life, Come ye as the Charm is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Horned Hunter of the Night, Lend your power unto the Spell. Work my will by Magick Rite.

By all the power of land and sea, by all the might of moon and sun. As I do will, so mote it be.  Chant the spell, and be it done!

I call the Earth to bind my spell. Air to speed it well. Bright as Fire shall it glow. Deep as tide of Water flow. Count the elements fourfold. In the fifth the spell shall hold.  So Mote it Be!
Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Charge of the God 1996 CO1

Charge of the God, 1996

Listen to the words of the Green God, He who of old was called among the people:   Osiris, Adonis, Dionysus, Bacchus, Tammuz and by many other names.

I, Who am the weapon and the wound, the healer and the healed, the dying and the undying, call to you.  For I am the bringer of change.  As I die, so shall you die.  As I am reborn, so shall you live again.  For Mine is the sacrifice that brings new life, and Mine the return that brings hope to the children of Earth.

And all your works shall avail you not, unless you heed My call.  In this place, at this time, you are changed.  All that has come before has brought you here, and prepared you for all that is yet to be.  Yours is My sacrifice, yours is My rebirth, and yours is My destiny. 

For I am the lover and the beloved, the perceiver and the perceived, the slayer and the slain. And as I live and die in you, so do you live and die in others.  As you are joined to Me, so are you joined to all living. 

So let there be laughter and tears, discourse and silence, understanding and forgiveness, all in My name, for all acts of courage and trust are My rituals.  To you, as well, I pass the secret:   that the pain you bear is borne by many, and Mine is the love that revives your soul.

Hear the words of the Horned God, Whose hooves rest in the depths of the Earth, and Whose antlers embrace the heavens:

I Who am the Father of all living, and the cry in the wild, and the song in your spirit, bid you listen to My call.  For Mine is the ancient flame that burns in your heart, the drumbeat that stirs your soul, and the seed that springs from the imagination. 

I am the Great God, sought and feared, worshipped and reviled, beloved and despised.  The wild places are My temple, the wild creatures My heralds, and the elements My instruments. 

To those who know Me, I bring balance and purpose, movement and direction, success and completion.  But in the end, all things return to Me.  For while Mine is the breath of inspiration, Mine too is the wind of oblivion. 

Therefore, live for each moment.  Let there be wildness and revelry, impulse and freedom, joy and passion in your life.  Take all that I offer to you, for you pass this way but once.  Strive ever towards your dream, but remember that the greatest joy is not in the end itself, but in the quest to achieve it.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Angel Esbat, Dragonfly

Angel Moon
Circle Dragonfly 10/20/24
Community Workings, Thanks, Earth Focus
Hunter's Moon in Aries
Working:   Angels & Elements
Colors:       Orange, Red, Gold
Scents:       Patchouli, Orange, Cinnamon,
Flower:       Poinsettia
Animal:      Deer, Fox
Power:       Release, Letting Go, Renewal, Transformation
Personal:   Reach out to friends, family, the lonely & needy
Circle Assignments
HP - High Priest, HPS - High Priestess (Management)
4 Assistants – Quarter Calls
2 Helpers – Smudge, Anoint, Cakes & Ale
Altar Set-up/Devotions – Helpers
(light all the candles on the Altar except the God and Goddess Candles)
By the powers of the Ancient Ones, in the names of all who have gone before. 
We remember thee, we honor thee.
Cleanse the Area – Helpers
Smudge/Anoint Participants – Helpers
(Use oil to anoint the group – clockwise, walk the inside of the circle to anoint and welcome each person in whatever fashion feels comfortable)
Unite energies – HP/HPS
(Start with a Round Robin. Introduce yourself, speak a little bit about yourself and encourage the others to do the same - starting with the person to your left.)
Meditation/Chant – Helpers

The Hunter’s Moon gets its name from the role it plays in our ancient connection to the seasons of nature. With its appearance in the sky, it marks a time when the wilderness wakes up, and the hunt for food becomes essential. Nestled in the heart of autumn, the Hunter Moon casts its light upon the world, helping hunters at night and guiding their way through the darkened forests. In the embrace of this moon, we’re invited to consider the delicate balance of life and death. And to honor the beautiful dance of nature’s cycles. October’s full moon serves as a gentle reminder to pause and pay attention to the changes happening around us. Its beautiful glow, akin to the warm glow of a campfire, offers an opportunity for connection. Whether it’s through quiet moonlit strolls or gatherings that celebrate the season, this moon invites us to enjoy ourselves in its silvery light.
The October full moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon, or Blood Moon. It’s believed to be a time of great power, when the veil between the spiritual world and the mundane world is very thin. This moon is associated with courage and strength, as it is believed to aid hunters in the successful hunt. October is also a time to honor the ancestors and those who have passed on, as it is believed to be a time of spiritual connection. For us it’s also a good time to do spiritual and physical house cleaning, getting rid of what doesn’t serve you in the coming year, be that bad habits or clutter in your home.
Cast Circle – HP/HPS
First time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of light, beauty and sight.
Brilliant Seraphim, Mighty Cherubim, the Stable Thrones of the first sphere.
Second time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of authority, life and spirit. Dominions of Leadership, Powers of Protection, the Miraculous Virtues of the second sphere
Third time round, this Circle’s bound.  With wings of justice, delight and friendship. Righteous Principalities, Glorious Archangels, the Guardian Angels of the third sphere
Three times round, this Circle’s bound. Fashioned by the wings of the Angels. We create this Sacred Space, with wings of justice, delight and friendship. Where night and day, birth and death, Joy and sorrow, all meet as one. As above, so it is below.  As without, so it is within. This Circle is now sealed. So, Mote it be.
Call Quarters, E/S/W/N – Helpers
South:    I call forth the Governor of the South, the Archangel Michael. Powers of the South, burn away the endings that hold us back.  Shine your gentle rays upon new goals. Guide us tonight to enrich our self-worth
West:    I call forth the Governor of the West, the Archangel Gabriel. Powers of the west, cleanse our lives of unnecessary and harmful habits. Drop your renewing rains upon us for growth.  Guide us tonight to have mercy on those who shed tears.
North:    I call forth the Governor of the North, the Archangel Uriel. Powers of the North, let your renewing Magick bury old ways, and open new paths before us. Guide us tonight to plant our feet firmly in your riches.

Light God/Goddess Candles, Sprinkle Herbs – Helpers
Invocation God/Goddess – HP/HPS
HPS:         Father Sky, Lord of the beasts, and Protector of the Light, be with us now.
HP:  I am already here…
in your shadow on the ground, and the whisper on the wind.
I am here in the sunlight on your hair, and the soft sounds of a gentle rain…
I have always been here for you.
HP:  Mother Earth, Lady of the Grain, and Source of the Light, be with us now.
HPS:         I am already here…
in the beating of your heart, and the innocence of a child’s smile,
I am here in the light of your Lover’s eyes, and the understanding of a true friend…
I have always been here for you
Spell Work instructions – HP/HPS
Perform the Work – HP/HPS
Raise Power – HP/HPS
(Clap hands, begin slow/soft and gradually increase speed/volume)
Cakes & Ale – Helpers
Nuts and Berries, Roots and Leaves; Bounty born of all that lives. Fruit in trees and grain in sheaves; Praise for all the good Earth gives.
All that we do is in service and in honor to the God and Goddess.  May we never hunger - May we never thirst.  So, mote it be!
Thank God/Goddess – HP/HPS
Father Sky, Mother Earth
What no human ear could hear, you heard.
What no human eye could see, you saw.
What no human heart could bear, you transformed.
What no human hand could do, you did.
What no human power could change, you’ve changed.

Goddess of love, God of protection, You through whom all power flows; Source of all; Accept our humble tokens of thanks. From these Solitary Witches; Who have spoken; And who have been heard. Blessed Be
Extinguish Candles – Helpers
(Extinguish all the candles on the Altar)
Release Quarters, N/W/S/E – Helpers
North:      Thank you, Archangel Uriel, Governor of the North, Powers of Earth. We welcome the new paths before us. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
West:        Thank you, Archangel Gabriel, Governor of the west, powers of Water. We welcome our new growth. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
South:       Thank you, Archangel Michiel, Governor of the West, Powers of Fire. We welcome our new goals. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
East:          Thank you, Archangel Raphiel, Governor of the East, Powers of Air. We welcome your winds of change. Stay if you will and feast with us, or go if you must. Hail and farewell. So, mote it be.
Open Circle – HP/HPS
May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and may we merry meet again!
Feast – Helpers

5 Stones 2024 CO1

5 Stones
By Celeborn
Elemental Alignment
Air; Topaz, Sodalite, Opal, Turquoise, Flint, Aventurine, Smokey Quartz, Cat’s Eye, Diamond, Iolite, Moldavite, Petrified Wood, Geodes
Fire; Citrine, Corundum, Garnet, Lava rock, Tourmaline, Carnelian, Sunstone, Rose Quartz, Flint, Cat’s Eye, Diamond, Abalone, Labradorite
Water; Amethyst, Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Coral, Jade, Lapis, Pearl, Selenite, Moonstone, Iolite, Moldavite, Abalone, Labradorite, Fluorite
Earth; Hematite, Agate, Onyx, Jet, Coal, Malachite, Blood Stone, Peridot, Jasper, Rutilated Quartz, Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Petrified Wood, Geodes, Ammonite, Lingam, Fluorite
Spirit; Quartz
Multi Elemental
Air/Fire; Flint, Cat’s Eye, Diamond
Air/Water; Iolite, Moldavite
Earth/Fire; Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, Amber
Earth/Air; Petrified Wood, Geodes
Fire/Water; Abalone (Mother of Pearl), Labradorite
Water/Earth; Ammonite (fossil), Shiva Lingam, Fluorite
Protection, Luck, Stability, Grounding; (Earth Stones) Obsidian, Calcite, Jet, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye
Divination, Focus/Concentration, Medium; (Water Stones) Moon Quartz, Quartz, Flourite, Iolite
Banishment, Cleansing, Energy Transfer; (Earth & Fire Stones) Shiva Lingam, Quartz
Healing, Rejuvenation, Calming, Emotional Healing; (Air & Water Stones) Quartz, Labradorite
Balancing, Rebirth, Change; (Earth, Water, Fire, & Air Stones), Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Obsidian, Moldavite
Prosperity, Love; (Earth & Fire Stones) Quartz, Ammonite, Abalone
Clearing/Resetting Crystals
Sunlight - dawn to dusk
Soil - overnight
Salt - overnight, but can work in just a few minutes

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Yule Sabbat 2023 Dragonfly

Yule Sabbat
Circle Dragonfly 12/21/23

Tonight, we gather to turn the page. Soon 2023 will be over, and 2024 will begin. Don’t focus on leaving things behind, but rather on accepting change and moving forward. Every story has a beginning and an ending; and we are all merely turning the page to begin a new chapter.
Smudge & Anoint

Welcome to all who come to keep the Old Ways. Tonight, we’re here to celebrate the Season, to look back on all the wonderful moments we’ve enjoyed this past year. May the light of the Sun find its way into our hearts.
(Invite everyone to form a line for smudging and anointing)
Alter Devotions
(Wait until everyone is seated and comfortable)

May the time be close at hand when all may live in harmony
A peaceful world of kindred hearts, united as a family
In your heart, may there be peace
In your home, may there be happiness
In the world, may there be love, So Mote it Be

Ancient people saw the flow of time as circular, not linear, and the Changing Seasons were understood as a Great Wheel, or Wheel of the Year. The beautiful wreaths that decorate our doors and windows are a symbol of the New Year and its turning. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. The wheel of the year has turned once more and the nights have grown longer and colder. Now the darkness begins to retreat and light begins its return once again. As the wheel continues to turn, the Sun returns to us once more. In ancient times the return of the light was never taken for granted. And people never forgot how their very lives depended on its return. Homes were decorated with evergreens and candles so that the new light would find welcome and beauty in the New Year.

Cast Circle

Three times round this Circle’s bound. From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to the North again. 
The first is a Circle of Protection, as we ask our Father Nature to cast a protective eye upon all who dwell within these walls.
The second is a Circle of Hope, as we understand that all who pass through these doors will find hope in themselves and in their futures.
The third is a Circle of Love, as we know that our Mother Earth shines the light of Her love upon all who gather here beneath this roof.
Three times round this Circle’s bound.  North, South, East and West from edge to edge this Circle is cast. So, Mote It Be.

Crone:    I am The Crone, the Old One who rules the time of Winter. Do you know my names? Hecate, Cerridwen, Spider Grandmother. I am midwife of life and death, the Changer, she who stands at the crossroads. I am the storyteller. This night I have brought the guardians of each direction to tell the story of the Sun God, a story of Life, Death, and Rebirth!
Call the Quarters

NORTH:  I am the North, the place of midnight, ruled by the element of Earth.  I am the place of the ancestors and ancient wisdom, of all that has walked the Wheel through millennia and knows the way.  I rule the time of Winter.
HPS - The time of Darkness is now upon us; a time of cold and scarcity when the northern-most Earth leans farthest from the Sun.  The Sun gives brief light and little warmth.  The life that was lies shattered and still, retreated like refugees in the migration of herds, the flight of the flocks.  The trees stand stripped and naked in their poverty, imprisoned in ice, bowed and broken by storms.  In suffering and hardship, you learn what is essential. Your wealth is taken, your weakness exposed, your dreams perish. Even the God, too, dies!  So, Mote it Be.
Crone:    Remember that you are EARTH – Ground, Give, Build, and Heal
EAST:       I am the East the place of the dawn, ruled by the element of Air. I am the breath of life, of speech and song. I watch over all the winged ones. I am the season of Spring, the season of birth and new creation surging forth.
HPS - Can you remember the Spring? Life surges forth in buds and sprouts. The trees dress their branches in new leaves as the sap rises to rouse them from sleep. The birds return from the realms of the South to raise their children. New life comes forth and multiplies. The Earth warms and leans towards the Sun as she greens and blossoms. Each day the young Sun rises in the East and each day grows stronger. Each day the time of light lasts longer. Did you think it would last forever? The Wheel turns!  Hail and Blessed Be.
Crone:    Remember that you are AIR – Observe, Breath, Focus, and Decide
SOUTH:   I am the South, the place of mid-day, ruled by the element of Fire. I am the passion and laughter of life; keeper of Earth's fertility, Guardian of all that walks and crawls on the Earth.  I hold the gift of fertile Earth from whence your crops come forth.  I am the blessing of children, the keeper of truth and innocence.  I am the season of Summer.
HPS - Can you remember the Summer? The fruit sets upon the vines and the branches of the trees. The herds fatten on the thick grass of the upper pastures. Young animals scamper and play under the watchful eyes of the older animals. The young birds learn to fly. Your own children take shade under the glorious leaf canopy of the trees. The Earth leans nearest the Sun, radiant in her beauty. The Sun, strong and hot, is at the peak of His power. And the light exceeds the darkness. Did you think it would last forever? The Wheel turns!  Hail and Blessed Be.
Crone:    Remember that you are FIRE – Burn, Tame, Adapt, and Ignite
WEST:      I am the West, place of dusk, ruled by the Element of Water. I am the guardian of life's water, from the oceans' depths to the waters of the womb that rocked you before your birth. I am the sweet rain satisfying the thirsty Earth, and keeper of all that swims and lives in water. I am the place of all that lies below the surface, of intuition and dreams. I am the season of Fall and I rule the time of Harvest.
HPS - Can you remember the time of Fall? Do you remember the backbreaking labor of harvesting the grains and fruits and vegetables; the vines and trees heavy with their bounty?  Now the young animals take their places beside the elders and begin the great migrations to the realms of the South and the pastures of the lowlands. The trees transform from deep green into glorious gold, orange, and red, their true colors shine forth before they drop their finery, leaf by leaf, to the ground. Your own children must be dressed against the evening chill and you labor to make ready for the coming darkness. The Earth stands apart from the Sun who grows cooler, and the light begins to die. Did you think it would last forever? The Wheel turns!  Hail and Blessed Be.
Crone:    Remember that you are WATER – Cry, Cleanse, Flow, Let Go

HPS - Winter has always been a time to gather with family or friends, of returning to the hearth and home. It’s also a time of turning inward; a time of quiet reflection while the earth around us sleeps. This is when we reflect on the year past, when we stop to gather strength and make plans for the year ahead.

Stillness and thought of death come more readily to us in winter and remind us that each season is part of an ongoing cycle of birth, growth, fruition, and death.  The annuals that die in winter provide the mulch and compost for the spring seedlings. The cold of winter provides the dormancy for seeds and bulbs so that they may burst forth in spring. The harshness of winter prepares us for the burst of creativity, freedom, and light of spring and summer. The crisp, clear, cold, nights reveal a sky filled with the stars of the galaxies that connect us with our origins and the origins of all that is.  The bare branches of trees, stripped to the essentials, remind us to reflect on what is essential in our lives.

Winter brings the still time for us to consider what is meaningful and what is not. To ask ourselves what choices have I made, what have I done to bring light into someone else’s life? What inheritance have I received from life, what legacy will I leave? To take the time in winter's quiet to ponder these deeper, inner questions pays honor to this season and to the eternal rhythms of the Earth.  The people in darkness have seen a great light and though this light is yet small, it grows stronger as it grows in each of us. As the wheel turns, the light returns.
Crone:    The Winter Solstice promises new dreams, new hopes and new light. Our lives are not measured by the things we possess…or the power we wield...but by the light we leave in someone else’s life.  The simple things that we do…like a welcoming smile, the selfless things…like lending a hand to someone else in need…the sacrificing things…like babysitting when what you really want is quiet.  These are all examples of the light we can shine in our own lives.  As we light our candles in recognition of the light returning to the New Year…we invite others to talk about what they would like to do in the coming year to bring a little of our own light to others.
Cakes & Ale

May this food & drink bring light and life to those who enjoy them. May their hope be strong through all the days of the coming year.  All that we do is in service and in honor to you.  May we never hunger, May we never thirst.  So, Mote It Be!
Release Circle

May the spirit of Yule remain with us all through the coming year, may our obstacles vanish and our seeds take root and flourish as we are all blessed with compassion.  May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled, this Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mabon Sabbat 1997 CO1

CUUPS-Mabon Ritual  9/19/97

Entering the Circle
(Drumming while folks are entering the circle)

Purify before circle
(smudge with cauldron)
Welcome and Bright Blessings


Challenge:    How do you enter this circle?
Response:    In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

If no response ask:    You enter this circle with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, do you do so willingly?
Response:    Yes

Statement of Intent
HPS:    Welcome to the CUUPS Fall Equinox, or Mabon Ritual.  Once more the wheel has turned.  The thread of life has been measured and is now ready to be cut.  Those dreams only just realized at Spring Equinox are now coming into fruition.  We gather here tonight in this Sacred Space, in a place that is not a place, in a time that has no time, between the Worlds, to give thanks for the simple things that give life pleasure.  Tonight is also a time of gathering in, a time for looking inward.  Now is a time for remembering the experiences of the past, of savoring those memories once more before storing them away in preparation for life’s winter.

(Group 'OM')
HPS:    Tonight we’re going to ground with a group `OM`.  Everyone please hold hands.  Take several deep breaths and on the count of three begin first 'OM' hold as long as possible, inhale, and begin the second 'OM' don't stop or wait for others.  Continue for third 'OM' and stop when done.  Wait until sounds die out.

Casting the Circle
HPS:    Always has life fulfilled its cycle and led again to life in the eternal wheel of the living. In honor of the Old Ones, we mark the fullness of our lives and the harvest of this year's lessons.  Everyone may now concentrate on the richness of life, this moment of balance between light and dark, and the harvest of our life's lessons, while we honor the changing of the season by casting this circle.

HP:    To the good seasons that have gone and the good ones yet to come. The circle is cast once, in Balance and Alignment.  So Mote it be.
    To the Earth! May she bring peace, bounty, and fulfillment to all her children. This circle is cast Twice, in Compassion and Generosity. So mote it be.
    To the Sky! May he empower us, protect us, and bring prosperity and joy. This circle is cast Thrice, in Strength and Unity. So Mote it be.

HPS:    Here is the boundary of the circle. Naught but love shall enter in, Naught but love shall emerge from within. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones.

Calling the Quarters
East:    Guardians of the Watchtower of the East.  We do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come to us  now on the cool breath of Autumn's sigh which heralds the advent of Winter and the close of harvest time.  Breathe into us the spirit of the pure joy of life.  So Mote it be!

South: Guardians of the Watchtower of the South, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the cook fires and smokehouses where food is being made ready for the coming cold months.  Kindle within us the flame of spiritual awakening.  So mote it be!

West:  Guardians of the Watchtower of the West, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that covers the fields, and is soon to be frost.  Asperge us with your diadems and water our deepest roots that we may find peace of mind.  So mote it be!

North: Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, we do summon, stir, and call Thee up to protect us in our rite.  Come forth from the fertile bosom of our Blessed Mother Earth, and nourish us so that our hopes may grow to fruition.  So mote it be!

Invoking the Goddess & God
HPS: I call upon the blessed Lady, Queen of the harvest, giver of life and plenty since before time began.  I ask that you bestow upon us your joy and beauty, power and prosperity.  Join your energies with us tonight!

HP:  I call upon the Lord of the Harvest, sacred King, giver of riches and protection since before time began. I ask that you bestow upon us your strength and laughter, power and prosperity. Join your energies with us tonight!

In the middle of the circle:
The Wheel with fall leaves, flowers decorating it.
Around Wheel at the Quarters will be colored candles and baskets
    East....yellow candle with basket full of multi-colored feathers. candle with basket full of multi-colored birthday candles.
    West....Blue candle with basket full of multi-colored seashells. candle with basket full of small multi-colored stones.
Basket with multi-colored Spirit bags.

HPS: What do you wish to harvest from your experiences this summer?  What lessons have you learned? Soon we will go to the wheel and harvest what we need for the long winter ahead.  Whenever you are low in energy...think of your harvest.  But before we can reap...we must dance, sing and celebrate what we have earned.  All join hands and move closer to the center.  Those that would like to drum can stay where they are. Everyone facing in and moving to their left, clockwise.  The energy that is raised tonight will be directed through me, your High Priestess, into the center of our circle to empower the objects of our harvest.

Drumming and Dance

HPS: As these baskets are passed around pick out a colored Spirit bag for your harvest.  Now, when you are ready pick what you will need for the winter.

HP: May you understand the harvest better this day and take with you the memories of the past harvests.

HPS:  Gracious Goddess of Abundance, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love. In Your names, Mother Goddess and Father God, I bless this wine.

HP: Powerful God of the Harvest, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love. In Your names, Father God and Mother Goddess, I bless these cakes.
Releasing the Quarters
North:  Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, return now to the Earth where worms burrow deeper and seeds nestle awaiting the long sleep of Winter.  Take with you our blessings and thanks.  Hail and farewell!

West:  Guardians of the Watchtower of the West, return now to the Autumn rains which cool the Earth's fevered brow baked in the heat of  Summer afternoons.  Take with you our blessings and thanks.   Hail and farewell!                   

South: Guardians of the Watchtower of the South, return now to the dying fires of Autumn's heat soon to give way to Winter's chill.  Take with you our blessings and thanks.  Hail and farewell!

East:    Guardians of the Watchtower of the East, return now to the  brisk Autumn breezes which are brimming with the excitement of the year's climax.  Take with you our blessings and thanks.  Hail and farewell!

Opening the Circle
HPS:    Equal night and equal day, Soon the light will fade away.
Equal day and equal night, This circle fades as does the light.
 Thus the magick we invoke, Fades anon like wisps of smoke.
Until we next decide to play.   SO MOTE IT BE!
Drumming and Chanting
May the circle - be open but unbroken,
May the Love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and Merry part and Merry meet again.

Welcome to the CircleOfOne Archives

Go Mbeannaigh    (Gaelic, Ireland - Blessed Be)
Beannaichte Be    (Gaelic, Scotland - Blessed Be)

Sonqongi Apukuna Wak'aychasunkiku
   (Quechua, Peru - May the Heart of the Mountain bless you)

Xut Kala Xetl     (Tlingit, Alaska - Blessed Be)
Seja Abençoado     (Portuguese, Portugal - Blessed Be)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mid Autumn 2024 Dragonfly

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
Circle Dragonfly 9/15/24
Sage and Anointing
HPS - Tonight, we are Celebrating, the Mid-Autumn Festival, also called the Moon Festival in China, that happens on the 15th day, of the 8th month, in the Chinese lunar calendar, which is sometimes in late September or early October, around the Autumn Equinox. It is an autumn harvest festival and is the second of the most important celebrations of the year in China.
HP - The moon is fullest and brightest this day of year and is called the Harvest Moon. The Chinese relied on the lunar cycles and phases for planting and harvesting, so this Mid-Autumn Festival is to celebrate the end of autumn. The brightness that illuminates from this harvest moon light helped the farmers work late into the night.
HPS - We will start off watching a short informative video about how the Chinese, celebrate this Harvest moon and which Deities they Honor during this celebration.
Altar Devotions
(Light candles and incense, Sprinkle herbs)
Circle cleansing
(Perform the Dragon dance with the silk Dragon)
(The Dance Drives away evil spirits and ushers in good luck and blessings
for the community)
Cast Circle
HPS - Three times round this Circles bound. From the North and the East to the South and the West then back to North again.
HP - We call upon the Dragons of Spirit- Rulers of the center of the circle. Dragons of Power, Dragons of Light, Dragons of Wisdom, Dragons of Might Lend us your magic; lend us your aid, lend us your guidance as this spell is made. We summons you to this circle. Power, peace and protection will come in and bind us together with the Divine through Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
HPS - Three times round, this circle is bound. As above, so is below. As without, so it is within, this circle is sealed. So, Mote it Be.
Unite energies
ESP - Get comfortable, Close your eyes. Deep Breath in and release, three times, as you recite, visualize roots growing from your feet, anchoring you to the Earth. Imagine a beam of light from the sky filling you with cosmic energy.
Let these energies mix and balance within. Repeat until you feel connected and centered.
Earth below, Sky above, fill me with peace, surround me with love. Roots grow deep, spirit soar high, grounded and centered, between earth and sky.
Invoke the elements
North - By Earth's firm foundation grounded and wise
East - In air's boundless wisdom we seek to rise
South - With fire's fierce passion our spirit is free
West - In water's deep emotion we find our sea.
With elements of four, our powers align in nature's dance our connection shines. Together they guide us within and out a balanced spirit without any doubt. By earth, air, fire and water's grace, we find our center in this sacred space.  Blessed Be
HPS - We gather here tonight, under the full moon light, in honor of Three.
Chang’e, Fairy Moon Goddess, who lives on the moon. That took the elixir of immortality to keep it out of the hands of a treacherous man. Hail and welcome
ESP - Yu Tu, who lives on the moon with Chang’e, her emotional support Rabbit and is a Pharmacist for the Gods that makes potions of immortality. Hail and Welcome
HP - God Hou Yi, Chang’e’s Husband, A Heroic Famous Archer, who shot down nine of the ten suns out of the sky that was overheating earth and saved the world. Hail and welcome
HPS - They saved Humanity with selfless acts of love and sacrifice and teach us the importance of the moon. Chang'e's connection to the divine feminine through the lunar energy is a source of inspiration. May we all look up to these ethics. Hail and Welcome to our circle!
Craft the lanterns

HP - lanterns are symbolic beacons of hope and prosperity
Invocation wish
HPS - Chang’e Moon Goddess Guide us to manifest the goals, wishes, and intentions in our lives that we are setting now. Meditate visualizing what you would like to create and manifest in your life right now. After this is clear, write down those specific intentions, goals, and wishes you would like to set.
(Light your lantern and speak)
All - Chang’e bless me with the belief in myself and courage to take the steps to manifest these intentions, goals, and wishes I am setting now. Blessed Be
Cakes and Ale
HP - Bless these moon cakes which symbolizes the full moon and represents happy reunions with loved ones. Mooncakes are exchanged as a way to give thanks for the harvest. May you never hunger.
HPS - Bless this Osmanthus tea, with prosperity, good health, love and romance. May you never thirst.
ESP - Bless this Pantao Peach of immortality, for a wish of a long healthy life. Blessed Be
We thank the God, Goddess and Jade Rabbit for joining and sharing in these elixirs of life with us, as a light of aspiration, promising rejuvenation and the pursuit of longevity. We Honor you and your time of teaching us the importance of Selflessness and Sacrifice. This Mid-Autumn festival when the moon is the brightest and closest to earth is the closest that you would ever be together. You teach us to cherish the time we have with loved ones. In China this festival of enjoying the time we have with each other and reunions is very important on this September full moon. Blessed Be
Release the Elements
Element of the West, of Water. Element of the South, of Fire. Element of East, of Air. Elements of the North, of Earth. Thank you for your blessings upon this circle, stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell!
Open Circle
HP - Open now this sacred space; send all Dragons back to place. Fare thee well and safe return. May those who guide us with their light, protect us in the dark and walk beside us on the roads traveled - This Circle is open but unbroken, merry meet, merry part and my we merry meet again!
West - Element of the West, of Water. Thank you for your blessings upon this circle, stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell!
South - Element of the South, of Fire. Thank you for your blessings upon this circle, stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell!
East - Element of East, of Air. Thank you for your blessings upon this circle, stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell!
North -
Elements of the North, of Earth. Thank you for your blessings upon this circle, stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell!
